There are many PKD patients will suffer from headache. Why PKD patient will occur the symptoms? And how to relieve this symspomts? The following content will tell you the answer.
Causes of headache in PKD patients
1. High blood pressure
Most PKD patients suffer from the symptom of high blood pressure. If it is
not controlled well, high blood pressure may lead to headache, dizziness or
stroke even.
2. Mental cause
Many PKD patients are told by their local doctor that there is no effective
treatment with PKD. Patients will feel stressed and anxious in most cases. The
negative mood is an important factor of headache. So, keeping a good mood is
vital for PKD patients.
3. Cerebral aneurysm
Aneurysm in brain is a serious condition and it occurs more frequently with
PKD patients. Headache is commonly seen with cerebral aneurysm. Once it occur,
immediate treatment should be paid in case of aneurysm rupture.
After knowing the causes of headache, for PKD patients, the most important
thing is to seek a timely and effective treatment. Here, we can recommend you
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat PKD
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can shrink the cysts naturally for PKD patients. Once the cyst be shrinked by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmoterapy. The symptoms of the PKD patient can be relieved.
If you want to know the treatment of PKD in Kidney Hospital China. Can send an email to We will reply you in 24 hours.
PKD with Creatinine 4.5 and Frequent Urine at Night Treatment
There is a PKD patients’ condition description. He is 45 years old and now creatinine had reached 4.5 and suffered from frequent urine at night. She wants to know how to relieve this symptoms. Hope the following content can help he.
Cause of PKD patients with frequent urine
PKD patients usually suffer from edema and heart diseases. Excess water depositing in body and unable to draining out in daytime, when we lie down at night, more blood will flow back to heart and the blood in kidney also increase. As more blood is filtrated in kidneys, volume of urine will be elevated. This kind of night urination is often found among patients with heart diseases.
Another reason is that kidneys fail in draining out all the metabolic waste in daytime. With few exercise or excess of secretion like sweating, more wastes and water will come out along with urine at night. Patients with chronic renal insufficiency are often bothered by this kind of night urination.
It must be cleared out that frequent urination at night caused by mental problems does not belong to increasing night urination.
How to remove frequent urination for PKD patients
After years of research, experts in our hospital has invented a newly therapy named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Through external application, the shattered herbal medicines will be placed into two bags. During the treatment, patients just need to lie in bed comfortably. What’s more, it is safe and without any side effects. After a period of treatment, the symptoms will be relieved and renal function can be improved to a large extent.
If you want to know the detailed information about the treatment of PKD. Can send an email to We will reply you in 24 hours. Best wishes!
Diet for IgA Nephropathy Patients with High Creatinine Level
IgA Nephropathy with high creatinine should attention the diet. The following content is the diet suggestions for high creatinine level in IgA Nephropathy patients.
Diet suggestions for IgA Nephropathy patients with high creatinine level
1. Limit salt and water intake in IgA Nephropathy diet. Patients with serious edema, high blood pressure and little urine, should have diet without salt. Daily water intake should be no more than 800 to 1200 liters and do not eat food rich in sodium such as pickles, vegetables pickled in soy sauce, salted eggs, preserved bean curd and tuber mustard. If edema subsidies, blood pressure drops and urine increases, patients can have a little salt about 2 to 3 grams.
2. Limit protein intake in IgA Nephropathy diet. If excessive protein has been taken, it would produce more nitrogen waste after metabolizing, which would increase the burden of kidneys. If urine is too little to discharge the waste, they will accumulate in the body, which would cause a series of poisoning symptoms. Therefore, patients should not eat food rich in protein, such as meat, egg and bean product, etc. They can increase the intake of protein when getting better.
3. Eat more food which has light flavor and diuresis function.
Hope the above content can give you some guide in the diet of IgA Nephroapthy. Have any questions? Can send an email to We will reply you in 24 hours. Best wishes!
PKD with Back Pain Treatment
Back pain is the most common symptoms of PKD. The cause of this symptoms is the big size of kidney cysts. The following content will tell you how to relieve this symptoms for PKD patients.
And this symptom usually caused by the enlargement of the cysts. With the abnormal multiplication of kidney tubules epithelial cell, the cysts grow up gradually and the epithelial cells secrete fluid continuously. While, there is no effective way to eliminate the cysts fluid, so the cysts will enlarge gradually. With the enlargement of the cysts, they will compress the surrounding renal tissues, which will cause the symptom of back pain. On the other hand, the enlargement of the cysts may cause the swollen kidney, which will pull or compress other organs in enterocoelia.
How to shrink the kidney cysts and relieve back pain for PKD patients?
In our hospital we mainly use Chinese Medicine to shrink the kidney cysts naturally for PKD patients. And improve the kidney function. If you want to know the detailed informaiton about the treatment of PKD in our hospital can click here.
Have any questions? You can send an email to We will reply you in 24 hours.
How to avoid dialysis for CKD patients with creatinine 4.3
‘Now my creatinine level reached 4.3, is there any method to avoid dialysis for my condition’ this questions from a CKD patients with high creatinine level. The following content will tell you our way to lower high creatinine level to avoid dialysis.
I will through the following questions to solve your problem
1. Is creatinine 4.3 serious?
Creatinine 4.3 is much higher than the normal level. The normal level of creatinine is about 0.5-1.2 mg/dl. And it can show you are in stage 3 CKD. It can show a Moderate kidney damage.
2、Is creatinine 4.3 can avoid dialysis?
The value of creatinine can not show whether you should start dialysis. If you don’t have obvious symptoms from your disease. You can choose Chinese Medicine to treat your disease and avoid dialysis.
3. What is Our way to Lower High Creatinine Level
In our hospital we combine Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine to lower high creatinine level. You know China is the hometown of Chinese herbs. And we will use many kinds of method to make the Chinese herb be absorbed by the body.
If you have any questions want to consult our expert for your disease. Don’t hesitate. Send an email to We will reply you in 24 hours. We will reply you in 24 hours.
Stage 3 CKD with protein in urine: Causes and treatment
Protein in urine is one of the most common symptoms for stage 3 CKD. Proteinuria can show a great harm to the kidneys. Why can say so? And how to eliminate this symptoms for stage 3 CKD. The following content will tell you the answer.
Cause of protein in urine for stage 3 CKD
Due to the loss of considerable protein, insufficient protein is supplied for liver compounding and degrading, which easily results in hyperlipemia that is the cause of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction. Besides, as the leaking of the protein into the urine, the amount of the protein in the blood sharply drops, which could cause hypoproteinemia, also called protein malnutrition. In the early time, the patients with this symptom would have puffiness on their faces, and then spreading on the arms and legs. And the fluid may build up in the chest or the abdominal cavity.
How to eliminate protein in urine for stage 3 CKD
The Traditional Chinese Medical System considers that the high protein in the urine is classified into external ailment infection and as it causes damage to the kidney collateral from superficies to the interior step by step, the disorder progresses into intractable or permanent urine protein. In the modern medical system, it is believed that the Chinese herbal medicines with promoting blood circulation to remove the blood stasis help to effectively eliminate the immune deposits from the artery blood vessels of the glomerular, through which the renal function can be restored by lowering the amount of the protein in the urine.
In our hospital, there are many therapy based on Traditional Chinese Medicine can eliminate protein in urine. If you want to know our detailed information about our way to eliminate protein in urine can send an email to
How to Lower High Creatinine Level for Stage 3 Kidney Disease Patients?
Creatinine is one of important index to judge the kidney function. Stage 3 CKD can show a Moderate damage of the kidneys. And this stage is the last chance to reserve the disease condition. So today I want to share with you how to lower high creatinine level for stage 3 kidney disease patients.
Diet to Lower High Creatinine Level
Patients on this type of diet must know which foods to eat and which foods to limit. High-potassium foods to avoid include tomatoes, oranges, potatoes, chocolate and nuts. People with kidney disease should avoid the sodium content of foods such as fast food, frozen meals, canned vegetables, pickled or cured meats, canned soups, cheese, salted pretzels and salted potato chips. Foods that contain high levels of phosphorus include corn, chocolate, dairy products, fish and eggs. Red meat, poultry, fish and nuts have high levels of protein.
Chinese Medicine Lower High Creatinine Level for Stage 3 CKD Patients
In our hospital we can use Chinese Medicine to lower high creatinine level. We will choose different Chinese herbs according to the kidney disease patients detailed condition. And we will adopt different way to use the Chinese herbs make the Chinese herbs be absorbed by the Chinese herb more easier.
If you want to know the detailed information about our therapy. Can send an email to We will reply you in 24 hours.
IgA Nephropathy with Blood in Urine (Hematuresis): Causes and treatment
Blood in urine (Hematuresis) is one of the most common symptoms of IgA Nephropathy. What are the causes? And how to remove the blood in urine for IgA Nephropathy Patients. The following content will give you the answer.
The Causes of blood in urine (hematuresis) in IgA Nephropathy
· The symptoms are mainly caused due to damages of glomerular filtration membrane. And It can devided into ● Microscopic hematuria and Gross hematuria. I wll introduce you the two types hematuria respectively.
· Microscopic hematuria
Hematuria is a common symptom among young people with IgA Nephropathy. Microscopic hematuria can not be seen by naked eyes, which only is found under the microscope. You may have simplex microscopic hematuria or microscopic hematuria accompanied with proteinuria.
● Gross hematuria
It usually appears in pediatric IgA Nephropathy after they get the upper respiratory infection. The urine color will become red or like flesh-washed water.
How to remove blood in urine for IgA Nephropathy patients (IgA Nephropathy treatment)
The following content is our main treament about IgA Nephropathy
1. Detoxification. we adopt treatments like Medicated bath. This therapy works on ingredients exchange through skin. Toxins (creatinine) get discharged out and medical ingredients get into blood capillaries through skin. In general, creatinine can reduce around 30% with medicated bath. Other therapies include Medicated enema, which is also a detoxification therapy, using colon as exchanging places of ingredients.
2. Blood circulation promotion. Acupuncture and moxibustion works on adjusting whole body blood circulation, because kidney filtration rate decline is related with insufficient blood supply to kidneys. In general, kidneys secrets renin to increase body pressure, in order to press more blood to kidneys. But this would increase whole body blood pressure and cause damage to organ like heart. Dilating blood vessels and promoting blood circulation would also regulate blood pressure.
3. Oral taken herbal medicine is limited to 30ml to 60ml per day, aiming at adjusting appetite and replenishing nutrients.
4. The basic treatment of osmosis is the basic one that is applied externally on lower back shenshu acupoints. This is a treatment works for repairing kidney damage, and degrading out these deposited immune complexes (with your case, IgA is the main immune complexes).
5. During a thorough adjustment, inflammatory factors in blood are cleaned out, overall toxin level are declined, so stem cells transfusion will be conducted to further repair kidney damage.
6. After stem cells transfusion, following treatments will be also kept on to make sure the growth of stem cells within body is smooth.
If you want to know the detailed information about our treatment to IgA Nephropathy Can send an email to We will reply you in 24 hours.
At what level of creatinine do kidney transplant best?
Creatinine is the toxin of the body. It through kidneys to eliminate from the body. So the creatinine level in serum can show the damaged degree of the kidneys. And there are many person believe that kidney transplant is the best way to the kidney patients. So many person want to know at what level of creatinine do kidney transplant best? The following content will give you the answer.
At what level of creatinine do kidney transplant best?
Actually, according to traditional Chinese medicine doctors’ opinion, chronic kidney disease is a kind of slow progression, and at beginning of this slow progression, that is early stage of chronic kidney disease, this progression can be stopped and reversed, in this case, that will not affect those patients’ kidney function seriously; even at middle stage, patient’s creatinine starts to increase or increases a little bit, if those patients take the chance and receive proper treatment in time, they still can stop further progression of the disease or bring down creatinine to normal level gradually. On the other hand, even though creatinine can not be brought down to normal level, if those damaged kidney functional cells can get sufficient blood and oxygen, there is still chance to recover their function and maintain creatinine at the same level and prevent kidney disease from further worsening, in this case, patients’ condition can be maintained stable, not advancing to end stage of kidney disease, duly avoid dialysis or kidney transplant.
In our hospital we will combine Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine to treat kidney failure. If you want to know our detailed information can send an email to We will reply you in 24 hours. Best wishes!
Why PKD patients will Suffer From Back Pain
PKD can divide into ADPKD (Autosomal dominant PKD) and ARPKD ( Autosomal Recessive PKD). ADPKD is most common in PKD. Autosomal dominant PKD is the most common inherited form. Symptoms usually develop between the ages of 30 and 40, but they can begin earlier, even in childhood. About 90 percent of all PKD cases are autosomal dominant PKD. And one of common symptoms of PKD include back pain, blood in urine. The following content will tell you the cause and treatment of PKD patients with back pain.
· Cause of back pain in PKD patients
· Pain in the area of the kidneys can be caused by cyst infection, bleeding into cysts, kidney stone, or stretching of the fibrous tissue around the kidney with cyst growth.
PKD with back pain treatment
A doctor will first evaluate which of these causes are contributing to the pain to guide treatment. If it is determined to be chronic pain due to cyst expansion, the doctor may initially suggest over-the-counter pain medications, such as aspirin or acetaminophen (Tylenol). Consult your doctor before taking any over-the-counter medication because some may be harmful to the kidneys. For most but not all cases of severe pain due to cyst expansion, surgery to shrink cysts can relieve pain in the back and sides. However, surgery provides only temporary relief and does not slow the disease's progression toward kidney failure.
And in our hospital we will provide you Chinese Medicine to relieve back pain. If you want to know the detailed information about our Chinese Medicine to treat PKD can Send an email to We will reply you in 24 hours.
Headache in PKD: Causes and Treatment
Headache is look like a common disease. But do you know the PKD patients can also occur this symptoms. The mainly cause is that the PKD patients will suffer from high blood pressure. And I want to ask is there any other cause of PKD patietns with headache. And how to treat PKD and remove these symptoms?
Headache in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Due to Spontaneous Vertebral Artery Dissection
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), a heritable connective tissue disorder, is well known for its association with intracranial aneurysms. Spontaneous dissection of a vertebral artery, however, is rarely reported as a complication of ADPKD. A 32-year-old woman with ADPKD suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage from a ruptured saccular aneurysm of the middle cerebral artery. Angiography showed an extracranial dissection of the left vertebral artery. At age 30, she had experienced left-sided neck pain and an occipital headache. At that time a subarachnoid hemorrhage had been ruled out, but no cause for her headache was found. ADPKD is associated with a generalized arteriopathy. In a patient with ADPKD and a new headache, the index of suspicion should be high not only for an intracranial aneurysm but also for a spontaneous cervical artery dissection.
PKD with headache treatment
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is our featured therapy to treat PKD. And there are many
The following content is the main function of this therapy.
1. Detoxification. we adopt treatments like Medicated bath. This therapy works on ingredients exchange through skin. Toxins (creatinine) get discharged out and medical ingredients get into blood capillaries through skin. In general, creatinine can reduce around 30% with medicated bath. Other therapies include Medicated enema, which is also a detoxification therapy, using colon as exchanging places of ingredients.
2. Blood circulation promotion.Acupuncture and moxibustion works on adjusting whole body blood circulation, because kidney filtration rate decline is related with insufficient blood supply to kidneys. In general, kidneys secrets renin to increase body pressure, in order to press more blood to kidneys.
3. Oral taken herbal medicine is limited to 30ml to 60ml per day, aiming at adjusting appetite and replenishing nutrients.
4. The basic treatment of osmosis is the basic one that is applied externally on lower back shenshu acupoints. This is a treatment works for repairing kidney damage, and degrading out these redundant extracellular matrix.
5. During a thorough adjustment, inflammatory factors in blood are cleaned out, overall toxin level are declined. Protein in urine can be reduced. And kidney damage can be repaired.
If you want to know our treatment to PKD can send an email to We will reply you in 24 hours.
How to deal with high blood pressure and high creatinine level for PKD patients?
High blood pressure is one of the common symptoms of PKD patient. The following content will tell you the way to lower high blood pressure and high creatinine level hope the following content is helpful for you.
The treatment for PKD patients with high blood pressure and high creatinine level.
Because of these symptoms all comes form the damaged kidney function. So choose the right therapy to improve the kidney function is very essential. The following content is our way to improve the kiney function and restore the damaged kidney function. And at last remove the symptoms.
Chinese Medicine help PKD patients relieve the symptoms
Generally speaking, there are four steps to treat the kidney disease:1 ) vasodilator : The purpose is to try to improve the blood circulation of the blood state of the system in the kidney, mitigating the inherent cells of the kidney Ischemia and hypoxia state, for the next epithelial cells and mesangial cell repair, provide a good environment.2 ) anti - inflammatory : The aim is to reduce the infiltration of inflammatory cells, reducing renal glomerular epithelial cell damage. 3 ) anticoagulation : mainly in order to relieve the pressure on thrombosis in order to lay the foundation for repair of epithelial cells.4 ) degradation : mainly in order to clear the immune complexes and extracellular matrix to make it out of the urine.
So you can think take your father accept the Chinese Medicine.There are so many kinds of Chinese therapies to treat the kidney disease.The Chinese doctors will set up most systematic treatment after systematic examination.
There are many therapy in our hospital is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. Like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotehrapy, Foot Bath therapy, Medicated Bath therapy.
If you want to know more about our therapy can send an email to We will reply you in 24 hours. Best wishes!
How to remove blood in urine for PKD patients?
Blood in urine is one of the most common symptoms of PKD. And this symptoms
Can show a large number of the kidney cysts. And the size of the kidney cysts is
very big. The following contnet will tell you how to shrink the kidney cysts
naturally. And then the blood in urine will be remove.
Our treatment about remove blood in urine for PKD patients.
there are four steps to treat the kidney disease:1 ) vasodilator : The purpose is to try to improve the blood circulation of the blood state of the system in the kidney, mitigating the inherent cells of the kidney Ischemia and hypoxia state, for the next epithelial cells and mesangial cell repair, provide a good environment.2 ) anti - inflammatory : The aim is to reduce the infiltration of inflammatory cells, reducing renal glomerular epithelial cell damage. 3 ) anticoagulation : mainly in order to relieve the pressure on thrombosis in order to lay the foundation for repair of epithelial cells.4 ) degradation : mainly in order to clear the immune complexes and extracellular matrix to make it out of the urine.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a process through combined use of oral and topical Chinese medicine ,plus the integrated use in Western medicine, leaving the cells in renal therapy to repair.
Have any questions? Send an email We will reply you in 24 hours. Best wishes!
Our treatment about remove blood in urine for PKD patients.
there are four steps to treat the kidney disease:1 ) vasodilator : The purpose is to try to improve the blood circulation of the blood state of the system in the kidney, mitigating the inherent cells of the kidney Ischemia and hypoxia state, for the next epithelial cells and mesangial cell repair, provide a good environment.2 ) anti - inflammatory : The aim is to reduce the infiltration of inflammatory cells, reducing renal glomerular epithelial cell damage. 3 ) anticoagulation : mainly in order to relieve the pressure on thrombosis in order to lay the foundation for repair of epithelial cells.4 ) degradation : mainly in order to clear the immune complexes and extracellular matrix to make it out of the urine.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a process through combined use of oral and topical Chinese medicine ,plus the integrated use in Western medicine, leaving the cells in renal therapy to repair.
Have any questions? Send an email We will reply you in 24 hours. Best wishes!
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