
How to Lower High Creatinine 2.3 for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients with Edema

The level of creatinine can show the damaged degree to the kidneys. Creatinine 2.3 have higher than the normal level. Higher level of creatinine indicates a lower glomerular filtration rate and as a result a decreased capability of the kidneys to excrete waste products.And creatinine 2.3 can show a moderate injury to the kidneys. In this stage the patients may suffer from edema. So today I want to share with you how to lower high creatinine 2.3 for CKD patients with edema.

Cause of edema in CKD patients 

First, there are swelling and hyperplasia occur in the glomerular capillary endothelial cell and mesenchymal cell, which caused the glomerular decreased in blood volume, meanwhile the kidney tubules are reabsorbing water normally, consequently there will be little or no concentrated urine discharged, the fluid will be retained in blood and tissue space, and patients will commonly experience generalized edema, the CKD routinely had reached its mid-to-late stage under this situation.

CKD treatment 

We recommend you the new therapy, which combines Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It can eliminate those immune complex depositing in kidney area through expanding blood vessels, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Chinese herbs can also lower blood sugar and repair damaged kidney tissues and improve the self-healing . Immunotherapy will replace the dead renal tissues and cells. When the kidney function is recovered, the creatinine and other toxins will be discharged out of body, of course the creatinine level will decline.

Have any questions? You can send email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail. Or chat with our online doctor at below. Hope this article can help you a litle.



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