Actually, there are so many cases that PKD develops into Renal Failure in clinical. Firstly, let′s see how patients have high creatinine.
PKD is characterized by the cysts. These cysts growing on kidneys will keep growing, and the growth speed is different for different people. Because of the enlargement of cysts, they will oppress the surrounding tissues, which makes the kidney function worsening. Once the kidney function decreases, the glomeruli fail to remove the creatinine out of body, so creatinine will accumulate in the body. Also in return, high creatinine can aggravate the condition and make patients feel poor appetite, nausea, vomiting and etc.
Once the creatinine level begins to raise, at least 50% of kidney function has already been lost. When creatinine level reaches to 451-707, in general, the condition hasdeveloped into Renal Failure, and at this time, GFR will be 15-29.
If PKD has not developed into Renal Failure, the prognosis should be good.
Treatments for PKD
In order to avoid PKD develop into Renal Failure . Find the right therapy is essential . There are many good choice for PKD patients . Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of efficient therapy in China . This therapy can remove kidney cyst for PKD patients naturally .
In other hand , Immunotherapy , Blood Pollution therapy are all efficient therapy .
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