
Creatinine 3.2 mg / dl and Urea 80 mg / dl- whether it is dangerous?

Kidney, as a filter, to clean the blood responsible wastes and toxins. Levels of creatinine and urea are often used to assess kidney function. When kidney function is reduced, creatinine and urea raise. Creatinine 3.2 and Urea 80 mg / dl- Is this dangerous?

Creatinine 3.2 mg / dL and urea of ​​80 mg / dl in fact dangerous. Norma kreatinina- 0.5-1.2 mg / dl, the rate mocheviny- 7-20 mg / dL. Creatinine and urea 3.2 80 above normal, which shows that the renal function is less than 50%. Addition of urea and creatinine, there are still various wastes and toxins in the blood. With the circulation they do not affect other organs and systems, including the heart. Heart nedostatochnost- is one of the common complications of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and life threatening. And therefore it is necessary to draw attention to the increased creatinine and urea.

How to lower creatinine 3.2 and Urea 80?

Urea is a protein metabolists and kreatinin- metabolists muscles.

- It is necessary to limit the intake of protein, it is necessary to 0,6-0,8g / kg.ves / day. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables. If you do not have edema and hypertension, it is necessary to restrict fluid intake.

- It is necessary to avoid strenuous exercise, after intense physical load increases muscle metabolism. And therefore it is necessary to have sufficient rest. Of course, you can make soft physical exercise, such as walking, yoga, qigong, tai chi and jogging.

The best treatment for reducing creatinine and mocheviny- repair and restore damaged cells and kidney tissue, improve kidney function. Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy can suppress inflammation and infections of the kidneys, accelerate blood circulation, supplement the necessary nutrients kidneys, promote self-healing kidney.

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Email: chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com




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