
Creatinin 5.2 in Kidney Failure Should I Start dialysis?

Creatinine 5.2 is much higher the normal level of Creatinine. The normal creatinine levle is about 0.6-1.2 mg/dl. In this stage the doctor will suggest you start dialysis. But many patients don't want start dialysis. Because they know they will reply on dialysis once they start it.

When should patients start dialysis?

There are no published guidelines for when to initiate dialysis in a patient with hyperammonemia due to urea cycle defects. It is commonly indicated if the ammonia blood level is greater than three to four times the upper limit of normal or greater than 200 micromoles/L. Continuous hemodialysis is started with higher flow rates and is the most effective treatment in rapidly reducing ammonia levels. Even though ammonia is osmotically active, the rapid removal of ammonia is not associated with disequilibrium syndrome mainly due to two reasons: First, there is a rapid equilibration of ammonia across the cell membrane. Secondly, the total amount in the blood, even in severe hyperammonemia, is only about 200 micromoles. This contributes less than 1 mosm per liter to total osmolality and therefore, even if it were all removed at once, the change in osmolality is too small to make cause disequilibrium. Contrast this with ammonia levels in the urine which are typically in the millimolar range.

If Creatinine 5.2 have other symptoms like nausea and vomiting. You should start dialysis to clear th metabolic waste for kidney failure patients. And you should adopt the combination of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine. In our hospital we have many therapy about Chinese Medicine.

Have any questions? You can send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. We will reply you in 24 hours.


The Natural Treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients - Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Do you want to find a natural treatment for kidney failure ? In this article I will through diet, life style and natural treatment to tell you my suggestion to treat kidney failure. 

Have a regular exercise Having enough exercise will boost your immune system and improves various functions of your body.
Drink enough water
Drinking 8-12 glasses of water every day is very important, especially for those who have kidney disease. Your kidneys’ primary function is to filter blood toxins and drain the toxins off through urine. If the amount of water in your body is insufficient, your kidneys will be stressed and cannot perform well. Studies have shown that one of the contributing factors to kidney disease is insufficient intake of water. There are several fruits and vegetables you can include in your kidney diet. The following foods have very high amount of water content which is very good for your kidneys: zucchini, tomatoes, watermelon, and cucumber.
Avoid protein-rich foods For those who suffer from kidney disease, it is a big no to include protein-rich foods in the kidney diet.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treat Kidney Failure

We will adopt different treatment for CKD patients according to the condition. We will adopt the combination of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine. And we will use special Micro-Chinese Medicine to make the medicine enter one's kidneys more quickly. And this treatment just need you lie down on the bed for 40 minutes.

Have any questions? Send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. We will reply you in 2 days.


How to Lower High Creatinine Level for Kidney Failure Patients Without dialysis

Creatinine is a waste product from normal muscle metabolism. It is easily filtered out of the blood by well-functioning kidneys and levels typically remain relatively stable in the body and bloodstream over time. So the creatinine level can be called a important way to determine the damaged degree of the kidney.

For kidney failure patients they will choose dialysis to lower their creatinine level though they don't like start dialysis.

How to lower high creatinine level for kidney failure patients without dialysis 

1.Treat your high blood pressure, if this is the underlying condition causing your kidneys to function abnormally. You may need high blood pressure medication, such as an ACE inhibitor. Your doctor may also recommend a diuretic if your hypertension medication is not sufficient.
Doctor taking patients blood pressure (Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images)

2.Control your diabetes. Diabetes can also cause kidney damage. If you’ve been unable to adequately control your blood sugar levels through a healthy diet and regular exercise, you may need to take diabetes medication or insulin.

3.Lower your LDL cholesterol. High cholesterol may also be a factor in decreased kidney function. You’ll need to follow a strict, low-fat diet, along with a consistent exercise plan to lower your cholesterol. Your doctor may also recommend cholesterol-lowering medications.

4. Choose the suitable treatment to lower high creatinine level. We will choose Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of alternative treatment. And in clinic there had many successful cases use this therapy to avoid dialysis or get rid of dialysis.

Have any questions? Send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. We will reply will as soon as possible.


What is the Causes and Treatment for PKD Patients with Back Pain

Back pain is one of most common symptoms of PKD patients. What happened when PKD patients with Back pain. And how to relieve this symptoms? Hope this article will help you.
The main reasons of backache due to polycystic kidney disease are as follows:
1. Cyst rupture because of the excess increase, leading to bleed and swell within the kidney, thus causing backache.
2. The cyst combine with calculi or blood clot of cyst can block ureter, leading to gastric colic.
3. If the polycystic kidney patients are associated with lithangiuria, urine impact kidney and ureter can also lead to backache.
4. Strenuous exercise, long time walking and sedentariness can result in backache.

5. The urinary system infection due to cyst.

PKD treatment without surgery. 

Many patients will choose surgery to remove the cyst for PKD patients. But this way just can remove the big cyst. And only can relieve the symptoms momentarily. So find out a suitable therapy to treat PKD is very essential. Here we use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to treat PKD. And in clinic we have many successful cases use of this therapy.

If you want to know the detailed information about this therapy. Can send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.


When should a Kidney Failure Patients Start Dialysis ?

Dialysis can instead of kidneys to work. Once the patient took dialysis the patient will rely on it and long term’s dialysis will make the patient feel collapse . And Dialysis will cause many side effect like nausea and vomiting. When should a kidney failure patients start dialysis? 

Dialysis is started when the symptoms of kidney failure become too trouble some and when blood tests show that waste products are at a level where problems are likely.
Staff will monitor you carefully and advise you of when dialysis is likely to be needed. The average eGFR for starting dialysis in the UK is about 8. You may need it sooner or manage till later. Planning needs to be done well in advance of this though.

Is there any treatment can instead of dialysis to treat one's kidney disease

So you can think take your father accept the Chinese Medicine.There are so many kinds of Chinese therapies to treat the kidney disease.The Chinese doctors will set up most systematic treatment after systematic examination.
Step 1, the cycle therapy. During this therapy, we make the circle shape around your main acupoints according to the theory of the traditional Yin and Yang. Then we can draw the toxin out of the body through the center of the circles.
Step 2, the hot compress therapy. During this therapy we mainly take the Traditional Chinese medicine osmotherapy. We choose the herbs according to your detailed body condition, and blend them together sufficiently. Then we compress the powder of the herbs on your kidney area, transmitting the element to your kidney by the electromagnetic wave.
Step 3, the feet bath therapy. There are lots of main acupoints on our feet, including the Yongquan acupoint, which is mainly relative to the kidney function. We can supply the element insufficient in your body and draw the toxins out through this acupoint.
Step 4, the moxa-moxibustion therapy. This therapy can help to regulate the disorder lying in your immune system, you know the nephropathy is a kind of autoimmune disease. To treat the disease well, we must first regulate your immune system to its best condition.
Step 5, the herbal bath. During this therapy, we will choose the herbs which can help to improve your blood circulation and remove the toxins. Your symptoms like high blood pressure, or weakness, or pain on the body will be well relieved after the therapy.
Step 6, the oral-taken therapy. The medicine we use during this therapy can help to protect your kidney function, and supply the energy to improve your kidney function; Meanwhile, it will help your blood pressure and control the infections.

Step 7, the enema therapy. This therapy is mainly aimed at the toxin accumulating in your intestinal track, and your appetite problem or the constipation problem will be relieved greatly.

If you have interested in our therapy can send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. We will tell you our medical suggestion.

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