
The alternative treatment for kidney failure with high creatinine level

Is there any alternative treatment to reduce high creatinine level? This is a question concerns most of patients and their family members, if you have the same doubt, you are welcomed to send email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.

ACE normally converts a hormone called angiotensin I to a related hormone called angiotensin II, which constricts blood vessels, increases sodium and water retention, activates the sympathetic nervous system, stimulates fibrosis (stiffening) of the heart and blood vessels, and promotes heart cell growth. The immediate net effect of these changes is to raise blood pressure, but over time this hormone can cause damage to the heart and kidneys. ACE inhibitors block the action of ACE, thus decreasing the amount of angiotensin II and in turn minimizing its effects.

The alternative treatment for kidney failure with high creatinine level

Except this treatment, out hospital also Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Hot Compress Therapy, Foot Bath. These treatments are external application, which makes it possible to have less adverse effects to patients. In order to be absorbed effectively, the Chinese herbs should be refined into powder and then collected into two medicated bags which is put on patients’ low back area, with the help of osmotic machine, the active substances can come out and then penetrate into kidney lesions directly. The functions that the Chinese herbs can achieve are promoting blood circulation, extending blood vessels, delivering sufficient oxygen and blood to the kidneys. So as to repair the diseased cells and kidney tissues.

If you want to know more details about the natural treatments, please send email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.



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