
The Advantange and Disadvantage of Kidney Transplant

Kidney transplant is the last choice for kidney failure patients. But for end stage renal failure patients it seems like the only choice. So I want to tell you the advantage and disadvantage of kidney transplant.

Advantage of kidney transplant

.Quality of life and survival often improved compared to the use of dialysis
.Patients are free of the time- and energy-consuming nature of dialysis
.Regular dietary requirement
.Fewer visits to the clinic

Disadvantage of kidney transplant

.Shortage of kidney organs available – the average wait for a deceased donor kidney about 4 years
.Risks associated with surgical procedure e.g. infection, bleeding, damage to other organs
.Lifetime treatment regimen of immunosuppressive medications, with possible side effects
.Patient must satisfy a number of factors to be a possible transplant candidate
Risk of transplant rejection

Alternative Therapy for ESRD patients

Four one therapy can improve your quality of life.And also can prevent your disease become worse. In fact this disease include one bottle of Chinese patent medicine- Mai-Kang Composition (MKM),Oral Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Medicated bath therapy.  The combination of these therapy had get good effect in the treatment of  ESRD.

If you want to know more about our "Four  one therapy". Or if you have any questions ? Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.



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