
Foods to Avoid with High Creatinine Levels

Creatinine is essentially a metabolite of creatine phosphate, a compound that acts as a source of energy in muscle. So the right diet can lower high creatinine level. So today I want to share with you some food should a high creatinine level patients should to avoid, hope this article can help you in the daily life.

Food to avoid with high creatinine level

Generally speaking, you are should keep low-salt diet, and no more than 3gram salt intake is better. The foods high in potassium should avoid to be eaten in case of hyperkalemia. This kind of foods includes potatoes, celery, beans and beans products and bananas and so on. The foods high in protein are also not better for your health, for the excess of the protein intake may put more extra pressure on your kidneys. But it doesn’t mean you are not allowed to eat a few of protein at all. Due to the decrease of the renal function, some of the protein that should stay in the blood is removed out of the body, so you need to eat something to make up for the loss of the protein. Limited high quality protein intake is necessary for your health and egg white,fish, lean and milk are suitable for your diet. At last, you’d better keep a low-fat diet. You’d better not to eat some fried or greasy foods abundant in saturated fatty acid, for it would get the renal function worse than before.

At other hand you can try Chinese Medicine to lower high creatinine level. In our hospital we had formed our treatment system to treat CKD and lower high creatinine level.

Hope this article can give you a guidline in your daily life. Best wishes. If you have any questions want to consult can send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.


Diet and Treatment Suggestion for High Creatinine Level 4.0 for CKD patients

Chinese Medicine for CKD patients
The normal creatinine level of CKD patients is about 0.6-1.2 mg/dl. And creatinine 4.0 is more higher than the normal level. It can show you are in stage 3-4 kidney disease. The following content will tell you the way to lower high creatinine level through diet and suitable treatment.

Diet to lower high creatinine level

This type of diet restricts the intake of protein, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. In patients with advanced kidney disease, a diet designed to lower creatinine levels also restricts fluid consumption. Eating less protein reduces the workload of the kidneys, while eating less sodium, phosphorus and potassium prevents these substances from building up in the bloodstream. Reducing fluid intake prevents fluid from building up in the bloodstream, which reduces blood pressure and prevents swelling.

High Creatinine treatment

Chinese herbal medicine is a choice to treat high creatinine level and repair renal function in China.

People in China always look for Chinese medicine when they have diseases. Backed by centuries of empirical experience, China′s huge pharmacopeia contains thousands of substances of plant, animal, or mineral origin, most of them herbs. At least half of Chinese folk remedies have some kind of scientific basis for their reputed claims, according to a National Academy of Sciences study of 796 Chinese herbal and animal remedies.

Some ingredients of Chinese Medicine can provide essential substances during restoration, such as vitamin, organic acid, trace elements, etc. Besides, Chinese Medicine can stimulate damaged renal functional cells to start self-repairing mechanism and speed up DNA Replication in damaged renal functional cells. In this way, impaired renal function can be repaired.

Because some of the medicine being taken orally may cause side effects when kidney function is seriously damaged, a new external application method has been developed. The medicine can lower creatinine level and partly repair kidney function without side effects.

In our hospital we have many way to use Chinese Medicine like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Medicated Bath Therapy. If you want to know our detailed information about the treatment for lower high creatinine level can send an email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com.


Why CKD Patients Will Suffer From Fatigue

CKD feel fatigue
There are many side effects of CKD patients. There are many CKD patients will suffer from fatigue. The following content will tell you why CKD patients will suffer from fatigue.

Even healthy people complain of being tired. But people with CKD can be so exhausted that they fall asleep during the day—even after 8 to 10 hours of sleep at night. One reason for fatigue can be anemia, a shortage of oxygen-carrying red blood cells. People with CKD often have anemia because damaged kidneys make less of a hormone called erythropoietin (epoetin, or EPO). EPO tells the bone marrow to make new red blood cells. Without a fresh supply of red blood cells, the body has less oxygen. This makes you more tired and cold, and less able to focus and fight disease. If your fatigue is due to anemia, your doctor may prescribe iron and injections of a man-made form of EPO.

CKD patient with fatigue treatment

In our hospital we mainly use Chinese Medicine to treat kidney disease. There is a featured therapy named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. And it is one of innovation therapy in our hospital.

If you want to know the detailed information about CKD. You can send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.


Cause and treatment for Diabetic Nephropathy patients with eye disease (loss of vision)

diabetic nephropathy loss of vision
There are many Diabetic Nephropathy patients will suffer from eye disase like loss of vision. What is the causes and how to remove this symptoms?

Diabetic Nephropathy is caused by damage from diabetes to blood vessels of the retina. The retina is the layer of tissue at the back of the inner eye. It changes light and images that enter the eye into nerve signals, which are sent to the brain.

Diabetic Nephropathy is a main cause of blindness in Americans 20 to 74 years old. People with type 1 or type 2 diabetes are at risk of this condition.

How to restore eye problem for Diabetic Kidney Disease Patients?

By the way, Our hospital is a professional hospital on kidney disease. We have many special, effective therapies like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath Therapy, Foot Bath therapy and these therapies are mainly unique on Traditional Chinese Medication. TCM mainly adjust blood circulation and a special element named QI in Chinese. We can improve the condition of the patient and protect the kidney, recover renal function without any side effect.

If you want to know the detailed information about the treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy. Can send an email to mailto:chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.


How to deal with IgA Nephropathy with high creatinine 1.9

IgA Nephroapthy also can be called Berger’s disease. It is one of immune system kidney disease. Here is a kidney disease patient condition: IgA Nephropathy,Creatinine 1.9,24 hrs urine protein;1.8gm/day urine PC ratio 2.2 HB 12.4TLC;6400/cumm USG RK;9.8cm LK10.5CM with maintained CMD BP120/80 uric acid 461micro mol/L Na; 138 K; 4.4

The following content is the advice of our doctor.

From your biopsy report and your current serum creatinine level, firstly we can know that, through your case is IgA Nephropathy, but it is not the worst type. Besides, your current serum creatinine level is just in upper limit of normal range, this means the kidney function has not declined a lot, just on the way of decline. So, for your current kidney condition, we have confidence to help you though our systematic Chinese herbal therapies. Later I can introduce more about our treatment.

It is proven to be effective to treat IgA nephropathy with traditional Chinese herb medicine and other traditional Chinese medicine therapies prescribed according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and that of immunology. It is applied externally at lower back of kidney patients to relieve the ischemia and anoxia condition inside the kidneys, protect and repair the survived kidney functional cells, which treat this problem from root causes.

Here I suggest you Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, this therapy had help many patients improved their kidney function.

Have any questions? Send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. We will reply you in 24 hours.


How to Lower High Creatinine Level for Stage 3 CKD

how to lower high creatinine level for stage 3 CKD.
how to lower creatinine level for stage 3 CKD patients
CKD stage 3 is a important treatment period for kidney disease patients. And creatinine level can show the damaged degree of the kidneys. So today I want to share with you

Creatinine is a muscle in the body's metabolism, mainly excreted by glomerular filtration. Clinically serum creatinine is one of the main methods used to understand kidney function. Western medicine in the treatment for creatinine aspects of treatment we usually use is taking medicine or hormone drugs to lower serum creatinine, but this has emerged a problem that medication creatinine come down, stopping creatinine on increased illness followed repeatedly, over time his condition to persistent renal failure stage, so that patients unspeakable pain. In recent years, the field of Chinese medicine in the treatment of kidney disease to achieve a qualitative leap, it is the only micro-elements of a new scientific research, through micro-based traditional Chinese medicine penetration after introduction method using direct action to damage the glomerular basement membrane disease organization, and repair the glomerular basement membrane. After repairing the damaged basement membrane, changing the kidney structure, expanding the area of ​​glomerular filtration, serum creatinine have been declining gradually in life to prevent a cold, diet and mood, not tired, control of blood pressure, blood glucose and other factors, protect renal function. Just take note of these, serum creatinine will gradually come down

At other hand Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is our featured therapy. This therapy had help many kidney disease patients lowered high creatinine level. If you want to know the detailed information about how to lower high creatinine level can Send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. Best wishes!


How Can Chinese Medicine treat PKD without Dialysis or Kidney Transplant?

All PKD patients know this disease is very difficult to treat. They think dialysis and kidney transplant is the only way to treat their disease. They want to find a way to shrink the cyst naturally. But it is difficult in their country.

In our hospital, there are many successful cases about the PKD treatment. How amazing is it ! The kidney cyst really become small. So let me share with you our way to treat PKD.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat PKD

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy not an oral medicine but an external osmotherapy. The effective component can penetrate into human body through waist area. Patients can take this treatment just by lying on the bed. The Chinese herbs can into the patients body naturally through a special osmotic device.

If you want to know more about our treatment to PKD. Can send an email or chat with our on line doctor directly. This is our email id: chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. Best wishes for you.


What Should I Eat to Reduce High Creatinine Level ?

Creatinine diet
I believe that a lot of CKD patients know ‘creatinine’ level. And all kidney failure patients want to know the diet of kidney failure patients. This article will introduce to you what should CKD patients eat to reduce high creatinine level.

High creatinine diet

Limit Protein

Eating more protein than your body needs increases the amount of waste your kidneys need to remove, making them work harder. Limiting protein intake to 0.4 gram per pound, or 60 grams if you weigh 150 pounds, is recommended to preserve kidney function. Most of your protein should come from high-biological value sources, such as lean meat, poultry, eggs and milk, to limit the amount of waste produced. For reference, 60 grams of chicken is about 2 ounces.

Watch the Sodium

To reduce sodium intake, trade in your processed foods, such as deli meats, chips and fast food, for more fresh foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, meats and seafood prepared without salt, pasta, rice, and milk.

Be Careful With High-Potassium Foods

In other hand choose the right treatment to lower high creatinine level is also essential. Here I suggest you Chinese herbs. In our hospital we can use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath Therapy, Foot Bath Therapy.
If you want to know the detailed information about our way to lower high creatinine level. Send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. We will reply you in 24 hours.


How to improve kidney function for PKD patients

Improve kidney function is important of treatment in PKD. The following content will through diet and treatment to tell you how to improve kidney function for PKD patients.

Improve kidney function in PKD through diet

Limit Sodium Intake

Limit salt in your diet to promote kidney function, help maintain your current GFR and a healthy blood pressure.

Manage Blood Sugars

If you are diabetic, managing your blood sugar can help you maintain a stable GFR level.

Limit Protein Intake

Limiting your dietary protein intake may help to maintain a stable GFR. Your stage of kidney disease will determine the appropriate amount of protein for your diet. In Stages 1 through 3 of chronic kidney disease, it has been found that restricting your protein intake to 0.75 gram per kilogram of body weight may slow GFR decline. For a 150-pound individual, that would be 51 grams of protein per day. Too much protein intake causes an accumulation of waste products that unhealthy kidneys are not able to filter from the body. Foods high in protein are meat, poultry, eggs, dairy and soy products. Consult with your doctor or dietitian to determine the right amount of protein for you.

Treatment suggestions for PKD patients

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is our major treatment for PKD patients. This therapy can shrink the kidney cyst naturally. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a conservative therapy without pumping fluid or relieving pressure. It is a kind of external application on the back. The Chinese medicine are micronized into one thousandths of its original size. With the action of the microwave, the medicine will permeate into the renal lesions directly through the skin and channels. We use Micro-Chinese Medicine to expand blood vessels, speed up blood circulation on cysts walls, and improve the permeability of the cysts thus making the cysts shrink and decrease. It will restrain the proliferation of the epithelial cells, so the secretion of cyst liquid will be reduced. When the internal pressure of the cyst declined, the size of the cyst will gradually become smaller, thus relieving the compression of the tissues around, improving microcirculation, and blocking the progressing of renal fibrosis. Besides, the cysts are not easy to recur after disappearance, and the symptoms will thoroughly disappear. The kidney function will also be better.

If you have any questions want to consult can send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. I will reply you in 48 hours. Best wishes!


Diet suggestions for FSGS patients

FSGS is a kind of kidney disease. For kidney disease patient care of the daily life is very important. So FSGS patient also should care more about the diet. The following content will give FSGS patient a guidline.

Sodium intake

In order not to aggravate hypertension or cause edema, FSGS patients should control sodium intake. Canned foods are particular high sources of sodium in the American diet.

Water intake

Right amount of water intake is good for FSGS patients, too much fluid will be out of the damaged kidneys’ control. In order to avoid water retention, FSGS patients can go for some fruits like grapes, berries, watermelon, etc when they feel thirsty.

Protein intake

Protein intake is commonly included in the diet for FSGS and other kidney diseases. FSGS patients should control the protein intake in order not to increase the kidneys’ burden. But protein is something essential our body needs,  so high quality of protein like chicken, milk, fish, lean meat, eggs, etc will be recommended.
Prevent the development of FSGS is very important. Because FSGS can also lead to kidney failure. You can choose Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to treat FSGS. This therapy don’t have any side effect. And there are many successful cases about the treatment of PKD.

If you want to know more about the treatment of FSGS. Can send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. Best wishes for you!


Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treat Kidney failure

Kidney failure is very hard to be cure. And find out a efficient therapy can improve the quality of the patients’ life is also very hard. But In our hospital  We have this kinds of cases - A Kidney Failure Patients get rid of dialysis successfully.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy take a very big effect in the treatment of this cases. So I want to tell you the effect of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy (Hot Compress Therapy).

Hot compress on bilateral Shenshu acupoints (BL23) is to micro-process medicinals that eliminate toxins and recover original qi, and apply them on Shenshu acupoints (BL23) externally. In such a way, the aim of cleansing toxin can be attained, with pathogenic toxin removed and original qi restored.

Shenshu acupoint (BL23) is the acupoint on which damp-heat and cold-dampness qi enter into bladder meridian and discharge externally. Therefore, hot compress is performed on this acupoint.

Short-term effects:
Increased urine volume; reduced urine at night; yellowish urine; strong odor of urine; flocculent precipitates, etc

Early recovery of kidney (increased urine creatinine);reduced urine at night; improved blood stasis

no poisoning symptoms all over the body: relieved and skin itch; no ammonia tastes in the mouth; improved symptoms in digestive tract; increased appetite; recovery of electrolyte disorder; stable blood pressure; improved disorder in blood; improved anemia.

Have any questions about our therapy or about your disease? Send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. Our expert will reply you in 24 hous.


Diet Taboo and Diet suggestions for PKD patients

The daily diet is very important for PKD patients. There are many diet taboo of the PKD patients. In this article I will tell you the sugestions about the daily diet.

Diet Taboo In PKD

1. High salt food

2. Excessive protein

Excessive protein intake may heavier the burden on the kidneys. PKD patients are suggested to eat half an egg every day.

3. Spicy food

4. High fat food

5. Seafood

Such food can make the cyst becomes bigger.

6. Soy and soy products

7. High folic acid material

8. Supplements

Supplements can promote the development of capsule.

9. Caffeine drinks

Caffeine increase cell proliferation and cystic fluid secretion.

10. Tobacco and alcohol

Diet suggestios for PKD patients

The daily diet may also affect the prognosis in PKD. If patients eat healthy diet, such as low-salt, low- protein, healthy foods, and keep balanced nutrition, they may have a better prognosis. However, when PKD patients take foods freewheelingly, and ignore the advices of their doctors, they may have bad prognosis.

If you have any other questions want to consult. You can send an email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com. We will reply you in 24 hours.


Diet for Kidney Failure Patients with High Creatinine Level

Kidney failure with high creatinine level should  pay attention both the treatment and diet. The following content will give you the diet suggestion for kidney failure patients.

diet suggestion for kidney failure patients with high creatinine level

1. Low salt

Foods that are rich in salt are MSG, soda crackers, noodles, soy sauce, fried fritter, etc. In cases of unstable blood pressure or heavy edema, salt should be avoided. Generally patients should have less than 3g pre day(a bid cap of toothpaste).

2. Low fat

Pay attention to avoid animal oil while cooking and mainly use vegetable oil especially the corn oil containing unsaturated fatty acids. And greasy foods should be forbidden.

3. Low high-quality protein

Proper amount of egg white, milk and lean meat should be eaten and the amount should be less than 0.1kg. Vegetable protein should be avoided such as beans and all kinds of soy products, tofu, soy milk as well as all kinds of dried fruit like peanut, melon seed and walnut.

4. High vitamin

More vegetables and all kinds of fruits should be eaten such as pear, apple, cucumber, tomato, etc.

Please note that spicy foods like raw onions, ginger, garlic should be avoided. Also tobacco, alcohol and dog meat should not be eaten.


If you have any other questions about your disease. You can send an email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com. we will reply you as soon as possible.

On Line expert