Western medicine is the most commonly used diabetic nephropathy drug in present world, especially in western countries, because it works quickly, which is much better than traditional Chinese medicine in this respect. Let’s analyze all those medicine in detail. At present, the treatment for diabetic nephropathy mainly focus on controlling patient’s blood sugar, at the same time, reducing microalbuminuria with western medicine so as to slow down the advancing of this disease.
Actually, there is nothing wrong with those treatment. My point is that this is not enough. By analyzing those medicine, you can find that all those medicine are concentrating on delaying renal failure rather than reversing this process or repairing the damaged kidneys, which is the basic way to protect the kidney function from further damaging and to help patients avoid renal failure.
Well, all know that according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, human body is a whole and when there is some problem with one part, like the kidneys, actually it is not only the problem of the kidneys but the immunity. And traditional Chinese medicine focuses not only on the kidneys, but also regulating the general condition of the whole body and repairing the damaged kidney functional cells by strengthening immunity and improving blood circulation inside the kidneys. And the damaged kidney functional cells can duly get more nutrition to restore and regain their normal functions, which can stop this kind of damage caused by diabetes and reverse the damage process.
At present, traditional Chinese medicine is becoming more and more popular in treating diabetes and diabetic nephropathy, especially in those developed countries like USA, UK, etc. which is proven to be more effective in treating the disease from root causes. If you are suffering from diabetic nephropathy and did not get good outcome only with western medicine, combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine is a new treatment to diabetic nephropathy and an alternative option for you. More details, please consult our online doctors.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a innovative therapy . This therapy combined Traditional Chinese Medicine with a Western Infiltration equipment.So the Traditional Chinese herbs can premeat one's kidneys directly . So the Chinese Medicine can take effect as soon as possible . And this therapy had little side-effect .
Have any questions ? Consult me through kidney-treatment@hotmail.com .