
How to treat kidney cyst with back pain

Kidney cyst can be divided into simple kidney cyst and complex kidney cyst.And the complex kidney cyst can cause back pain. What is the reason? And how to treat it? 

Cause of back pain in kidney cyst  

Pain in the area of the kidneys can be caused by complex cyst infection. If the fluid in the cysts is infected, once a rupture occurs the infection is no longer contained and may spread to other areas of the body.
Bleeding into cysts could be another cause of pain.
In addition, another possible cause of pain is kidney stones.
Generally, dull pain in waist indicates cysts on kidney, while sharp pain indicates kidney stone. However, in some cases, people with cysts on kidney may feel sharp pain. If the pain occur suddenly, it may be kidney internal bleeding.

How to remove kidney cyst by Micro-Chinese Medicnie Osmotherapy

Usually, western medications will be used to relieve back pain rapidly when herbal medicine is using. But the problem of a cyst is still there. Therefore we use Chinese herbal medicine to shrink complex kidney cysts. Once the cysts shrinks, there will no oppression and the back pain will not present. If the cyst ruptures, some herbs in traditional Chinese medicine help repair and protect the renal function.

There are also have a therapy named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy will make the Micro-Chinese enter one's kidneys through a osmotic device.

Have any questions? Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. We will reply you in 24 hours.


Symptoms Cause And Treatment for IgA Nephropathy Patients with High Fever

The common symptoms about IgA Nephropathy include
. Cola- or tea-colored urine (caused by red blood cells in the urine)
.Repeated episodes of cola- or tea-colored urine, sometimes even visible blood in .your urine, usually during or after an upper respiratory or other type of .infection
.Pain in the side(s) of your back below your ribs (flank)
.Foam in the toilet water from protein in your urine
.Swelling (edema) in your hands and feet
.High blood pressure

And there are many patients will suffer from fever for IgA Nephropathy.

Cause of fever in IgA Nephropathy   

IgA Nephropathy is a chronic form of glomerulonephritis marked by a hematuria and proteinuria and by the depositions of immunoglobulin A in the mesangial areas of the renal glomeruli, with subsequent reactive hyperplasia of mesangial cells. Upper respiratory tract infection often happens before the onset.
High fever in IgA Nephropathy may appear as a result of infection. When people are affected by an infection, or inflammation, the body will produce substances called pyrogens. It is the pyrogens that actually cause the high fever.

Treatment for IgA Nephropathy

Many people may progress into Renal Failure if improperly treated for IgA Nephropathy. At present, Chinese therapy is the latest treatment for IgA Nephropathy, which can guarantee the best curative effects.

Have any questions? Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.


Chinese Medicine Lower High Creatinine Level for Nephrotic Syndrome patients

Creatinine is one of waste caused by our body. Once the kidney function be damaged about 50%. The creatinine level will begin to risk. 

Nephrotic Syndrome is a nonspecific disorder in which the kidneys are damaged, causing them to leak large amounts of protein from the blood into the urine. Besides proteinuria, swelling and hyperlipidemia are also the common symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome.

Today I want to tell you our therapy lower high creatinine level for Nephrotic Syndrome patients

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the most advanced therapy for IgA Nephropathy which can take effect to restrain the undue immune reaction rapidly so as to block further damages of renal function tissues and cells.
Then Chinese herbal remedy is applied to clear the immune complex away effectively as well as improve the immunity. In this way, High creatinine will be lowered by Chinese Medicine.

If you want to know more detailed information about our therapy. Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.


PKD patients with high creatinine level and back pain, how to lower it?

 PKD is a kind of genetic disease.And back pain is one of common symptoms of PKD. Many patients are suffering from that symptoms.Do you want to know how to lower it. Read the following content. In other hand once the creatinine level is higher, there is more than 50% kidney function has been damaged. The content will also give you some suggestion.

PKD with back pain and high creatinine level, how to lower it?

We usually use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to lower the pain. The core technology of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is making the effective prescription medicine superfinely shattered. Then with the help of effective penetrant and osmosis devices, the effective medicines are permeated into kidney lesions by external application, thus achieving the goal of treating kidney disease. Clinical practices have proven that this application method is both effective and convenient. The therapeutic mechanism of this therapy is to block kidney fibrosis, repair damaged renal intrinsic cells and rebuild the normal kidney structure, and the realizing of these purposes is based on Chinese medicine curative effects like dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation, preventing blood viscosity and degrading extracellular matrixes. These stages are named as block, repair and rebuild.

If you want to know more about our therapy. Or if you still have any questions about your disease. Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.


CKD patients with bubble in urine and high creatinine level

Bubble in urine is the mainly symptoms with CKD. What is the cause and how to Eliminate proteinuria? And once your creatinine begin to risk.It can show your had lost 50% kidney function. So you should care much with the creatinine level.

Cause of bubble in urine for CKD patients

For kidney disease patients, there are must be damages in the kidneys. When patients’ basement membrane is damaged, the protein in blood will lean out within urine. In fact, bubbles in urine of kidney disease patients are proteins in urine.

Treatment for CKD patients with bubble in urine  

We choose herbal medicines very cautiously. The herbal medicines we choose and use are firstly without renal toxicity and any side effect. Besides, not sure whether you have had an understanding about our therapies(Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Herbal Circling Therapy, Herbal Hot Compress Therapy, Herbal Medicated Bath Therapy, Oral Herbal Medicine Therapy, High Retention Herbal Enema Therapy, Herbal Feet Bath Therapy, Herbal Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy, Herbal Reinforcing and Nourishing Therapy etc.) These herbal therapies we give to patients are mainly externally used, and the herbs are processed through ultrasonic cavitation crushing technology, the ingredients inside medicines can be absorbed effectively through skin and targeted arrive at kidney lesions.

Whatever you have any question or want to know more about the detailed information about our therapy.Don't hesitate. Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.


Chronic Kidney Disease with anemia and high creatinine level

There are many CKD patients will suffer from anemia. This symptoms can lead the patients feel dizzy.So many patients want to know the cause of anemia and the treatment of anemia. The following content will give you the answer. If is still have any questions, you can contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.

The cause of CKD patients with anemia

Diseased kidneys may not produce enough erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone that regulates red blood cell production. Less EPO in turn means fewer red blood cells and their protein hemoglobin to deliver oxygen to your body's organs. If there are not enough red blood cells, your body does not get the right amount of oxygen, resulting in anemia. Other factors that can contribute to anemia in patients with kidney disease include iron deficiency, some vitamin deficiencies, and the effects of poor nutrition or inflammation.

Once your kidney damaged reach 50%, your creatinine level will begin to risk.So we should care the creatinine level more.

Treatment for CKD patients with anemia and high creatinine level  

For our treatment, we combine Western Medicine and Chinese Medicine, mainly depend on Chinese Medicine. Chinese Medicine has some difference from Western Medicine. Chinese Medicine values dialectical and eight principal syndrome differentiation, and four diagnostic methods( Inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiry and pulse-taking and palpation arethe). The application of each Chinese herbal medicine and each prescription are strictly according to these principles.

Do you heard Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? This therapy is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Other than the Western Medicine.Traditional Chinese is more safe and can restore your kidney function gradually.


CKD with high creatinine 1.5mg/dl, how to lower it?

The normal rang of the creatinine level is between 0.5-1.2.Many patients think that creatinine 1.5 is not too high. And maybe there is little obvious symptom for the patients. So many person will don't worry about it.I want to say, you will missed the best treatment opportunity for your disease if you keep your thoughts.

What doese Creatinine 1.5mg/dl in CKD Patients mean?

A normal result is 0.7 to 1.3 mg/dL for men and 0.6 to 1.1 mg/dL for women.Females usually have a lower creatinine than males, because they usually have less muscle mass.The examples above are common measurements for results of these tests.
Creatinine 1.5 means you can have up to 50% kidney function loss, so how to lower high creatinine 1.5 naturally ?

How to lower creatinine for CKD patients ?

To lower the high creatinine level, the natural treatment--Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is suggested for it helps repair the damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney functions.

Have any questions? Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.


Can PKD patients Drink milk?

Milk is very common in our breakfast. Care much about the diet of PKD patients is very essential. So many PKD patients want to know can we drink milk at breakfast.

Diet principle for PKD patients

Ask to see the renal dietitian for a PKD Diet that is alkaline, low salt, neutral protein calibrated specifically for you. An alkaline vegan diet that avoids all animal proteins (ground meats, dairy, egg whites, milk, cheese, beef, pork, chicken), soy proteins, yeast, alcohol, concentrated sugars seems to make us feel better. Fruits and Vegetables to avoid: salted foods, tomato, potato, eggplant, peppers, celery, star fruit, strawberries, plums, prunes, soy, margarine, crisco, potato chips and peanuts. While kidney functioning is still excellent, dietary things that help PKD are also high potassium foods; plant based diets with an emphasis on raw fruits and vegetables; whole food starches such as corn on the cob, sweet potatoes, rutabagas, turnips, winter squash. Include a few selected pre-soaked grains (spelt, quinoa, rye, oats, Kashi, brown rice) and pre-soaked nuts (almond, coconut, chestnut). Enjoy plenty of leafy greens, broccoli, radish, and below ground root crops. Soak all beans, legumes, grains, seeds and nuts before eating. This lowers their phytic acid content, making these foods more digestible and alkaline. Salt intake and cholesterol levels are two things that we can alter.

Now you have know the answer. The following content I will introduce you a new therapy for PKD.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for PKD patients 

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can promote the blood circulation of the cysts wall, then the liquid will be absorbed and decreased. As the pressure inside the cyst decreases, the size of cyst also can become small. Once the pressure to the kidney is eliminated, the renal function will recover gradually and some discomforts will disappear.Then how does the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat PKD?
1 It can reduce the formation of liquid inside the cyst and alleviate the pressure to glomerulis, renal tubules and kidney blood vessels, promote the blood circulation of damaged renal tissues and improve the anaerobic condition.
2 With the continual enlargement of cysts, the kidney ischemia and anoxia will occur and the renal fibrosis will be started. In this condition, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can stop this course.
3 The active substance of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can offer necessary materials for the repair of damaged kidney, like various vitamins, microelements, organic acid, amino acid and so on.

If you want to know more about Our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, and want to know our other therapy. Send an e-mail to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.We will reply you the answer in 24 hours.


Diet and treatment for CKD patients with creatinine 1.7

 The normal range of creatinine level in adults is 0.5~1.1mg/dl for female and 0.6~1.2mg/dl for male.Creatinine 1.7 is higher a little than the normal range. Many person think that creatinine 1.7 is not too high. And  at last missed the best treatment opportunity. Today I want to share with you the diet and treatment for CKD patients with creatinine 1.7.

Diet for CKD patients with creatinine 1.7

- Low Potassium Diet
You may be asked to limit or eliminate leafy green vegetables, broccoli, bananas, potatoes, oranges and apricots, all of which are high in potassium, and encouraged to choose lower potassium foods including cucumbers, carrots, lettuce, apples, cranberries, grapes and rice.
- Low Protein Diet
Many patients go on low-protein diets to slow down the progression of kidney disease and minimize symptoms of having nitrogenous wastes in the blood.
- Low Sodium Diet
We need sodium, but most of us consume far more than we need. Avoid foods with added salt, including nuts, bacon, pickles, olives, sauerkraut and luncheon meats.

Treatments for CKD patients with creatinine 1.7  

several kinds of methods such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Herbal Circling Therapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Herbal Medicated Bath Therapy, Oral Herbal Medicine Therapy, High Retention Herbal Enema Therapy, Herbal Feet Bath Therapy, Herbal Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy, Herbal Reinforcing and Nourishing Therapy etc.
We have treated a lot of patients. All of them got satisfied results with our treatment. A lot of experts from several countries visited our hospital here such as USA, French, Japan, India... They all know about our treatments and hospital. All of them are agree with our treatment.

If you want to know the detailed information about our therapy. Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.In other hand,we are glad to help you solve your doubt about kidney disease.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treatment for PKD patients with back pain

Back pain is a very common symptoms of PKD. Many patients want to know the cause of back pain and diet suggestion for PKD patients.The following content will tell you the answer.

Cause of PKD patients with back pain

The patients with PKD can be found numerous cysts filled with fluid to grow in the kidneys. As the epithelial cells secrete cysts fluid, they cysts will enlarge and become heavy gradually. Therefore, the enlarged cyst will cause oppression to the kidney tissues and other neighboring organs. Moreover, the renal pedicle is pulled by the heavy cysts. What’s worse, some patients have ruptured cysts, lithangiuria and even the canceration of cyst. Therefore, the patients will have back pain. Generally, the patients only have mild pain. If the patients with PKD have intense pain suddenly, they should do some checks to clear out whether they have ruptured cysts, lithangiuria and so on.

PKD with back pain treatment

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can promote the blood circulation of the cysts wall, then the liquid will be absorbed and decreased. As the pressure inside the cyst decreases, the size of cyst also can become small. Once the pressure to the kidney is eliminated, the renal function will recover gradually and some discomforts will disappear.Then how does the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat PKD?
1 It can reduce the formation of liquid inside the cyst and alleviate the pressure to glomerulis, renal tubules and kidney blood vessels, promote the blood circulation of damaged renal tissues and improve the anaerobic condition.
2 With the continual enlargement of cysts, the kidney ischemia and anoxia will occur and the renal fibrosis will be started. In this condition, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can stop this course.
3 The active substance of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can offer necessary materials for the repair of damaged kidney, like various vitamins, microelements, organic acid, amino acid and so on.

If you want to know the detailed information about our therapy, or if you have any questions about your disease. Consult me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.


The treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy with high creatinine level

Diabetic Nephropathy has became one of  mainly cause of kidney failure in the world.What is Diabetic Nephropathy? Diabetic nephropathy is damage to your kidneys caused by diabetes.

The kidneys have many tiny blood vessels that filter waste from your blood. High blood sugar from diabetes can destroy these blood vessels. Over time, the kidney isn't able to do its job as well. Later it may stop working completely. This is called kidney failure.Once your kidney be influenced by Diabetes and your kidney function lost 50% , the value of creatinine level will rise.The following content will tell you the treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy with high creatinine level.

Treatment for Diabetic Nephropathy patients with high creatinine level

The Micro-chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can improve the kidney function from the bottom. China is rather famous for the Chinese herb remedy and the Chinese herb medicine has been proved to be with great effectiveness in improving the blood circulation inner the kidney and protecting the kidney function.We mainly use natural therapy and herbal medicines to improve the kidney function.

If you want to know more therapy information contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. Or chat with our on line doctor tell us your disease condition. We will help you analysis your condition. Best wishes for you.


PKD with anemia how to deal with it ?

PKD is one of Genetic kidney disease. The form of PKD is like a grapy.each grape
represents a cyst. How horrible it is. The early and suitable treat is the only solution.
Frequent complications of polycystic kidney disease include dangerously high blood pressure (hypertension), pain in the back or sides, blood in the urine (hematuria), recurrent urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and heart valve abnormalities. Additionally, people with polycystic kidney disease have an increased risk of an abnormal bulging (an aneurysm) in a large blood vessel called the aorta or in blood vessels at the base of the brain. Aneurysms can be life-threatening if they tear or rupture.And anemia is also a common symptom of PKD patients.Today I want to share with you the relationship between PKD and anemia.

How does PKD cause anemia?

Enlarged cysts in PKD press the surrounding renal tissues and thus makes our kidneys are failed in generating erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is the major component of red blood cells, so when our body is short of erythropoietin, anemia occurs.
Also, PKD damage kidney, which can lead to the condition that large amounts of toxins pile up in the blood. These toxins exist in the blood and shorten the life span of red blood cells. This is another cause of anemia in PKD.

Treatment of PKD with anemia

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of efficient therapy for PKD patients,With the help of osmosis device, effective ingredients of herbal medicines will infiltrate into kidneys through the main channels. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can repair the damaged kidney inherent cells and enhance the patients′ immunity. What′s more, this therapy is an advanced treatment in treating PKD in the world.

If you want to know more about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .


Can high creatinine level cause rash?

For CKD patients,rash is one of common symptoms.Does the high creatinine level can cause rash, this problem had puzzled many person. If you want to know the answer, read the following content.

In addition, as the concentration of toxins are high in blood, the plasma osmotic pressure will rise accordingly,so water in or under skin will be transferred into blood, and the skin will be dry from dehydration. When high level of creatinine is retained in blood, patients’ sebaceous gland will secrete less oil, so it becomes difficult for skin to keep water, that’s another reason why patients experience dry skin and rash. It is established that hyperphosphatemia is connected with skin rash.
When you find yourself with rashes, you should not scratch it in case it get broke and infected, you can scrub the skin with warm water to prevent or alleviate it, if the symptoms get severe, you may need to take early treatment to eliminate it, more importantly, you should take active treatment to cure the original kidney disease. If you don’t know the exact reason that caused the rashes, you should do relate tests on kidney function.

High creatinine level means there is severe damage to the kidneys. Early treatment is needed to prevent the disease from worsening.

How to lower high creatinine level naturally?

There are many good method to lower high creatinine level.Like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy,Medicated Bath therapy, Acupuncture and so on. These therapy can lower high creatinine level naturally.And we have many good patient story at here.

If you want to know more about our therapy. Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .


What kind of Chinese herb can treat kidney failure

What Herbs Help With Kidney Failure ?

For patients with kidney failure, Chinese medicine is a better choice for them to treat their disease and improve their kidney function. As we know, a major part of Chinese medicine is herbal medicines, and what are the common herbs that often be used in treating kidney failure?
Thunder god vine:
Thunder god vine can be used in treating kidney failure, and it has obvious effect in anti-inflammation. It can also improve body immunity and promote blood circulation. Besides, it has obvious effect in shrinking kidney cyst. Because these effects of this medicine, it is often used in treating kidney failure.
Corn stigma:
Corn stigma is also effective in treating kidney failure. It can reduce high blood pressure and reduce blood sugar, which are very beneficial for patient with kidney failure. Besides, corn stigma also has obvious effect of diuresis, which is often used in treating kidney failure.
Dandelion is also effective in in treating kidney failure. It has obvious effect of preventing inflammation, and it also has obvious effect of diuresis. Besides, this herbal medicine is also very beneficial in preventing cancer.
Licorice root:
Licorice root has obvious effect in anti-inflammation and detoxification, and it do not take big bad reaction to patient’s body. Besides, this medicine also has obvious effect in reducing blood fat, and it can prevent atherosis. Because of these effects, this herbal medicine is also used in treating kidney failure.
Because astragalus has obvious effect in improving body immunity, protecting cardiovascular health, and it is also very helpful in producing red cells. And it is also a common medicine in treating kidney failure.
Even though the side-effects of Chinese medicine is much less than western medicine. But patient should take these Chinese medicines under the professional doctor’s guidance, or else they will also take bad effects.
Besides,there are many other herbals which are used for kidney disease,but it depends on persons.

Have any questions? Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.


The Advantange and Disadvantage of Kidney Transplant

Kidney transplant is the last choice for kidney failure patients. But for end stage renal failure patients it seems like the only choice. So I want to tell you the advantage and disadvantage of kidney transplant.

Advantage of kidney transplant

.Quality of life and survival often improved compared to the use of dialysis
.Patients are free of the time- and energy-consuming nature of dialysis
.Regular dietary requirement
.Fewer visits to the clinic

Disadvantage of kidney transplant

.Shortage of kidney organs available – the average wait for a deceased donor kidney about 4 years
.Risks associated with surgical procedure e.g. infection, bleeding, damage to other organs
.Lifetime treatment regimen of immunosuppressive medications, with possible side effects
.Patient must satisfy a number of factors to be a possible transplant candidate
Risk of transplant rejection

Alternative Therapy for ESRD patients

Four one therapy can improve your quality of life.And also can prevent your disease become worse. In fact this disease include one bottle of Chinese patent medicine- Mai-Kang Composition (MKM),Oral Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Medicated bath therapy.  The combination of these therapy had get good effect in the treatment of  ESRD.

If you want to know more about our "Four  one therapy". Or if you have any questions ? Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.


kidney transplant patients life expectancy

All the people will care the the life expectancy of kidney transplant, whatever the person had accepted kidney transplant or want to transplant. The following content will give you the answers.

How long people live with kidney transplant mainly depends on matching quality, the age of donator and working efficiency chance of transplanted kidney.Generally speaking, the transplanted kidney doesn’t work forever. The better expected lifespan is about ten years. Good things not always happen. In some unsuccessful cases, donated kidney just stays several months or even several days.

younger patients may need twice or more times of kidney transplant. If the kidneys they received fail, they need to restart their dialysis and go back to waiting list.
Each year the number in waiting list grows in a large degree and many patients who have registered for kidney transplant passed away during their waiting for donator. So patients who are undergoing long-term waiting are advised to look for effective therapies to repair their renal function. As long as you still remain renal function, namely you can perform urination, there is hope for your remedy.

natural treatment for kidney failure patients expect kidney transplant

If you can't wait for a suitable kidney. You can choose Chinese herbs to improve your life quality first. Do you heard Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherap? This therapy can make you live a high quality life.And can prevent your disease become worse.

If you want to know more about alternative therapy. Or you want to know the detailed information about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. If you have any other kidney problem also can contact. In other hand our on line doctor is waiting for you. You can communicate with he directly at below of this page.


How to remove edema for Nephrotic Syndrome patients?

 Eema as one of most common symptom for kidney disease patients.So that many patients want to know how to remove edema without pain. Hop the following content can give you the answer.

Cause of edema for NS Patients

For Nephrotic Syndrome patients, they experience edema symptom due to severe protein leakage. And usually, the more protein in urine, the more severe the edema. Therefore, controlling proteinuria is also an important part in treating edema associated with Nephrotic Syndrome.

Diet Suggestion for Nephrotic Syndrome patients 

low-protein diet

Eating food that’s high in protein may contribute to further kidney damage or even failure. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t completely remove protein from your diet. Dietary protein is full of nutritional benefits that your body needs, and it’s always important to maintain a well-balanced diet.

Limit salt

You may need to limit your sodium intake to manage common symptoms of your condition, such as swelling (edema) and high blood pressure. Eating foods with high salt content and using table salt should be limited.
Sodium prevents your kidneys from removing phosphorus from the blood. High phosphorus levels in the blood can lead to weak and brittle bones—making them easier to break. Be sure to limit your intake of dietary sources of phosphorus (eg, dairy products, nuts, and beans).

Reduce saturated fats and cholesterol

Efficient treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome patients

For Nephrotic Syndrome patients, kidneys are damaged and can not function properly, which lead to large amounts of protein leak from urine and excess fluid stay in the body. Therefore, improving kidney function is the key point for Nephrotic Syndrome patients to get edema treated effectively.

 If you want to know how to improve kidney function naturally.Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .Or have any questions, chat with our on line doctor directly at below.

On Line expert