
Hyperphosphatemia in ESRD patients

Hyperphatemia is the presence of elevated phosphorus level in blood. Average phosphorus levels should be between 0.81mmol/L and 1.45mmol/L (different from country to country). And when lab test shows a high phosphorus level in blood, hyperphosphatemia is diagnosed.

The relationship between Hyperphosphatemia and ESRD

Hyperphosphatemia in end-stage renal disease patients: Pathophysiological consequences. A study of 6407 end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients has shown that hyperphosphatemia is increasingly important as a risk for mortality. Half of the patients showed serum phosphorus levels of over 6.0 mg/dl; at the same time, an elevated calcium
phosphorus product indicated increased risk of mortality. These observations lead to questions regarding the mechanisms at work in both the observed phenomena and the way in which they affect mortality. To answer these questions, an understanding of the pathophysiological consequences of hyperphosphatemia is necessary.

hyperparathyroidism, mortality

Hyperphosphatemia is becoming an important clinical issue in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. This is best illustrated by a recent study of 6407 hemodialysis patients that reveals an increased mortality risk in patients with hyperphosphatemia1. In this study, patients with a serum phosphorus (P) level> 6.5 mg/dl had a 27% increase in mortality. After adjusting for age at ESRD onset, race, sex, diabetes, AIDS, neoplasm, and active smoking, the mortality risk was still 27% as compared with patients with serum P in the range of 2.5–6.5 mg/dl (P< 0.001). In addition, in this large study 50% of patients had serum P higher than 6.0 mg/dl. Similarly, an elevated calcium (Ca)
P product was associated with a 34% increased mortality risk. Important questions arise from these observations. First, how does hyperphosphatemia increase mortality in ESRD patients? Second, what mechanisms may be operative in these observations? In this review, we will analyze the pathophysiological consequences of hyperphosphatemia (P).

Managemnets of hyperphosphatemia in ESRD

To get hyperphatemia managed well, the following tips should be kept in mind by renal failure patients:
1. Avoid foods high in phosphorus like all-bran cereal, almonds, beef, brazil nuts, cashew nuts, cheese, chicken, dried fruit, egg, garlic, halibut fish hard potatoes and herring and so on.
2. Try to eat more foods high in calcium and if necessary, try dietary calcium supplement.
3. Phosphate binders can be taken if phosphorus level is much higher than the normal range.
4. Bring blood pressure, proteinuria and anemia under control. This will help to prevent further kidney damages and thus avoid further rise of phosphorus level in blood.
5. Treat renal failure actively. Hyperphosphatemia occurs as affected kidneys fail to discharge excess phosphorus. From this point of view, only when renal failure is treated and kidney function gets improved, can hyperphosphatemia be treated radically.you can adopt Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to treat this symptom naturally.

If you want to know more tips about hyperphosphatemia ,or you want to know more about your kidney disease contact me through:kidney-treatment@hotmail.com .



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