
Diet for Kidney Failure Patients with High Creatinine Level

Kidney failure with high creatinine level should  pay attention both the treatment and diet. The following content will give you the diet suggestion for kidney failure patients.

diet suggestion for kidney failure patients with high creatinine level

1. Low salt

Foods that are rich in salt are MSG, soda crackers, noodles, soy sauce, fried fritter, etc. In cases of unstable blood pressure or heavy edema, salt should be avoided. Generally patients should have less than 3g pre day(a bid cap of toothpaste).

2. Low fat

Pay attention to avoid animal oil while cooking and mainly use vegetable oil especially the corn oil containing unsaturated fatty acids. And greasy foods should be forbidden.

3. Low high-quality protein

Proper amount of egg white, milk and lean meat should be eaten and the amount should be less than 0.1kg. Vegetable protein should be avoided such as beans and all kinds of soy products, tofu, soy milk as well as all kinds of dried fruit like peanut, melon seed and walnut.

4. High vitamin

More vegetables and all kinds of fruits should be eaten such as pear, apple, cucumber, tomato, etc.

Please note that spicy foods like raw onions, ginger, garlic should be avoided. Also tobacco, alcohol and dog meat should not be eaten.


If you have any other questions about your disease. You can send an email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com. we will reply you as soon as possible.



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