
How to Lower High Creatinine Level for Kidney Failure Patients Without dialysis

Creatinine is a waste product from normal muscle metabolism. It is easily filtered out of the blood by well-functioning kidneys and levels typically remain relatively stable in the body and bloodstream over time. So the creatinine level can be called a important way to determine the damaged degree of the kidney.

For kidney failure patients they will choose dialysis to lower their creatinine level though they don't like start dialysis.

How to lower high creatinine level for kidney failure patients without dialysis 

1.Treat your high blood pressure, if this is the underlying condition causing your kidneys to function abnormally. You may need high blood pressure medication, such as an ACE inhibitor. Your doctor may also recommend a diuretic if your hypertension medication is not sufficient.
Doctor taking patients blood pressure (Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images)

2.Control your diabetes. Diabetes can also cause kidney damage. If you’ve been unable to adequately control your blood sugar levels through a healthy diet and regular exercise, you may need to take diabetes medication or insulin.

3.Lower your LDL cholesterol. High cholesterol may also be a factor in decreased kidney function. You’ll need to follow a strict, low-fat diet, along with a consistent exercise plan to lower your cholesterol. Your doctor may also recommend cholesterol-lowering medications.

4. Choose the suitable treatment to lower high creatinine level. We will choose Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of alternative treatment. And in clinic there had many successful cases use this therapy to avoid dialysis or get rid of dialysis.

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