
Dialysis - The final option for patients with chronic renal failure?

When chronic kidney disease (CKD) progress to end-stage renal disease (ESRD), dialysis is needed to remove opasnyet cases. Well, many patients want to know, dialysis - is the ultimate choice whether to get a response, please read on?.

In fact, dialysis is not the last choice.

Dialyzed different types. The most widely achieved usable hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Both dialysis can remove waste and toxins from the blood, to prolong the lifespan. But dialysis only replaces net renal function and not lichit damaged kidneys, ie in the rest of the life of the program need dialysis. But long dialysis bring a lot of side effects and complications. Because of this, many patients choose to avoid or get rid of dialysis.

Although dialysis is not the only choice for end-stage chronic renal failure patients. We in China carried out various effective treatments for kidney disease.

- Kidney transplant (kidney transplant)

Kidney transplant can replace dialysis and transplanted kidney works as healthy. But it is very difficult to find a suitable foreign kidney. After a successful operation should always take immunosuppressive drugs that impair the immune system. Moreover, the transplanted kidney does not function normally Dalkey, an average of 10 years, and after some years more new kidney needs.

- If you have urine, it is still able to repair and restore the damaged kidneys and improve kidney function. We in China are treated kidney traditional Chinese medicine, which has pyatityschyachnuyu history. In Chinese medicine offer different methods, including the Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy, foot bath, the mixture Meykan, decoctions. They can expand blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation, relieve congestion, increase blood flow to the kidneys cleanse the blood of harmful substances, to prevent further damage to the kidneys, balance the interior substance and a liquid, and to provide the necessary nutrients the kidneys.

Dialysis is not final option for patients with kidney problems. If you want to know more, then leave us a message below or contact our online doctor and happy to help you.

Email: chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com




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