
IgA Nephropathy with blood in urine and frequent urine how to treat it ?

IgA Nephropathy also can be called Berger's disease.And it is a form of glomerulonephritis (inflammation of theglomeruli of the kidney).The most common symptoms of IgA Nephropathy is blood in urine. The following content will tell you the symptoms and treatment of IgA Nephropathy.

Symptoms of IgA Nephropathy

A smaller proportion (20-30%), usually the older population, have microscopic hematuria and proteinuria (less than 2 gram/day). These patients may not have any symptoms and are only clinically found if a doctor decides to take a urine sample. Hence, the disease is more commonly diagnosed in situations where screening of urine is compulsory, e.g. schoolchildren in Japan.
Very rarely (5% each), the presenting history is:
Nephrotic syndrome (3-3.5 grams of protein loss in the urine, associated with a poorer prognosis)
Acute renal failure (either as a complication of the frank hematuria, when it usually recovers, or due to rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis which often leads to chronic renal failure)

Chronic renal failure (no previous symptoms, presents with anemia, hypertension and other symptoms of renal failure, in people who probably had longstanding undetected microscopic hematuria and/or proteinuria)

IgA Nephropathy Treatments 

Do you heard Immunotherapy? This therapy not only can improve kidney function and can improve the immunity for kidney disease patients.And we are also have many efficient therapy to treat IgA Nephropathy like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Oral Chinese Medicine, Foot Bath, Medicated Bath and so on.

If you have interesed in these therapy.Or have any questions about your disease. Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com.



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