
High Creatinine Leve for kidney failure patient How to lower it ?

Creatinine can show the degree of kidney damage . Creatinine  is a break-down product of creatine phosphate in muscle, and is usually produced at a fairly constant rate by the body .The normal range of creatinine level in adults is 0.5~1.1mg/dl for female and 0.6~1.2mg/dl for male. 

Symptoms of too much creatinine

Symptoms of high levels of creatinine in the blood are the same as kidney failure symptoms. Some people find out they have kidney failure when extreme creatinine amounts show up in routine blood tests, without feeling any symptoms at all. Yet some people may experience the following:
Weakness, or feeling tired
Shortness of breath

Treatment of kidney failure patients with high creatinine level 

Kidney failure causes high creatinine level, so only through recovering kidney functions can we get creatinine level lowered effectively.

Introduce to us one of  Blood purification technology - Plasma exchange .

Plasm exchange is a kind of way to eliminate middle and macro molecule elements blood purification,drawing blood from blood bump to plasma separator ,separating plasma and cell element ,eliminating pathogenic plasma and toxic elements in the plasma selectively and ,making cell elements blood purified and displacing liquid body needs supplement back to body .
Step one
Drawing patients’blood from blood bump to separator
Step two
Separating molecular weight lower than blood cell’s plasma elements including immune complex and cell factor and immune globulin .
Step 3
Bring blood cell separated back to body and plasma going though element separator with less membrane pore.
Step 4
Helpful substance separated such as albumin , amino acid , glucose and electrolyte back to body
Step 5
Abandoning the relative molecular mass far more than albumin pathogenic elements such immune globulin ,cell factor.
Step 6

Bring back fresh plasm with amount of albumin to patients’ body.

If you have interested in this therapy Or if you have any question about kidney disease . Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .



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