You would think that gout is a genetic disease, can cause joint pain? You may also think that young people would not have gout? These ideas are very wrong. If young people have a poor diet, they may end up with gout. Worse, gout can lead you'll think gout is a genetic disease, can cause joint pain? You may also think that young people would not have gout? The idea is very wrong. If young people have a poor diet, they may end up with gout. Worse, gout can cause chronic renal failure or uremia end.
Gout is increased due to the purine metabolism lead to the formation of uric acid. Inherited factors, this is a cause of gout. Even if there is no family history of the patient, such as beer, seafood, organ meats and fondue long-term intake can trigger gout.
In the early stages, decreased clearance of uric acid can cause an increase in uric acid in the blood. In this case, the patient usually has no symptoms. However, when the blood uric acid level is too high, urate crystals accumulate in the joints distal end.
Clinical manifestations of gout
Acute attack of gout usually pain, red, fever, swelling and stiffness. In most cases, these symptoms occur suddenly.
How gout uremia?
Arthritis and kidney disease is a major complication of gout. Because arthritis is a painful, patients can easily feel it. However, the onset of kidney disease is dormant, so most gout patients to find kidney disease can not be obtained. If kidney disease is caused by gout, which we call by the purine metabolism of uric acid nephropathy. According to clinical studies, 17% ~ 25% of gout patients eventually lead to renal failure.
In the past, patients with gouty nephropathy typically accounts for 1% of dialysis patients. However, this ratio is gradually increased in recent years. In the next 10 years, experts predict that this proportion will increase to over 50%.
Now, we know that it is very important to gout patients to protect their kidneys and prevent uremia. If you have any questions, please send an email to or below the message, we will get back to you. From chronic renal failure or uremia end.
Gout is increased due to the purine metabolism lead to the formation of uric acid. Inherited factors, this is a cause of gout. Even if there is no family history of the patient, such as beer, seafood, organ meats and fondue long-term intake can trigger gout.
In the early stages, decreased clearance of uric acid can cause an increase in uric acid in the blood. In this case, the patient usually has no symptoms. However, when the blood uric acid level is too high, urate crystals accumulate in the joints distal end.
Clinical manifestations of gout
Acute attack of gout usually pain, red, fever, swelling and stiffness. In most cases, these symptoms occur suddenly.
How gout uremia?
Arthritis and kidney disease is a major complication of gout. Because arthritis is a painful, patients can easily feel it. However, the onset of kidney disease is dormant, so most gout patients to find kidney disease can not be obtained. If kidney disease is caused by gout, which we call by the purine metabolism of uric acid nephropathy. According to clinical studies, 17% ~ 25% of gout patients eventually lead to renal failure.
In the past, patients with gouty nephropathy typically accounts for 1% of dialysis patients. However, this ratio is gradually increased in recent years. In the next 10 years, experts predict that this proportion will increase to over 50%.
Now, we know that it is very important to gout patients to protect their kidneys and prevent uremia. If you have any questions, please send an email to or below the message, we will get back to you.