Why do people with lupus nephritis swelling?
In most cases, people with lupus have been detected to have protein in urine, which indicates to have damage in kidneys. To some extent, protein in urine is the main causes of lupus swelling. How do the people with lupus have kidney disease? It is known that lupus is a type of autoimmune disease which always leads to form numerous immune complexes once they are invaded by the viruses or other factors. When the immune complexes pass through the kidney tissues, they have a high risk to deposit in the kidneys. Thereby renal inflammation occurs and much protein is leaked through the hurt caused by renal inflammation.Due to much loss of protein, low content of protein in blood will drive much water go through the blood vessels to the surrounding tissues. In superficially, swelling presents in people’ eyelid first and then their lower limps. The more serious kidney disease is, the severer their swelling will be.
Can people with lupus nephritis drink water?
Some patients with lupus swelling drink water as before, which will increase their disease condition. In fact people with severe swelling should attach more importance to control their drinking water volume. Their delay drinking water should be what the urine volume in the last day adds 500 ml water.
Treatment of Lupus Nephritis
You can try Chinese therapy to treat your disease .Like Oral Chinese Medicine,Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot bath therapy ,Medicated Bath therapy and so on. Through these systemic treatment will rebuild your kidney function.
Have any questions want to consult about lupus or other kidney disease . Contact me through chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .