The following content is a patient’s test report, and our doctor’s
suggestions about his disease condition.
Hello friend,have a nice day! I send you email as soon as i got back from
treatment center. before i have had a general understanding of your daughter's
condition.Given from the report,i can find that her current condition is crucial
enough.Please don't be worry and i can understand your feeling.Believing i can
bring some substantial help for her.
Kidney failuare patients with nausea and Creatinine 7.4 and urea 135 treatment
The development of kidney disease is divided into 3 stage:inflammatory
reaction stage,fibrosis formation stage,and scarring formation stage.The three
stages is often exist at the same time.Now she is in the transition phase of the
forth and the fifth stage renal failure.From the reports,we can also see the
symptoms of kidney failure such as very high toxins(high serum creatinine,high
urea,high uric acid),severe renal anemia,serious electrolyte disorder etc.
No matter what kind of kidney disease she has at the first time,it does not
make any sense at present. she is now at a highly critical juncture, so timely
treatment is necessary for her.
You know,according to international standard,when GFR below 14%,then dialysis
will be necessary.As for me,i dont so strongly suggest my patient take dialysis
due to many side effects.What is more,once patient started dialysis for a long
term,it will be hard for them to get rid of it. her creatinine level at present
is at a quite high level, what is more,her proteinuria means her disease is
still in progressing.If continue like this,she will enter into dialysis period
in the future.
But you also need not worry too. we still have confidence to help her to
improve the kidney function and reverse her kidney problem. Actually the process
of kidney disease is just the process of kidney fibrosis. Fibrosis process is
mainly divided into three stages as i told you above: first, inflammatory
reaction period.Second, fibrosis formation.Third, hardening and scar
formation.Although the degree of fibrosis are heavier now, but part of her
kidneys are no fibrosis, and our main treatment method is to block the progress
of renal fibrosis, even if her fibrosis nephron happen now, but their function
is not complete loss, as long as we seize the treatment opportunity, blocking
the development of fibrosis, her damaged kidney cells can still be repaired. And
her renal function can be improved and restored. Also,for the kidney cysts, we
have our natural therapies like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to help to
inactivate cysts. Quite different from the western method of surgery, our herbal
treatment is safe without suffering or side effects. now she has no serious
discomforts and complications caused by kidney damage. Only 21 years old,so
young with good metabolism can get recover quickly.
Our Contact way Welcome you Contact me
whether you have any kind of kidney problem want to consult.