Nephrotic Syndrome is one of kidney disease can occur in Children. So many patients want to find out the treatment and daily care of Nephrotic Syndrome for their children.
Nephrotic syndrome is a clinical disorder characterised by heavy proteinuria,
hypoalbuminaemia and edema.
Take measures as soon as possible is the best important way to treat Nephrotic Syndrome. Once your children are diagnosed with
Nephrotic Syndrome, you need to make a decision in front of all therapies as
soon as possible. Early treatment should not only cost you less, but also bring
your children a better effect. The earlier you take measures, the less damages
occur in your children and the more renal functions will be improved.
Daily care of Nephrotic Syndrome for Children
Apart from treatment, nursing care should be another supportive measure in
remitting Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome.
You should offer foods high in potassium, low in sodium, fat and sugar for
your children.
Discuss with your doctor about the tolerated activities.
Restrict fluids as ordered. Strictly monitor intake and output.
Take good care of the edematous skin of child patient.
Give emotional support to the child.
Help child adjust to body image changes by explaining changes ahead of
If you want to know our therapy to treat Nephrotic Syndrome patients. Contact me through