
Diet for IgA Nephropathy Patients with High Creatinine Level

IgA Nephroapthy diet
IgA Nephropathy with high creatinine should attention the diet. The following content is the diet suggestions for high creatinine level in IgA Nephropathy patients.

Diet suggestions for IgA Nephropathy patients with high creatinine level

1. Limit salt and water intake in IgA Nephropathy diet. Patients with serious edema, high blood pressure and little urine, should have diet without salt. Daily water intake should be no more than 800 to 1200 liters and do not eat food rich in sodium such as pickles, vegetables pickled in soy sauce, salted eggs, preserved bean curd and tuber mustard. If edema subsidies, blood pressure drops and urine increases, patients can have a little salt about 2 to 3 grams.

2. Limit protein intake in IgA Nephropathy diet. If excessive protein has been taken, it would produce more nitrogen waste after metabolizing, which would increase the burden of kidneys. If urine is too little to discharge the waste, they will accumulate in the body, which would cause a series of poisoning symptoms. Therefore, patients should not eat food rich in protein, such as meat, egg and bean product, etc. They can increase the intake of protein when getting better.

3. Eat more food which has light flavor and diuresis function.

Hope the above content can give you some guide in the diet of IgA Nephroapthy.  Have any questions? Can send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. We will reply you in 24 hours. Best wishes!



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