Micro-Chinese drug osmotherapy, difficult to describe in one sentence. If you had to describe in one sentence, namely oral and topical medications are specially treated. Integrated use of Western medicine, leaving the kidney inherent cell therapy for recovery.
If fully explain the meaning of this therapy include the following layers:
Firstly, the treatment explained:
① Micronization sense
Processing methods of traditional Chinese medicine crushing and boiling. But we are using new processing methods to make a fine powder, easier to absorb, so called micro-oriented. The essence of a miniature. Specific processing techniques in order to protect the hospital, it is not explained in detail.
② osmotherapy sense
Effective use of traditional Chinese medicine and local therapy, when treatment study. But expired medicine herbs have a problem, that is the effect of the drug to penetrate the body is less than ideal, so people wonder, the real effect of this therapy. Our hospital during the study expired medicine recipe uses a unique method of Chinese medicine Osmotherapy, thus providing the therapeutic effect of external application. In order to emphasize the special nature of this approach, we introduce the therapy, she emphasized the word "osmotherapy".
③ In the study, fully absorb foreign advanced technology, the theoretical foundations of Chinese medicine treatment was the best interpretation. Treatment of renal disease at the forefront of international theory, the pathogenesis of kidney disease with the development of organizational theory in cytology. Thus, the diagnosis of kidney disease, clinical diagnosis becomes pathological diagnosis. To this end, the scientific method for diagnosing kidney disease has become the basis of cell damage, cellular dysfunction analysis condition. Thus, the theory of kidney disease have become an integral cell damage kidney function, the theory of a diagnosis damaged.
On this basis, the treatment of renal disease is renal recovery inherent function of cells.
To correct congenital kidney cells, it is necessary to solve the problem, resulting in the elimination of internal injury kidney cells, damage to the culprit - the extracellular matrix internal kidney cells. Thus, the causes of kidney disease found, namely, when the decline of the immune system of the body of harmful substances harmful to the kidneys will make use of these harmful substances will be the first with the original renal extracellular matrix. When this matrix is disrupted, it will lead to the proliferation of extracellular matrix, proliferation, the result is an increase in the extracellular matrix. The extracellular matrix of the spread, the results will lead to an increase in own kidney cells are crushed and of injury or damage. This inherent cell damage, damage to the process, inherent damage to cellular functions, the process of destruction. The process of cell damage function is inherent in our traditional diagnostic procedure called renal failure. The pathology is known as renal fibrosis process.
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