
Swollen kidney (hydronephrosis): Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Are you suffering from Swollen Kidney now ?Do you want to know the causes,symptom and treatment of this symptom ?Now Follow me learn more about this symptom .

A swollen kidney is a medical condition known as hydronephrosis. It occurs when one kidney becomes swollen as a result of failure in normal drainage of urine from the kidney to the bladder.
This can happen when there is a partial obstruction in the upper section of the ureter – the tube that takes urine from the kidney to the bladder. In simple terms, hydronephrosis = hydro (water) + nephros (kidney). This swelling mostly only affects one kidney though it is also possible that both kidneys are affected. Hydrophones is not classified as a disease but a structural condition and occurs is 1 of every 100 adults and approximately 1 in 500 children. Many babies are also born with the condition.

Causes of Swollen Kidney

Hydrophones can be caused by several external as well internal factors that affect the urinary system and the kidney.

One of the main causes of this condition is known as acute unilateral obstructive uropathy – the sudden development of an obstacle in the ureter. This can be caused by kidney stone, blood clots or scarring.
Other causes of the condition include occurrence of tumors in or round the ureter, narrowing of the ureter due to injury or birth defect or a bend at the point where the ureter meets the pelvic of the kidney.
When urine is unable to reach the bladder, it typically flows back into the kidney causing swelling. The flow of urine back to the kidney is known as vesicoureteric reflux.

Symptoms of Swollen Kidney

In the initial stages the condition can be very difficult to detect as the symptoms are never really visible. However, as urine continues to build up, the kidney usually expands and becomes bigger. Soon the enlarged kidney starts to press on the neighboring organs. Early symptoms include frequent urination and increased urge to urinate. With time, symptoms become prominent and the infected is likely to experience;

· Fever

· Pain when urinating
· Vomiting
· Nausea
· Pain in the abdomen
· Urinary tract infection (UTI)
It is important to note that UTI, being a medical condition in its own right has its own symptoms which include cloudy urine, fever, pain in the back, pain during urination and a weak urine stream.

UTI is a very serious condition that can lead to infection of the kidney or even infection in the blood stream which could cause blood poisoning. It is therefore imperative that a patient of hydronephrosis visits a doctor as soon as the first few signs are noticed.

Treatments of Swollen Kidney

Treatment usually involves getting rid of the obstructing object. Traditional Chinese Medicine can clear obstacle in the ureter.And the whole treat progress has no pain feeling.

There is a therapy named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.This therapy can let medicine enter your kidneys directly through a machine .So compared with Traditional Chinese Medicine Micro-Chinese Medicine can quickly whip effect.

Have any question? Consult me through kidney-treatment@hotmail.com .



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