
PKD with anemia how to deal with it ?

PKD is one of Genetic kidney disease. The form of PKD is like a grapy.each grape
represents a cyst. How horrible it is. The early and suitable treat is the only solution.
Frequent complications of polycystic kidney disease include dangerously high blood pressure (hypertension), pain in the back or sides, blood in the urine (hematuria), recurrent urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and heart valve abnormalities. Additionally, people with polycystic kidney disease have an increased risk of an abnormal bulging (an aneurysm) in a large blood vessel called the aorta or in blood vessels at the base of the brain. Aneurysms can be life-threatening if they tear or rupture.And anemia is also a common symptom of PKD patients.Today I want to share with you the relationship between PKD and anemia.

How does PKD cause anemia?

Enlarged cysts in PKD press the surrounding renal tissues and thus makes our kidneys are failed in generating erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is the major component of red blood cells, so when our body is short of erythropoietin, anemia occurs.
Also, PKD damage kidney, which can lead to the condition that large amounts of toxins pile up in the blood. These toxins exist in the blood and shorten the life span of red blood cells. This is another cause of anemia in PKD.

Treatment of PKD with anemia

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of efficient therapy for PKD patients,With the help of osmosis device, effective ingredients of herbal medicines will infiltrate into kidneys through the main channels. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can repair the damaged kidney inherent cells and enhance the patients′ immunity. What′s more, this therapy is an advanced treatment in treating PKD in the world.

If you want to know more about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .



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