
Diet of Renal Failure Patients

Diet is one of important factor for Renal Failure patients.The burden of Kidneys will increase if you don't have a right habit of eating.The following diet suggestions from famous kidney expert. Hope I can help you .
1. Limit the amount of liquids
If your body retains fluids, you will have swelling and fluid may build up in your lungs. This can cause other health problems, such as shortness of breath.
2. Limit sodium
If you have high blood pressure or extra fluid in your body. Limit your sodium intake to 1500 mg each day. Table salt, canned foods, soups, salted snacks, and processed meats, like deli meats and sausage, are high in sodium.
3. Limit the amount of protein
Foods that are high in protein are meat, poultry (chicken and turkey), fish, eggs, and dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt). Your caregiver will tell you how much protein to eat each day.
4. Limit potassium
If your caregiver tells you that your potassium blood levels are too high. Potassium is found in fruits and vegetables. You may have to limit fruits and vegetables that are high in potassium.
5. Limit the amount of phosphorus

Your kidneys cannot get rid of extra phosphorus that builds up in your blood. This may cause your bones to lose calcium and weaken. Foods that are high in phosphorus are dairy products, beans, peas, nuts, and whole grains. Phosphorus is also found in cocoa, beer, and cola drinks. Your caregiver will tell you how much phosphorus you should have in your diet each day.


Diet just one factor of your kidney disease.Choose a right therapy is the most important factor of your kidney disease. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a famous therapy in China. This therapy have saved many person in kidney failure.

Have any other questions about your kidney failure .Consult me through kidney-treatment@hotmail.com .



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