
Headache in PKD: Causes and Treatment

Headache is look like a common disease. But do you know the PKD patients can also occur this symptoms. The mainly cause is that the PKD patients will suffer from high blood pressure. And I want to ask is there any other cause of PKD patietns with headache. And how to treat PKD and remove these symptoms?

Headache in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Due to Spontaneous Vertebral Artery Dissection

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), a heritable connective tissue disorder, is well known for its association with intracranial aneurysms. Spontaneous dissection of a vertebral artery, however, is rarely reported as a complication of ADPKD. A 32-year-old woman with ADPKD suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage from a ruptured saccular aneurysm of the middle cerebral artery. Angiography showed an extracranial dissection of the left vertebral artery. At age 30, she had experienced left-sided neck pain and an occipital headache. At that time a subarachnoid hemorrhage had been ruled out, but no cause for her headache was found. ADPKD is associated with a generalized arteriopathy. In a patient with ADPKD and a new headache, the index of suspicion should be high not only for an intracranial aneurysm but also for a spontaneous cervical artery dissection.

PKD with headache treatment

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is our featured therapy to treat PKD. And there are many

The following content is the main function of this therapy.

1. Detoxification. we adopt treatments like Medicated bath. This therapy works on ingredients exchange through skin. Toxins (creatinine) get discharged out and medical ingredients get into blood capillaries through skin. In general, creatinine can reduce around 30% with medicated bath. Other therapies include Medicated enema, which is also a detoxification therapy, using colon as exchanging places of ingredients.

2. Blood circulation promotion.Acupuncture and moxibustion works on adjusting whole body blood circulation, because kidney filtration rate decline is related with insufficient blood supply to kidneys. In general, kidneys secrets renin to increase body pressure, in order to press more blood to kidneys.

3. Oral taken herbal medicine is limited to 30ml to 60ml per day, aiming at adjusting appetite and replenishing nutrients.

4. The basic treatment of osmosis is the basic one that is applied externally on lower back shenshu acupoints. This is a treatment works for repairing kidney damage, and degrading out these redundant extracellular matrix.

5. During a thorough adjustment, inflammatory factors in blood are cleaned out, overall toxin level are declined. Protein in urine can be reduced. And kidney damage can be repaired.

If you want to know our treatment to PKD can send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. We will reply you in 24 hours.



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