If Kidney Disease Patients have a right diet in their daily life .I believe their Creatinine Level will have a good control .
Once your creatinine rises, besides knowing about the associated knowledge
about the problem, you are suggested to make a reasonable diet as for your
specific conditions. Next the expert from Beijing United-Tech Nephrology
Specialist Hospital introduce to us what kinds of foods are good for our health
and what kinds of foods we should avoid eating.
In the early stage of the renal disease, the serum creatinine level usually
doesn’t increase, but it does as the glomerular filtration function decreases
half or less than 50 percent. Therefore, the creatinine level can not
sensitively reflect the renal damage status in the early stage of the disease.
However, once your creatinine level has been found to be continuously rising, it
indicates the prognosis is very serious. At the moment, you’d better pay more
attention to your diet. Since your renal glomerular fails to filter the toxin
and other waste products like the creatinine out of your body, the creatinine
build up in your blood and it may cause tremendous damage to your body as its
increasing accumulation in your body. If you eat something that is not good for
your health, your disease condition may get worse or even lose your life just
because of your improper diet.
What kinds of foods should not to be eaten? Generally speaking, you are
should keep low-salt diet, and no more than 3gram salt intake is better. The
foods high in potassium should avoid to be eaten in case of hyperkalemia. This
kind of foods includes potatoes, celery, beans and beans products and bananas
and so on. The foods high in protein are also not better for your health, for
the excess of the protein intake may put more extra pressure on your kidneys.
But it doesn’t mean you are not allowed to eat a few of protein at all. Due to
the decrease of the renal function, some of the protein that should stay in the
blood is removed out of the body, so you need to eat something to make up for
the loss of the protein. Limited high quality protein intake is necessary for
your health and egg white,fish, lean and milk are suitable for your diet. At
last, you’d better keep a low-fat diet. You’d better not to eat some fried or
greasy foods abundant in saturated fatty acid, for it would get the renal
function worse than before.
This is what we suggest for your diet, hoping to help you. If you still do
not know how to arrange your diet, please consult our experts. We are always
ready to help you.
Use Chinese Medicine Can control one's High Creatinine Level . Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a good Choice . Because this therapy can lower creatinine level naturally .
Have any questions ? Contact me through kidney-treatment@hotmail.com .