High creatinine level is common treatment to deal with Diabetic Nephropathy.
Can it be reduced without dialysis?
What causes the elevated creatinine on Diabetic Nephropathy?
The creatinine generated in our blood is from endogenous or exogenous, it
means the metabolism of our muscle tissue and creatine we take from food can
affect the serum creatinine level, but the high creatinine level is mostly
likely to occur because of kidney dysfunction, on the matter of lowering
creatinine level, the emphasis is always in protecting the kidney function,
There may doesn’t have many ways that can directly reduce creatinine level
beside treatment, but many measures can be taken to control the creatinine and
slow down the creatinine level increase, more importantly, they will slow down
the kidney deterioration. Once creatinine is higher than normal, it means that
the your kidney function has been lost more than 50%
How to deal with creatinine 4.7 on Diabetic Nephropathy ?
Decreasing the production of creatinine means you can reduce the meat intake
in precondition of good nutrition, that can slow down the increasing of
creatinine concentration.You should avoid intense physical labor, because it can
fasten our body metabolism and increase the concentration of wastes products in
blood. In general, by keeping healthy diet and lifestyle, it can play take a
certain effect in controlling creatinine level in blood if you don’t develop
kidney problem. When your creatinine level exceed the normal content, it may be
from your damaged kidney function to discharge wastes, then it should be focused
on increasing the kidney filtration function in bringing down creatinine level,
you will have to be treated on the original kidney disease.
The way to increase creatinine discharge can be method of western medicine,
by using of drugs or dialysis, they can bring down creatinine level in blood
fast and improve your conditions of edema, fatigue, etc, but the creatinine
level would rise to even higher level in few days, and you will need to repeat
the treatment until your kidney completely lost the filtration function. The
reasonable way to bring down the high creatinine level is to receive treatment
which is effective in preventing the kidney sclerosis from advancing and get
back the lost kidney function as more as possible, that is the long-term
effective method to bring down creatinine level.
The natural treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital work to
improve kidney function fundamentally, if you want to know more details about
the natural treatments, you can send email to