
How to remove blood in urine and lower high creatinine level for IgA Nephropathy patients?

IgA Nephropathy is one of autoimmunity disease. And blood in urine is one of the common symptoms of IgA Nephropathy. And creatinine level is one of important judgment criteria of one's kidney function. So today I want to tell you how to remove blood in urine and lower high creatinine level for IgA Nephropathy patients.

If patients′ level of creatinine is normal, it doesn′t mean that their kidneys are working 100%. Because level of creatinine will not rise up rapidly only after more than 50% of renal function has been damaged.

So when patients with IgA Nephropathy having high level of creatinine, it is very serious.

Treatment to lower high creatinine level for IgA Nephropathy patients

The core technology of Traditional Chinese medicine iontophoresis Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapoy is to make the effective substances superfinely shattered, then with the help of osmosis devices, the effective ingredient can be permeated into the kidney lesions directly, thus achieving the goal of repairing the damaged kidneys.
If patient′s creatinine level is very high, only Traditional Chinese medicine iontophoresis cannot have a favorable effect on patients. We must introduce Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy action into the treatment.

Have any questions? Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.



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