
What does creatinine 4.9 mean for kidney failure patients ?

What does creatinine 4.9 mean for kidney failure patient? The following content will give you answer. And in the following content,you will know the efficient therapy for kidney failure. Now let us start.
Creatinine is a waste product formed by the breakdown of a substance (creatine) important for converting food into energy (metabolism). The creatinine is filtered out of the blood by the kidneys and then passed out of the body in urine.
If the kidneys are damaged and can't function normally, the amount of creatinine in the urine decreases while the amount of creatinine in the blood increases.

Creatinine 4.9 is much higher than the normal level of creatinine level. The normal range of creatinine level in adults is 0.5~1.1mg/dl for female and 0.6~1.2mg/dl for male.

Natural treatment for kidney failure patients ?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine.And this therapy will choose different Chinese medicine according to your condition. And make the Chinese medicine make into a bag.Through a osmotic Infiltration equipment the Chinese herbs into one's kidneys directly.So this therapy will take effect quickly than the Traditional Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

If you have interested in this therapy. Or if you have any questions want to ask. Contact our on line doctor at below. Or send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com .



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