Reducing high creatinine level is always the focus for patients with kidney failure, but, what can patients do to reduce high creatinine level.
To regularize the creatinine levels, it is first important to know what is
causing the increase. It is when you address that problem that the problem of
high creatinine level will be cured. The common causes of high creatinien levels
are kidney stones, UTI, diabetes, high blood pressure, a constant consumption of
antibiotics, side effects of certain medicines, and over consumption of red
meat. Improving the condition of the kidneys, keeping the blood pressure in
check, and lowering blood sugar levels are the main ways of controlling
creatinine levels. Dehydration is one of the factors that shoot up the
creatinine level. Make sure to drink lots of water and other fluids everyday to
flush the creatinine out and keep the kidneys in a good state. To treat and
prevent high blood pressure and diabetes, one needs to reduce the daily caloric
intake and increase physical activity. You increase the consumption of some food
products that are beneficial in keeping kidneys working well. These include
lettuce, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, sprouts, radish, cucumber and turnips.
Consuming a glass of cranberry juice on a daily basis also keeps the kidneys
healthy and treats UTI. One must also avoid consuming dairy products, alcoholic
beverages, red meat, caffeine, white flour, sugary food, and other fattening
food that result in slowing down of kidneys functioning.
Herbs like Siberian ginseng, dandelion and cinnamon are also effective in
lowering creatinine levels. Drinking aloe vera juice also has many health
benefits like controlling blood pressure and blood sugar levels and improving
the function of the kidneys. Holy basil is also effective in strengthening the
kidneys. You can take a teaspoon of basil juice and honey each and consume it
every morning on an empty stomach for a few months.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherspy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
can do great favor to reduce high creatinine level, the most importantly thing
is that the this natural therapy reduces high creatinine from repairing kidney
If you want to know more details about the natural treatment, you can send
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