
Chronic Kidney Disease with anemia and high creatinine level

There are many CKD patients will suffer from anemia. This symptoms can lead the patients feel dizzy.So many patients want to know the cause of anemia and the treatment of anemia. The following content will give you the answer. If is still have any questions, you can contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.

The cause of CKD patients with anemia

Diseased kidneys may not produce enough erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone that regulates red blood cell production. Less EPO in turn means fewer red blood cells and their protein hemoglobin to deliver oxygen to your body's organs. If there are not enough red blood cells, your body does not get the right amount of oxygen, resulting in anemia. Other factors that can contribute to anemia in patients with kidney disease include iron deficiency, some vitamin deficiencies, and the effects of poor nutrition or inflammation.

Once your kidney damaged reach 50%, your creatinine level will begin to risk.So we should care the creatinine level more.

Treatment for CKD patients with anemia and high creatinine level  

For our treatment, we combine Western Medicine and Chinese Medicine, mainly depend on Chinese Medicine. Chinese Medicine has some difference from Western Medicine. Chinese Medicine values dialectical and eight principal syndrome differentiation, and four diagnostic methods( Inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiry and pulse-taking and palpation arethe). The application of each Chinese herbal medicine and each prescription are strictly according to these principles.

Do you heard Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? This therapy is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Other than the Western Medicine.Traditional Chinese is more safe and can restore your kidney function gradually.



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