
Calcium & Phosphorus changes With Renal Failure

Kidney failure can affect every aspect of your body.Do you know renal failure will cause Calcium and Phosphours changes in one's body.Let us to know more knowledge about Calcium and Phosphorus changes with Renal Failure.

Renal, or kidney failure, is commonly caused by high blood pressure or diabetes. The kidneys have many important roles,such as regulating fluid and minerals in the body. They also signal the bone marrow to make red blood cells, synthesize vitamin D, regulate the blood pressure, excrete waste chemicals in the urine and regulate acid-base levels. Problems in the kidneys will affect these capabilities and change your levels of calcium and phosphorus. The diagnosis and management of disease should be done with the consultation of a health-care professional.

Direction of Change

In kidney failure, the blood concentrations of calcium and phosphorus become abnormal. Calcium levels drop, a condition called hypocalcemia, that can cause muscle weakness and nerve problems. In contrast, phosphorus levels rise. This is a condition called hyperphosphatemia, which can cause bone problems and itching.


Low calcium occurs in kidney failure for at least two reasons. First, in kidney failure, the kidneys cannot synthesize vitamin D. Vitamin D normally raises the level of calcium in the body. Without vitamin D, calcium is not absorbed from the diet. Second, high levels of phosphate bind to calcium and can deposit in the tissues. Phosphate, which contains phosphorus, rises because the kidneys are normally responsible for excreting phosphate. When they do not work, phosphate is absorbed in the diet and not excreted.


Low calcium levels encourage the release of parathyroid hormone from the parathyroid glands in the neck. Parathyroid hormone increases blood calcium by reabsorbing calcium from the bones. This can lead to a condition called renal osteodystrophy. In this disease, kidney failure leads to bone loss. Low calcium can also lead to muscle cramping. The calcium-phosphate deposits in the skin can cause itching. Other symptoms and complications involve loss of other functions of the kidney and the buildup of other waste products, such as urea.


The diagnosis of low calcium and high phosphorus can be made on a blood test. Renal failure is diagnosed from a history, physical exam, laboratory findings, and possibly imaging, such as ultrasound or a biopsy, in which tissues are removed and studied. In addition to low calcium and high phosphate, blood studies will show other abnormalities such as a high creatinine, blood-urea nitrogen and potassium.


The management of renal failure in general involves addressing the underlying cause, such as treating an infection or suppressing an abnormal immune response against the kidneys. Hypocalcemia is treated with vitamin D and calcium supplements. High phosphates are treated with a low phosphate diet and drugs that bind to phosphate. Often, kidney failure will require dialysis, which is a machine that acts as an artificial kidney. Dialysis is usually performed several times per week to filter the blood and regulate the fluid and mineral levels.


Change the environment of your kidneys is one important factor to treat your kidney disease.Immunotherapy is one of this therapy.

It is reported that 85%-90% of kidney diseases result from inappropriate immune response and low immunity. The reason why we human being can be free from the attack of bacteria or virus is that we have strong immune system.
However, once our immune system is disturbed, antigens can combine antibodies easily so as to form immune complexes. These complexes can build up in any part of our body to cause damage via blood circulation. Kidney disease, such as IgA Nephropathy, Lupus Nephritis and Purpura Nephritis, occurs as a consequence of the immune complex deposition in kidney. Based on this, many kidney experts work together to create Immunotherapy in recent years.

Immunotherapy is a great alternative treatment for kidney disease especially which is due to autoimmune disease. As a combination of herbal medicines and western medicines, this therapy shows outstanding therapeutic effects on not only treating kidney disease but also regulating patients’ immune system.

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