
How to improve GFR 42 for kidney failure patients with high creatinine level

GFR(Glomerular filtration rate)is on behalf of the renal function. Normally GFR should be 120%. And our human body can also maintain the normal operation of life with 60% kidney function. This is why there was a man who had one kidney can also live a normal life. The reason why we have two kidneys is that 60% to 60% with the addition of alternate work, we called compensatory stage. When the kidney function only remain 60% ,it have to work all the time .As times going, kidney cells will die as it overload for a long time. At this time,we called decompensatory stage. At this time renal function and GFR will decline quickly. Then the body will reflect many symptoms, such as proteinuria, edema, fewer EPO, anemia, higher uric acid toxins, and other toxin that can not be properly discharged,and kidneys can not work properly to regulate health condition ,then it need drugs to control this condition. That is the reason why it is difficult to find the kidney has been damaged in the period of CKD1 and CKD2. When GFR is less than 25%, renal function is too low .we call it kidney failure stage. In this period, all symptoms will aggravate and it is hard to control with drugs. When GFR is less than 15%, the Toxin in the body is difficult to control with drugs except by dialysis. That is the last period, we called uremia.

GFR 42 can show you are in stage 3 kidney failure. At this time the cells in your kidney need to do double work sometimes even three times than before. So your creatinine could wave in a range. However it will not last for a long time for this situation. You know if you work for double time than before will you continue for a long time? You will be tired soon after some time. It is the same for your kidneys.
Frankly speaking, in most western countries even in the whole world, there are 4 ways for kidney diseases: wait and see, Western Medicine, Dialysis, Transplant. Kidney Disease is known as a silent killer. When patients' condition is in Renal Inflammation Reaction stage (early stage or early-middle stage), most of them can not feel clear symptoms or discomforts, so doctor adopt a wait and see attitude. When condition goes to Renal Fibrosis stage, the symptoms start to occur, such as high blood pressure, anemia, electrolyte disturbance, swelling, poor immunity etc. Patients are given symptomatic treatment to slove these discomforts, these medicines are right, but far from enough to solve the root. With more and more renal scarring come into being, that is why most patients will have to do dialysis then transplant at last.
That is why a lot of people couldn't save their kidneys timely. Once it became to stage 4 it will be difficult to recover. You know once your kidney cells become lesions it will be difficult to save it again. Just like soldiers, for stage 3 of kidney disease the solders are injured but for stage 4 the solders died. Don't know if you could understand me. For your condition the most important thing is to save your kidney cells when they injured but not died. It is still reversible now. It is the key stage to treat your disease.

Treatment for kidney failure patients with GFR 42

We have several kinds of methods such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Herbal Circling Therapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Herbal Medicated Bath Therapy, Oral Herbal Medicine Therapy, High Retention Herbal Enema Therapy, Herbal Feet Bath Therapy, Herbal Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy, Herbal Reinforcing and Nourishing Therapy etc.

Have any questions? Contact me through kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com.



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