
Features therapy - Micro-Chinese drug osmotherapy (2)

We found that during the study, Chinese and Western medicine treatment methods, as well as Chinese and Western medicine is used to prevent kidney natural extracellular matrix proliferation, proliferation and an increase of the same.

For this purpose, the micro -Chinese Medicine Institute in treatment can also be transmitted penetration: micro-Chinese medicine penetration blocking renal fibrosis therapies may also be referred to as micro-Chinese medicine to prevent an increase in extracellular matrix infiltration therapy.

Second, the use of drugs:

Our hospital during the use of therapy, and does not rule out all kinds of Chinese and Western medicines and treatments. And we strengthen the original, western medicines and treatments, as well as to strengthen the western medicine to accompany an important place, no Western medicine emphasizes not only a supporting role in the treatment of kidney disease is not enough. For this reason, in the treatment of kidney diseases hospital indeed Western medicine, Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine home Trinity amount therapy. Practice shows that this combination therapy is effective.

Third, treatment principles:

Integrated Western medicine treatment, if treatment is correct, it will be a comprehensive treatment of the following methods:

1: vasodilator therapy. Where renal diseases, inflammatory mediators in the blood due to various types of oxidative stress and, inevitably lead to levels of tissue damage blood vessels and damage that inevitably lead to poor blood circulation, resulting in a system microcirculatory ischemia, hypoxia, which will lead to hypoxic - ischemic renal injury inherent in the cells due to ischemia and hypoxia occurs. To alleviate this condition, physicians certainly symptomatic treatment using various types of vasodilating drugs to alleviate symptoms of the kidney.

2: anti-inflammatory therapy. Nephritis occurs, there will be many inflammatory mediator release into the bloodstream to solve the inflammation, caused by different types of Western medicine related to use all types of anti-inflammatory action.

3: anticoagulant, antithrombotic therapy. Inflammatory lesions appear, will inevitably lead to an increase in platelet activity and platelet production may lead to the normal clotting of blood viscosity direction. Increased blood clotting factors, they will gradually make the formation of blood clots in one degree or another, but it will inevitably lead to the formation of blood clots, clogging of coronary microcirculation and hypoxia. To alleviate this situation, clinicians will use different anticoagulant antithrombotic drugs in combination.

4: The degradation of the extracellular matrix treatments. From the standpoint of the West, the invasion of various types of hazardous substances, resulting in renal natural extracellular matrix proliferation, proliferation. The result is an increase in the extracellular matrix. In order to facilitate the formation of this situation, we will use western medicine, can lead to a decrease in extracellular matrix such drugs to curb the excessive growth of the extracellular matrix.

A striking phenomenon is the use of micro-Chinese medicine, the kidney cells reduce the concentration of the extracellular matrix, which shows that traditional Chinese medicine in the degradation of extracellular matrix unique feature. In therapy, we understand that as long as traditional Chinese and Western medicine can effectively play the enthusiasm, will effectively combine the two, the efficacy of the treatment of kidney shows the overall effect, but it would certainly be better than the therapy used alone.

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