More than one quarter patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) suffer from hematuria or blood in urine at the early stages of Polycystic Kidney Disease. Most of them have no ideal of PKD before hematuria occurs among them. Those cysts stress other renal tissues, destroy renal function and cause many complications which may arouse hematuria or blood in urine, such as Urinary Tract Infection and Kidney Stone.
Combined with broken cysts, there are three main reasons for hematuria or blood in urine in Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD).
1. The broken cysts
Those cysts in kidney are covered by many capillaries on their surface. With the growth, those cysts are stretching their epithele in the state of stress. Squeezed or knocked by the external forces, they are broken as well as the capillaries. Blood can be found in urine. At the same time, this kind of hematuria is usually intermittent and combined with sharply lower back pain. What’s worse, it might cause abdominal infection and even Sepsis, so it is important for patients with PKD to avoid strenuous activities and infections.
2. Urinary Tract Infection
As those cysts grow, they will stress the renal tissues including renal tubules and capillaries, which will reduce blood volume and slow down blood flow. Accordingly, less urine are formed and the urine tends to deposit in body for a longer time, which increase the possibility of bacteria breeding and further infecting upper and lower urinary tract. Especially in upper urinary tract infection, if the glomeruli are infected and their mechanical barrier as well as charge barrier is destroyed, red cells can not be prevented passing blood vessels into urine. This kind of hematuria is continuous. Urinary Tract Infection plays an important role in damaging renal function of patients with PKD.
3. Kidney Stone
In Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), apart from the reasons of diets and the lack of water in body, the nucleus of condensation and obstruction of urine play important roles in the forming of Kidney Stone. The obstruction makes urine deposit longer than before. As the nucleus, Calcium or other mineral have enough time to form Kidney Stone. The movement of those stones can rub the capillaries in urinary tract and cause bleeding. This kind of Hematuria is usually companied by renal colic.
PKD Patients suffer from hematuria mainly because of the broken cysts. Several days later, it will disappear, but it can develop into continuous hematuria when Polycystic Kidney Disease deteriorates.
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