
Renal failure patients can conceive children!

Kidney failure patients could conceive, and bear children? Many people with kidney failure in young patients are worried that they can not have any more children, so they often ask the doctor can not give birth. Today to you a brief introduction to help patients with kidney failure to lift the hearts of the doubt.

Experts say: the incidence of kidney disease is a lengthy process, the vast majority of kidney disease are due to long-term bad habits, poor diet, etc. from the gradual accumulation of lead, and one of the reasons is the over-indulgence cause kidney damage, so prior to cure kidney disease, it is not recommended for sex.

Renal failure is caused by a variety of glomerular serious damage and the physical condition of the disorder appear to excrete waste conditioning and water and electrolyte, acid-base balance and so on. Prognosis of severe disease, is one of the major life-threatening illness.

Renal failure patients once the disease, their kidney function would be subjected to serious injury, under the influence, suffering from kidney failure female friends have irregular menstruation or amenorrhea, infertility, loss of libido situation, so will the life have a huge impact and obstacles. Here experts have warned that patients with chronic renal failure is the best friend not to get pregnant and have children, because the stress of pregnancy, the patient's body and the kidneys are a great burden.

If the patient's condition had been cured after treatment, pregnancy can be considered, but it should be noted that in the clinical manifestations disappeared and no recurrence after 3 years, and then consider pregnancy a baby, which is the condition of the patient and fetus are good .

If pregnancy renal failure patients, serum albumin may occur significantly reduce the phenomenon may cause fetal underweight or premature. In addition, some patients with nephrotic syndrome, pregnancy, prone to thrombosis, causing other parts of the lesion. Patients with chronic glomerulonephritis occurs when high blood pressure or mild azotemia, if prone to pregnancy induced hypertension, can easily lead to fetal death.

If pregnancy induced hypertension occurs early symptoms, patients should be timely termination of pregnancy, because if patients continue the pregnancy if the fetus most difficult to survive, and will lead to the deterioration of the original kidney disease occurs, the patient's body will bring great hazards.

Patient's blood pressure, prone to a number of complications during pregnancy, such as heart failure, the patients generally can not afford pregnancy. If renal function in patients with moderate damage occurs, serum creatinine 123-265μmol / L, at this time of pregnancy, the original kidney disease and renal function deterioration. Such as too severe renal damage occurs, serum creatinine of more than 265μmol / L, blood urea nitrogen than 11mmol / L, should be prohibited pregnant.

Even if the patient's condition recovery after pregnancy, during pregnancy should pay great attention to monitoring. Patients should be regularly during pregnancy to the hospital at any time monitoring the condition of the patient and the fetus, but a patient's condition deteriorated or fetal dangerous situations should be timely termination of pregnancy, the fetus and to avoid harm to the patient.

Renal failure patients and doctors must be more communication, more follow the doctor's recommendations, with a doctor timely and effective treatment, and other conditions can be restored after pregnancy give birth to a healthy baby.

Email: chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com




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