
How can a foot bath to treat kidney failure

How can a foot bath to treat renal nedostatochnostNozhnaya bath is a view based on the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, it can treat the disease without further damage to the kidneys, so it is widely used for the treatment of renal failure.

As a foot bath to treat kidney failure?

It can stimulate the original qi in the kidney meridian and eliminate toxic pathogenic factors in the kidney meridian, dipping his feet in the decoction of the drug. Moreover, it can make the original qi in the kidney meridian of foot vessels of the heart and kidneys sufficiently and smoothly enter into the kidneys and then the original qi in the kidney can be restored.

While the foot bath is very useful for the treatment of kidney failure, but it is not sufficient to treat the disease. Thus, during treatment, our doctor organizes some other types of treatment (all based on traditional Chinese medicine) depending on the condition of patients suffering from the disease, so as to achieve desired therapeutic effect.

What are the effects in a foot bath?

Short-term effects

Relieves pain, improved sleep, increased appetite, warm hands and feet, sweating,

Detumescence, ruddy and dedicate leg skin, relieve itching.

Long-term effects:

This can promote blood circulation and to protect the kidneys from further damage.

What precautions this disease?

Note the water temperature to prevent scalding. Diabetic patients whose skin is feeling the heat and the pain is not sensitive should be more careful.

Patients with high, low or unstable to be considered under certain circumstances, the blood pressure.

This therapy is contraindicated in pregnant women.

Patients skin disease should be cautious, treated with this therapy.

If you want to know more, and you have questions, you can contact us via the following way. I'm very glad to help you. We wish you a speedy recovery!

Email: chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com




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