
How to Lower High Creatinine Level Naturally

High Creatinine Level is a featured symptom of kidney failure. So Many patient want to know is there any way can get rid of high creatinine level. The following content will give you some suggestion about how to lower high creatinine level.

Eating sodium-rich food leads to fluid retention, causing high blood pressure. Both of these conditions are known to increase creatinine levels in the blood. Therefore, sodium intake must be reduced to only a few grams per day.
Red meat and dairy products are not good for people with high creatinine levels; these can be cut out of the diet completely. Replace animal protein with plant proteins in the diet.
Avoid foods that are rich in phosphorous, such as nuts, cheese, pork, shellfish, pumpkin, squash, soybeans and low-fat dairy products. The kidneys struggle to process phosphorous-rich foods, so to avoid a strain on the kidneys, all foods containing phosphorous can be avoided.

Chinese Medicine Lower High Creatinine Level

In our hospital, We mainly use The traditional way Chinese Medicine to lower high creatinine level. Use this way to lower high creatinine level will without any pain.

If you want to know how Chinese Medicine lower high creatinine level naturally. Can send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. We will repy you in 24 hours. Best wishes!



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