
Anemia in Kidney Failure-Kidney Failure Symptoms

If you diagnosed with Kidney Failure.May be Anemia will occure.You will feel headace,and you  will feel no strength.Do you want to know more about this symptoms. Follow me and know more this symptom .
Anemia is a common disease, which might be related to kidney condition. In the hospital, many pale patients with loss of appetite come to do blood tests, only to find out that they not only have serious anemia but also aggravate kidney disease.
In general, anemia can happen in the medium and late stage of CKD(chronic kidney disease).However, many patients would regard their anemia as iron-deficiency anemia, since they do not have medical history of kidney disease, and they have never done urine tests. Actually, renal anemia is a common phenomenon, which unfortunately is not known to many people.
Human body produces five hundred million new red blood cells each hour, which is integrated by EPO (erythropoietin) and iron ion. EPO is, in fact, a hormone, and is in charge of the production of red blood cells.
Most of the EPO is secreted by kidney. When the EPO goes into the bloodstream, it would promote the composition of red blood cell in the bone marrow, increasing the quantity of red blood cell. In the bloodstream, the EPO should be kept in certain amount, so that human beings would have normal metabolism of red blood cells. When the kidney has been damaged to certain degree, the kidney’ s ability of producing EPO would decrease, resulting in anemia.

Lack of EPO is not the only factor that could lead to anemia; but once renal anemia happens, it could affect all the organs in the body and result in many complications. It would cause heart enlargement and cardiac hypertrophy, increasing the rate of cardiovascular events. It would also speed the deterioration of kidney, triggers cognitive dysfunction, irregular period, declining sexual ability and immune system.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is not a simple herb, but a medical procedure in which different Chinese herbs are used externally to improve kidney condition. Compared with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy works more effectively and quickly. More importantly, it causes no discomforts and during the whole treatment process, what patients need to do is to lie on the bed for 40 minutes.

If you want to know more about this therapy.Contact me through kidney-treatment@hotmail.com .



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