
Diabetic Nephropathy with high creatinine 4.7 treatment

Diabetic Nephropathy is caused by a long term diabetes.High creatinine 4.7 had shown a big damaged for your kidneys.How to lower it. The following content will tell you the answer.

Diabetic Nephropathy treatment

Active substances of Chinese Medicine can penetrate into the lesions, combining the homing effect of cell to repair and block islet Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and susceptibility genes. Active substances of Chinese Medicine have vasodilator effect, and can improve the structure and function of glomerular endothelial and mesangial , activate the function of this therapy, improve organizational structure, extend cell survival, block insulin resistance and eventually alleviate proteinuria, microscopic hematuria and other symptoms, thus preventing renal failure. cell can effectively repair damaged is let Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and susceptibility genes. And cell can also differentiate into a large number of  improve tissue function gradually. With the active substances of targeted Chinese medicine blocking insulin resistance, cell will gradually repair and restore the function of islet. As long as damaged Immune can be repaired, the condition will take a favourable turn.

If you have any doubt about our therapy. Contact me through kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com.



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