
CKD with protein in urine, swelling in body and High Creatinine 2.85

There are a patient story I want share with you.

Patients condition:I have been diagonsed with CKD and now my creatinine level is 2.85. I have protein in urine and there are swelling in my body. Now they have given me steriods 40mg and keycept S 360mg. And I want to some suggestions about the treatment of my disease.

Expert Answer:

While you were just diagnosed with creatinine 2.85, the fact is that you had developed the disease long time ago. As you have missed the best treatment time, it is important for you to seek for an effective treatment as early as possible.
Creatinine level is not a very sensitive index in reflecting renal function. As our kidneys have powerful compensatory capacity, creatinine level does not increase until more than 50% of renal function becomes impaired.
From your DIF study, you can see that total 14 glomeruli are included in the renal core biopsy of which 7 glomeruli are globally sclerosed. Glomeruli are the basic functional units of our kidneys and each kidney is composed of one million glomeruli. These glomeruli can filter out waste products from blood and meanwhile keep useful substances like protein in body. You can count the total number of globally sclerosed glomeruil in your kidneys.
The damage to glomeruli can be divied into inflammation stage, fibrosis stage and sclerosed stage. In inflammation and early fibrosis stage, the glomeruli can be reversed. However, once glomeruli become sclerosed, they will fail to function totally. Therefore, it is very important to protect those remaining reversible glomeruli.
You can see that there is cellular matrix and inflammation in your kidneys. As kidney disease progresses, more matrix will produce in kidneys, thus changing the kidney structure further. Meanwhile, if the inflammation can not be suppressed, it will cause glomeruli fibrosis and finally sclerosis. Therefore, it is important for you to control inflammation in kidneys and prevent more matrix production as well as remove those harmful substances in both kidneys and blood.

While you are on steroids at present, the medicines only can suppress the inflammation in your kidneys and reduce the permeability of small blood vessels in kidneys. Hence, they can reduce protein in urine and relieve other symptoms temporarily. However, they can not remove those harmful substances in your kidneys and blood and can not prevent the adverse structural change in glomeruli.

Suggest Treatment  

For our treatment, we combine Western Medicine and Chinese Medicine, mainly depend on Chinese Medicine. Chinese Medicine has some difference from Western Medicine. Chinese Medicine values dialectical and eight principal syndrome differentiation, and four diagnostic methods( Inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiry and pulse-taking and palpation arethe). The application of each Chinese herbal medicine and each prescription are strictly according to these principles.
If you have any other questions or want to know more details about our treatment please let me know and I will try my best to do help. This is my email address: chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.



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