In Stage 3 CKD eGFR is approximately 30-60%: eGFR 45-59 (3A) or 30-44 (3B). Rememember that eGFR is an estimate (more info on eGFR) and may require a correction for (black) race.And stage 3 CKD is one of critical treatment period for your kidney disease .
In stage 3 a person is more likely to develop complications of kidney diseasesuch as high blood pressure,anemia (a shortage of red blood cells) and/or early bone disease.
Symptoms may start to become present in stage 3, such as:
Fatigue: Feeling tired is common for people with CKD and is often caused by anemia.
Too much fluid: The kidneysmay lose their ability to control how much fluid stays in the body. A person may notice swelling (edema) in their lower legs, hands or face around the eyes. With too much fluid someone could even feel short of breath.
Urination changes: Urine may be foamy if there is protein in it, or dark orange, brown, tea colored or red if it contains blood. A person may urinate more or less, or get up at night to go to the bathroom.
Kidney pain: Most people with CKD do not have kidney pain, but with some kinds of kidney problems, such as polycystic kidney disease (PKD) or infections, they may have pain in their back where the kidneys are.
Sleep problems: Some people have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Itching, muscle cramps or restless legs can keep them awake.
Treatments of stage 3 CKD
Many people will choose Dialysis to treat one's kidney disease . But dialysis is just can instead of kidneys to work at a moment .If you want to avoid or get rid of Dialysis . You can try Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy .
It is based on traditional Chinese medicine and has no side effects, there
has difference on the application with the traditional Chinese medicine. This
therapy aims to repair the damaged kidneys, because we know clearly that as long
as the kidneys are repaired, high creatinine and other symptoms will disappear
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