Now diabet- is a common disease that is bad for the health of people around the world. And even more, diabetes affects different organs and systems, including the kidneys often are damaged in diabetes. 3rd stage of CKD (chronic kidney disease) is referring to moderate kidney damage, well, that means 3rd stadiyahronicheskoy renal disease (ESRD) caused by diabetes?
A simple description of 3-stage chronic renal failure caused by diabetes:
According to GFR (glomerular filtration rate) CKD is divided into five stages. 3rd stage of CKD is referring to only 30-59% of kidney function. Compared with CKD due to other causes, chronic renal failure with diabetes is more complex symptoms and complications due to the rapid progression of diabetes. Fortunately, at the 3rd stage of chronic renal failure patients often relatively high remaining kidney function, and so there is a good chance to draw CKD progression and improve the condition of the kidneys.
How to treat chronic renal failure with diabetes in the stage 3?
Diabet- a major cause of chronic renal failure and in the treatment of chronic renal failure is necessary to control blood sugar and stop the deterioration of the kidneys. Today we will give some tips to the following:
1 Blanirovat diet:
For diabetics by 3 stage chronic renal failure, low blood sugar, low salt, low protein-is the main pritsinpy. Personal diet plan is dependent on the particular condition.
2, effectively control the symptoms and complications: almost all diabetics with CKD stages 3 to suffer from hypertension. In addition, hematuria, proteinuria, edema, pruritus and others - these are also common symptoms. In turn, these symptoms accelerate prograssirovanie CRF. And so every symptom and oslozhneii need to make the right treatment.
3, Pay kidney damage:
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Therapy for Blood ochescheniya can improve blood circulation and increase the volume of blood in the kidneys. When kidneys can obtain sufficient nutrients and oxygen to damaged renal cells gradually improved.
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