In this article I will tell you some way about Chinese Medicine and home remedies to control high creatinine level. If you want to know How these two way control high creatinine level can send email to We will reply you as soon as possible.
control high creatinine level naturally.
1 . Cinnamon
The diuretic properties in cinnamon help dealing with kidney problems and
regulate blood sugar levels. Include cinnamon in your daily diet in very small
quantities to get rid of all kidney problems. However, more than half a teaspoon
cinnamon a day can have adverse effects.
2 . Chinese Medicine
Chinese medicine is a complete medical system including Chinese herbal
medicine, medicated bath, acupuncture, etc. It treats diseases mainly replying
on herbal medicines and some instruments like needles, no chemical drugs at all.
It can reduce high creatinine level in CKD by improving renal function and
promoting the excretion of wastes from body.
3 . Protein
Foods or products, too high in protein, are usually advised to avoid in the
cases of Kidney failure. However, a protein intake of a comparatively slightly
higher amount (than what was being taken before), is recommended for such
patients. This protein intake is recommended from Animal sources, like eggs,
fishes, meats, etc. But high protein, received from dairy products, is not
recommended; especially when the Creatinine level is high. The ones needing a
higher intake of protein may, get 100-120 gm per day, whereas the ones needing
lower levels of protein may suffice with 40-50 gm a day.
You can also contact our on line doctor directly at this page. Our doctor will reply you as soon as possible. Best wishes!