
Seven kinds of natural treatments reduce high creatinine

Creatinine is the metabolic products of the muscle in the human body metabolism usually through the kidneys, the excess will go along with the urine, but for chronic kidney disease patients, due to damage to the kidneys, kidneys can not operate normally, creatinine in the body can lead to aggregation. once creatinine is formed of toxins in the human body and endanger human health, therefore, we will summarize the seven natural methods to reduce high creatinine treatment, hoping to help you.

1. Avoid strong movement.

strong movement causes the muscles to speed up the metabolism in the human body, and produce more creatinine. You can properly do some aerobic exercise to keep fit, promote blood circulation.

2. Reduce consumption of meat.

Because creatinine is the end products of metabolism in the body of meat, so effectively reducing meat consumption can be reduced creatinine formation, reduce high creatinine in the body.

3. high quality with a low amount of protein.

Another effective way to reduce protein intake. However, since this protein is to maintain the body's daily activities necessary material, thus, can absorb low amounts with high-quality protein, such as egg white, milk and so on.

4. Drink plenty of water.

Drink plenty of water will increase the amount of urine, promote the excretion of toxins from the body, thereby reducing high creatinine body. But for edema, patients must be adequately sing water.

5. restrict salt intake.

For chronic kidney disease, elevated creatinine, will be accompanied by other symptoms of a minor, such as high blood pressure and edema, the patient can maintain a low-salt or salt-free diet in accordance with their own circumstances.

6. quit smoking and drinking.

Alcohol poisoning mainly in the kidney and blood vessels poison greater consumption more damage the kidneys and blood vessels will be over the course of time may also cause sclerosis and renal arteries, resulting in more creatinine collected in humans.

7. Maintain a good mood.

Positive and optimistic attitude contributes to the development of disease control, however, is negative and pessimistic attitude may aggravate the disease.

These are the seven types of natural treatment methods, hoping to help you. Also, micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy, Immunotherapy, foot bath therapy, etc., these effective treatments to treat kidney disease.

If you have questions, you can contact us via the following way. I'm very glad to help you. We wish you a speedy recovery!

Email: chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com




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