
Creatinin 5.2 in Kidney Failure Should I Start dialysis?

Creatinine 5.2 is much higher the normal level of Creatinine. The normal creatinine levle is about 0.6-1.2 mg/dl. In this stage the doctor will suggest you start dialysis. But many patients don't want start dialysis. Because they know they will reply on dialysis once they start it.

When should patients start dialysis?

There are no published guidelines for when to initiate dialysis in a patient with hyperammonemia due to urea cycle defects. It is commonly indicated if the ammonia blood level is greater than three to four times the upper limit of normal or greater than 200 micromoles/L. Continuous hemodialysis is started with higher flow rates and is the most effective treatment in rapidly reducing ammonia levels. Even though ammonia is osmotically active, the rapid removal of ammonia is not associated with disequilibrium syndrome mainly due to two reasons: First, there is a rapid equilibration of ammonia across the cell membrane. Secondly, the total amount in the blood, even in severe hyperammonemia, is only about 200 micromoles. This contributes less than 1 mosm per liter to total osmolality and therefore, even if it were all removed at once, the change in osmolality is too small to make cause disequilibrium. Contrast this with ammonia levels in the urine which are typically in the millimolar range.

If Creatinine 5.2 have other symptoms like nausea and vomiting. You should start dialysis to clear th metabolic waste for kidney failure patients. And you should adopt the combination of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine. In our hospital we have many therapy about Chinese Medicine.

Have any questions? You can send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. We will reply you in 24 hours.



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