
FSGS Patients with High Creatinine Level how to lower it ?

FSGS is a abbreviation of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis .As the name implies, only some (focal) glomeruli are affected and just part of the affected glomerulus is involved (segmental) with the sclerosis.This disease is always with protein and blood in urea .If you don't treat it timly,with the time goes by ,the creatinine level will also can be risk.The following content will give you suggestion to lower high creatinine level in two parts.

Diet suggestion for FSGS patients

Patients with FSGS should have a low protein diet. Because creatinine is found to mostly exist in rich protein food, for example meat. However, they can have more intake of high quality protein food such as fish, milk. High quality protein can produce few wastes and supply essential amino acid. And they should have a low salt diet. Because high blood pressure is a common complication of FSGS. High blood pressure does harm to kidney function, leading to more severe edema and high creatinine level. Finally, due to edema, they should limit water or fluids.

Treatment suggestion about FSGS

Blood purification

Blood purification is a nonspecific treatment method.Based on the types of waste products in blood and kidney damage degree, corresponding blood purification method will be applied to eliminate waste products from body.It can lower high creatinine effectively, but has no significance in improving renal function in FSGS.

Hope the above conent can help you.If you want to know more about Blood purification technology, or if you have doubt about your kidney disease. Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .



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