To some extent, the health diet can contribute a lot to slow down the
progression of kidney disease. The health diet for PKD are as following.
Most of polycystic kidney disease is derived from genetic gene, PKD patients
may suffer from infections easily, it can be fatal for patients. To prevent
infections, patients should pay attention to their diet. In this case, here I
will list some diet taboos, hope to be helpful to you!
1. Improper diet
Suffer from hunger or starvation will lead to malnutrition, overeat will
affect the digestive function of spleen and stomach, leading to obstacle of
blood circulation, eat too much fatty food and sweets will build-up internal
2. Unhygienic food
Unhygienic food can induce gastrointestinal disease, some PKD patients will
have poisoning or even end up dead in severe case.
3. Dietary bias
One of the most important fundamental theories of traditional Chinese
medicine (TCM) is "four natures" including "cold", "cool", "warm"and "hot",
which is a summary of clinical experiences. “Cold” and “hot” food will hurt
spleen and stomach, long-term dietary bias is harmful to the body
4. Acrid food
Such as pepper, liquor, smoke(including passive smoking), chocolate, coffee,
sea-fish, shrimp, crab, etc.
5. Food with stronger flavors
Such as pickled foods and barbecue food.
6. Food rich in protein
PKD patients should limit the intake of protein, eat less high protein food
such as chicken, duck, fish, meat. Avoid vegetable protein.
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, our doctor will custom recipes
according to each patient's individual condition as part of their treatment.
If you wan to know more details about the health diet for PKD, you can send
email to
IgA Nephropathy:Causes & Treatments
IgA Nephropathy is a kind of immune kidney disease, which is characterized
with the deposition of IgA. Patients may wonder what are the causes and
treatments for IgA Nephropathy.
First, anaphylactoid purpura; it is usually induced or made worse after infection. And the obvious symptom in patients is the rash in patient’s lower limbs. Second, digestive system disease: liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, ulcerative colitis, crohn disease, chronic schistosomiasis, etc. Third, immune rheumatic disease: SLE, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, mixed connective tissue disease, erythema nodosum, etc. Fourth, skin disease: psoriasis, herpes dermatitis, etc. Fifth, chronic infection: chronic osteomyelitis, viral hepatitis, E-B virus infection, lepriasis, tuberculosis, etc. Sixth, respiratory disease: sarcoidosis, obstructie bronchitis, etc. Seventh, tumor; Eighth, others like polycythemia, retroperitoneal fibrosis, etc.
Actually, secondary IgA nephropathy is clinically very common, however, many doctors did not pay enough attention to it and did not think about the secondary factors, besides, the primary disease is latent in some cases, so patients are wrongly diagnosed, especially those who ever have systematic disease before and did not pay special attention to it. Then years after that, they have clinical and pathological symptoms again, so they are misdiagnosed. From this point, it is very necessary for doctors to ask patients about their medical history to exclude those systematic disease. At the same time, patients also should be alert if they have any of those disease and check regularly.
It is proven to be effective to treat IgA nephropathy with traditional Chinese herb medicine and other traditional Chinese medicine therapies prescribed according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and that of immunology. It is applied externally at lower back of kidney patients to relieve the ischemia and anoxia condition inside the kidneys, protect and repair the survived kidney functional cells, which treat this problem from root causes.
However, different patients have different constitutions and specific syndromes, accordingly, there is specific prescriptions. If you want to get specific treatment plan, please contact with our online experts and let us know more details, then we will reply you with more useful information.
If you want to know more details about the natural treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, you can send email to
First, anaphylactoid purpura; it is usually induced or made worse after infection. And the obvious symptom in patients is the rash in patient’s lower limbs. Second, digestive system disease: liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, ulcerative colitis, crohn disease, chronic schistosomiasis, etc. Third, immune rheumatic disease: SLE, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, mixed connective tissue disease, erythema nodosum, etc. Fourth, skin disease: psoriasis, herpes dermatitis, etc. Fifth, chronic infection: chronic osteomyelitis, viral hepatitis, E-B virus infection, lepriasis, tuberculosis, etc. Sixth, respiratory disease: sarcoidosis, obstructie bronchitis, etc. Seventh, tumor; Eighth, others like polycythemia, retroperitoneal fibrosis, etc.
Actually, secondary IgA nephropathy is clinically very common, however, many doctors did not pay enough attention to it and did not think about the secondary factors, besides, the primary disease is latent in some cases, so patients are wrongly diagnosed, especially those who ever have systematic disease before and did not pay special attention to it. Then years after that, they have clinical and pathological symptoms again, so they are misdiagnosed. From this point, it is very necessary for doctors to ask patients about their medical history to exclude those systematic disease. At the same time, patients also should be alert if they have any of those disease and check regularly.
It is proven to be effective to treat IgA nephropathy with traditional Chinese herb medicine and other traditional Chinese medicine therapies prescribed according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and that of immunology. It is applied externally at lower back of kidney patients to relieve the ischemia and anoxia condition inside the kidneys, protect and repair the survived kidney functional cells, which treat this problem from root causes.
However, different patients have different constitutions and specific syndromes, accordingly, there is specific prescriptions. If you want to get specific treatment plan, please contact with our online experts and let us know more details, then we will reply you with more useful information.
If you want to know more details about the natural treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, you can send email to
Is Kidney Transplant Helpful for Patients with IgA Nephropathy
Kidney transplant is helpful for patients with kidney disease. But, is kidney
transplant helpful for patients with IgA Nephropathy.
IgA nephropathy is a kind of kidney disease pertains to glomerulonephritis, which can easily lead to ESRD, then patients have to receive kidney transplantation.
However, it is common to see that the IgA nephropathy recurrence in the patient after kidney transplantation. IgA nephropathy is not a kidney problem, but a immune system problem, to put it simply, it is a disease resulting from gene. So that even after kidney transplant, IgA nephropathy may come back again.
According to the statistics, after kidney transplantation, the recurrence rate of IgA nephropathy is 13%~50%, clinical manifestations is the same as original symptoms, includes hematuresis, proteinuria and progressive renal function decline. In the beginning phase, the course of disease is benign, but long-term follow-up data show that there are 1.3%~16% of patients’ donor kidney have lost efficacy due to IgA nephropathy recurrence. Recently, a large-sample study shows that in ten years after kidney transplantation, the rate of donor kidney lost efficacy due to IgA nephropathy is about 9.7%.
At present, there is no effective prevention and treatment measures for the recurrence of IgA nephropathy. Some people pin their hope on currently available immunosuppressive drugs, but there were no signs of the drugs can prevent IgA nephropathy recurrence.
Thus it can be seen that kidney transplantation is not a foolproof method to treat IgA nephropathy, in this case, what should patients do to deal with IgA nephropathy? The specialist recommend the combine therapy of Chinese medicine and western medicine, which can repair the diseased gene and cells, help patients get rid of illness, return to society.
The natural treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can do great favor for patents with IgA Nephroapthy. It takes effects to repair injured kidney cells.
If you want to know more details about the natural treatment, you can send email to
IgA nephropathy is a kind of kidney disease pertains to glomerulonephritis, which can easily lead to ESRD, then patients have to receive kidney transplantation.
However, it is common to see that the IgA nephropathy recurrence in the patient after kidney transplantation. IgA nephropathy is not a kidney problem, but a immune system problem, to put it simply, it is a disease resulting from gene. So that even after kidney transplant, IgA nephropathy may come back again.
According to the statistics, after kidney transplantation, the recurrence rate of IgA nephropathy is 13%~50%, clinical manifestations is the same as original symptoms, includes hematuresis, proteinuria and progressive renal function decline. In the beginning phase, the course of disease is benign, but long-term follow-up data show that there are 1.3%~16% of patients’ donor kidney have lost efficacy due to IgA nephropathy recurrence. Recently, a large-sample study shows that in ten years after kidney transplantation, the rate of donor kidney lost efficacy due to IgA nephropathy is about 9.7%.
At present, there is no effective prevention and treatment measures for the recurrence of IgA nephropathy. Some people pin their hope on currently available immunosuppressive drugs, but there were no signs of the drugs can prevent IgA nephropathy recurrence.
Thus it can be seen that kidney transplantation is not a foolproof method to treat IgA nephropathy, in this case, what should patients do to deal with IgA nephropathy? The specialist recommend the combine therapy of Chinese medicine and western medicine, which can repair the diseased gene and cells, help patients get rid of illness, return to society.
The natural treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can do great favor for patents with IgA Nephroapthy. It takes effects to repair injured kidney cells.
If you want to know more details about the natural treatment, you can send email to
How to Alleviate Low Back Pain on PKD
Low back pain is a common complaint for patients with PKD, which is very
uncomfortable and painful. How to alleviate low back pain on PKD. This article
will explain it in details.
Polycystic kidney disease is a common hereditary kidney disease. In the early stage, the patients will not experience physical abnormality, with the progress of the condition, they will presenting with some symptoms such as blood urine, high blood pressure and backache, which is caused by compression and damage of kidney due to enlargement of cysts.
The main reasons of backache due to polycystic kidney disease are as follows:
1. Cyst rupture because of the excess increase, leading to bleed and swell within the kidney, thus causing backache.
2. The cyst combine with calculi or blood clot of cyst can block ureter, leading to gastric colic.
3. If the polycystic kidney patients are associated with lithangiuria, urine impact kidney and ureter can also lead to backache.
4. Strenuous exercise, long time walking and sedentariness can result in backache.
5. The urinary system infection due to cyst.
6. The tenesmus of increscent kidney will pull down the renal pedicle, causing backache.
Polycystic kidney disease can hardly be found out in the early stage, the patients with family history of the disease should pay more attention to their physical condition, once found the suspicious symptoms, please go to normal hospital to receive a physical inspection timely.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural and safe therapy, this therapy can stop the growth of cysts in the kidneys by prevent the active substances in the kidney cells from releasing. On the other hand, it can promote the excretion of cysts fluid by increase the permeability of the surface of the cysts.
If you want to know more details about the natural treatment, you can send email to
Polycystic kidney disease is a common hereditary kidney disease. In the early stage, the patients will not experience physical abnormality, with the progress of the condition, they will presenting with some symptoms such as blood urine, high blood pressure and backache, which is caused by compression and damage of kidney due to enlargement of cysts.
The main reasons of backache due to polycystic kidney disease are as follows:
1. Cyst rupture because of the excess increase, leading to bleed and swell within the kidney, thus causing backache.
2. The cyst combine with calculi or blood clot of cyst can block ureter, leading to gastric colic.
3. If the polycystic kidney patients are associated with lithangiuria, urine impact kidney and ureter can also lead to backache.
4. Strenuous exercise, long time walking and sedentariness can result in backache.
5. The urinary system infection due to cyst.
6. The tenesmus of increscent kidney will pull down the renal pedicle, causing backache.
Polycystic kidney disease can hardly be found out in the early stage, the patients with family history of the disease should pay more attention to their physical condition, once found the suspicious symptoms, please go to normal hospital to receive a physical inspection timely.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural and safe therapy, this therapy can stop the growth of cysts in the kidneys by prevent the active substances in the kidney cells from releasing. On the other hand, it can promote the excretion of cysts fluid by increase the permeability of the surface of the cysts.
If you want to know more details about the natural treatment, you can send email to
How to Reduce High Creatinine Level on Kidney Failure
Reducing high creatinine level is always the focus for patients with kidney failure, but, what can patients do to reduce high creatinine level.
To regularize the creatinine levels, it is first important to know what is causing the increase. It is when you address that problem that the problem of high creatinine level will be cured. The common causes of high creatinien levels are kidney stones, UTI, diabetes, high blood pressure, a constant consumption of antibiotics, side effects of certain medicines, and over consumption of red meat. Improving the condition of the kidneys, keeping the blood pressure in check, and lowering blood sugar levels are the main ways of controlling creatinine levels. Dehydration is one of the factors that shoot up the creatinine level. Make sure to drink lots of water and other fluids everyday to flush the creatinine out and keep the kidneys in a good state. To treat and prevent high blood pressure and diabetes, one needs to reduce the daily caloric intake and increase physical activity. You increase the consumption of some food products that are beneficial in keeping kidneys working well. These include lettuce, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, sprouts, radish, cucumber and turnips. Consuming a glass of cranberry juice on a daily basis also keeps the kidneys healthy and treats UTI. One must also avoid consuming dairy products, alcoholic beverages, red meat, caffeine, white flour, sugary food, and other fattening food that result in slowing down of kidneys functioning.
Herbs like Siberian ginseng, dandelion and cinnamon are also effective in lowering creatinine levels. Drinking aloe vera juice also has many health benefits like controlling blood pressure and blood sugar levels and improving the function of the kidneys. Holy basil is also effective in strengthening the kidneys. You can take a teaspoon of basil juice and honey each and consume it every morning on an empty stomach for a few months.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherspy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can do great favor to reduce high creatinine level, the most importantly thing is that the this natural therapy reduces high creatinine from repairing kidney function.
If you want to know more details about the natural treatment, you can send email to
To regularize the creatinine levels, it is first important to know what is causing the increase. It is when you address that problem that the problem of high creatinine level will be cured. The common causes of high creatinien levels are kidney stones, UTI, diabetes, high blood pressure, a constant consumption of antibiotics, side effects of certain medicines, and over consumption of red meat. Improving the condition of the kidneys, keeping the blood pressure in check, and lowering blood sugar levels are the main ways of controlling creatinine levels. Dehydration is one of the factors that shoot up the creatinine level. Make sure to drink lots of water and other fluids everyday to flush the creatinine out and keep the kidneys in a good state. To treat and prevent high blood pressure and diabetes, one needs to reduce the daily caloric intake and increase physical activity. You increase the consumption of some food products that are beneficial in keeping kidneys working well. These include lettuce, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, sprouts, radish, cucumber and turnips. Consuming a glass of cranberry juice on a daily basis also keeps the kidneys healthy and treats UTI. One must also avoid consuming dairy products, alcoholic beverages, red meat, caffeine, white flour, sugary food, and other fattening food that result in slowing down of kidneys functioning.
Herbs like Siberian ginseng, dandelion and cinnamon are also effective in lowering creatinine levels. Drinking aloe vera juice also has many health benefits like controlling blood pressure and blood sugar levels and improving the function of the kidneys. Holy basil is also effective in strengthening the kidneys. You can take a teaspoon of basil juice and honey each and consume it every morning on an empty stomach for a few months.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherspy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can do great favor to reduce high creatinine level, the most importantly thing is that the this natural therapy reduces high creatinine from repairing kidney function.
If you want to know more details about the natural treatment, you can send email to
How to Deal with IgA Nephropathy by Traditional Chinese Medicine
IgA nephropathy, also called Berger’s Disease, is an auto-immune disease. It
usually happens some time after patients catch cold or get infected. And studies
suggest that it occurs due to immune disorder. Finding proper treatment to
prevent and treat the disease attracts most patient and their family’s
attention. And TCM is said to be effective in treating this disease. Here we
will explain how does TCM work in IgA nephropathy-autoimmune disease.
First, prevent and reduce the possibility of IgA nephropathy, improve patient’s resistance.
Effective substances can improve patient’s resistance, prevent and reduce the possibility of IgA nephropathy through the following three aspects:
1. The effective substances can increase the lysosome level by improving lymphocytes’ transformation rate and absorption of IL-2; Increase the activity of patient’s natural killer cells; Improve patient’s cellular immunity; Improve antibody’s lethality to pathogens, duly protecting patient’s kidney from immune damage.
2. It can activate generation of IgG and IgM in patient’s body, improve synthesization of IgM and IgG antibody, strengthening patient’s humoral immunity; inhibit generation of abnormal IgA antibody, duly reducing and blocking the immune damage to kidneys due to immune responses induced by abnormal IgA antibody.
3. It can also improve IgA nephropathy patient’s non specific resistance by activating phagocyte’s phagocytosis in patient’s body, speed up phagocytosis of immune complex, duly laying solid foundation for repairing the damaged IgA nephropathy patient’s kidney cells.
Second, it can inhibit further kidney damage by immune responses; the effective substances, after entering into patient’s body, controls proteinuria resulting from immune responses.
Well, different patient with different type of pathological change of IgA nephropathy also have different treatment plans, more specific treatment plan, please contact with our experts, we will try our best to help you. Sincerely hope that you can recover soon.
If you want to know more details about the natural treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, send email to
First, prevent and reduce the possibility of IgA nephropathy, improve patient’s resistance.
Effective substances can improve patient’s resistance, prevent and reduce the possibility of IgA nephropathy through the following three aspects:
1. The effective substances can increase the lysosome level by improving lymphocytes’ transformation rate and absorption of IL-2; Increase the activity of patient’s natural killer cells; Improve patient’s cellular immunity; Improve antibody’s lethality to pathogens, duly protecting patient’s kidney from immune damage.
2. It can activate generation of IgG and IgM in patient’s body, improve synthesization of IgM and IgG antibody, strengthening patient’s humoral immunity; inhibit generation of abnormal IgA antibody, duly reducing and blocking the immune damage to kidneys due to immune responses induced by abnormal IgA antibody.
3. It can also improve IgA nephropathy patient’s non specific resistance by activating phagocyte’s phagocytosis in patient’s body, speed up phagocytosis of immune complex, duly laying solid foundation for repairing the damaged IgA nephropathy patient’s kidney cells.
Second, it can inhibit further kidney damage by immune responses; the effective substances, after entering into patient’s body, controls proteinuria resulting from immune responses.
Well, different patient with different type of pathological change of IgA nephropathy also have different treatment plans, more specific treatment plan, please contact with our experts, we will try our best to help you. Sincerely hope that you can recover soon.
If you want to know more details about the natural treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, send email to
Can Traditional Chinese Medicine Cure Hypertensive Nephropathy
Since the natural and effective effect, Traditional Chinese Medicine are
chosen by more and more people whether from western countries or eastern
Hypertensive Nephropathy is the disorder called benign or malignant arteriolar nephrosclerosis caused by primary hypertension. The patients with this form of disease often have high blood pressure throughout the year for quite a long time. The symptoms of the Hypertensive Nephropathy include the increase of urinary output, especially at night, the decrease of urinary concentrating function, little protein in the urine, microscopic hematuria and other complications of high blood pressure. The experts of Beijing United-Tech Nephrology Specialist Hospital explain that the patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy could be cured clinically and live as long as the normal person if they are treated by right therapies in the best time.
In different stages of the Hypertensive Nephropathy, correspondent methods are suggested to be used to treat the disorder. Early diagnosis and prompt and efficient treatment can greatly improve the chance of your successful recover.
In the early stage of the disorder, if the patients have mild high blood pressure and all of the indexes present normal after the routine urine test, non-drug treatment is needed but keeping good mood, losing weight, limit intake of salt, alcohol drinking, as well as moderate physical exercise such as practice of Qigong and Taichi (a kind of traditional shadow-boxing exercise of China). If you have high blood pressure, please monitor its level on a regular basis and record the value for the doctors to evaluate your conditions besides healthy lifestyles in case of the Hypertensive Nephropathy.
The drugs against high blood pressure such as diuretic, βreceptor blocker, calcium antagonists and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACEI) are suggested to take in case of the disorder get worse. Of which, the ACEI works more effectively than other drugs in reducing the amount of the protein in the urine to keep the high blood pressure under control, finally slowing down the progression of Hypertensive Nephropathy.
When the disease develops into malignant arteriolar nephrosclerosis and deteriorates in a short time and the patients who have the complications of hypertension encephalopathy, vision dropping rapidly and intracranial hemorrhage are not able to take oral medicines, it is suggested to use of vein medication such as sodium nitroprusside to control the blood pressure within 12-24 hours. The patients with malignant high blood pressure are recommended to take minoxidil that can fight against the high blood pressure quickly in their early treatment.
If you want to know more details about the Traditional Chinese Medicine, you can send email to
Hypertensive Nephropathy is the disorder called benign or malignant arteriolar nephrosclerosis caused by primary hypertension. The patients with this form of disease often have high blood pressure throughout the year for quite a long time. The symptoms of the Hypertensive Nephropathy include the increase of urinary output, especially at night, the decrease of urinary concentrating function, little protein in the urine, microscopic hematuria and other complications of high blood pressure. The experts of Beijing United-Tech Nephrology Specialist Hospital explain that the patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy could be cured clinically and live as long as the normal person if they are treated by right therapies in the best time.
In different stages of the Hypertensive Nephropathy, correspondent methods are suggested to be used to treat the disorder. Early diagnosis and prompt and efficient treatment can greatly improve the chance of your successful recover.
In the early stage of the disorder, if the patients have mild high blood pressure and all of the indexes present normal after the routine urine test, non-drug treatment is needed but keeping good mood, losing weight, limit intake of salt, alcohol drinking, as well as moderate physical exercise such as practice of Qigong and Taichi (a kind of traditional shadow-boxing exercise of China). If you have high blood pressure, please monitor its level on a regular basis and record the value for the doctors to evaluate your conditions besides healthy lifestyles in case of the Hypertensive Nephropathy.
The drugs against high blood pressure such as diuretic, βreceptor blocker, calcium antagonists and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACEI) are suggested to take in case of the disorder get worse. Of which, the ACEI works more effectively than other drugs in reducing the amount of the protein in the urine to keep the high blood pressure under control, finally slowing down the progression of Hypertensive Nephropathy.
When the disease develops into malignant arteriolar nephrosclerosis and deteriorates in a short time and the patients who have the complications of hypertension encephalopathy, vision dropping rapidly and intracranial hemorrhage are not able to take oral medicines, it is suggested to use of vein medication such as sodium nitroprusside to control the blood pressure within 12-24 hours. The patients with malignant high blood pressure are recommended to take minoxidil that can fight against the high blood pressure quickly in their early treatment.
If you want to know more details about the Traditional Chinese Medicine, you can send email to
How to Reduce High creatinine in PKD by Traditional Chinese Medicine
Can high creatinine level be reduced in PKD by Traditional Chinese Medicine?
This article will explain it in details.
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is kind of hereditary kidney disease and the PKD genes make the renal tubular epithelial cells experience phenotype transforming, which leads to the cysts continuously secreting fluids.
With time going by, the number and size of the cysts would expand and they will oppress the normal renal tissues, and finally make the room of the normal tissues. As a result, the kidneys are not able to work well on filtering the extra toxic waste products out of the blood. With time and with decrease of the kidney function, there will protein, blood found in the urine of the patients. And once the creatinine level rises, it shows the kidneys are suffering from serious damage. If treated in time, there is great hope for the patients to keep away from much worse disease conditions.
What’s the right treatment on reducing the creatinine level?
After we have known the root cause of high creatinine level in PKD, we should treat it from the root. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can do great favor for patients.
This is to make the damaged tubular epithelial cells fail to secret the fluids by eliminating the active ingredients released by the cells. And then the cysts would stop growth. Besides, we use some Chinese medicines to increase the permeability of the blood circulation of the cysts surface to reabsorbing the cysts fluids which will excrete together with the urine out of the body. On the other side, we also use some Chinese medicines to repair the damaged renal cells and then improve the renal function besides well control of its symptoms and complication. Therefore, the high creatinine in the blood would be removed out of the body and then the high creatinine level would be lowered naturally.
If you want to know more details about the natural treatments, you can send email to
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is kind of hereditary kidney disease and the PKD genes make the renal tubular epithelial cells experience phenotype transforming, which leads to the cysts continuously secreting fluids.
With time going by, the number and size of the cysts would expand and they will oppress the normal renal tissues, and finally make the room of the normal tissues. As a result, the kidneys are not able to work well on filtering the extra toxic waste products out of the blood. With time and with decrease of the kidney function, there will protein, blood found in the urine of the patients. And once the creatinine level rises, it shows the kidneys are suffering from serious damage. If treated in time, there is great hope for the patients to keep away from much worse disease conditions.
What’s the right treatment on reducing the creatinine level?
After we have known the root cause of high creatinine level in PKD, we should treat it from the root. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can do great favor for patients.
This is to make the damaged tubular epithelial cells fail to secret the fluids by eliminating the active ingredients released by the cells. And then the cysts would stop growth. Besides, we use some Chinese medicines to increase the permeability of the blood circulation of the cysts surface to reabsorbing the cysts fluids which will excrete together with the urine out of the body. On the other side, we also use some Chinese medicines to repair the damaged renal cells and then improve the renal function besides well control of its symptoms and complication. Therefore, the high creatinine in the blood would be removed out of the body and then the high creatinine level would be lowered naturally.
If you want to know more details about the natural treatments, you can send email to
How to Alleviate Hyperkalemia on CKD
Hyperkalemia could be a big problem for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease.
How to alleviate hyperkalemia on CKD concerns patients a lot.
Potassium is critical for the normal functioning of the muscles, heart, and nerves. It plays an important role in controlling activity of smooth muscle (such as the muscle found in the digestive tract) and skeletal muscle (muscles of the extremities and torso), as well as the muscles of the heart. It is also important for normal transmission of electrical signals throughout the nervous system. Normal blood levels of potassium (3.5 to 5.2) are critical for maintaining regular heart rhythm.
Individuals with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) often have high blood potassium levels (hyperkalemia). When individuals have reached End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) their kidneys cannot remove excessive potassium from the blood which can lead to cardiac arrest and death. Therefore, early and proper measures should be taken.
Sometimes people with CKD can also develop low blood potassium (hypokalemia) due to inadequate intake of it, diarrhea, vomiting, and diuretics. However, high blood potassium posses the most common challenge. If you are suffering with high levels of potassium, the renal experts from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital recommends that you check with your dietitian to ensure that your treatment plan includes a low-potassium diet to correct the symptoms and complications from hyperkalemia. In order to mitigate any further damage you should limit the consumption of foods, fruits, and vegetables which are high in potassium such as avocado, dates, raisins, grapefruit, apricots, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, and spinach.
Potassium plays an important role in regulating muscle tissue and maintaining the balance of a variety of body processes. Too much or too little potassium affects the way your nerves and muscles function. In particular, excess potassium causes the heart muscle to decrease its activity, which may lead to a heart attack. Note, even minor changes in your potassium levels can have serious effects in nerve and muscle function, so no one should take potassium supplements without consulting their Nephrologist.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can alleviate Hyperkalemia fundamentally by improving kidney function. If you want to know more details about the natural treatments, you can send email to
Potassium is critical for the normal functioning of the muscles, heart, and nerves. It plays an important role in controlling activity of smooth muscle (such as the muscle found in the digestive tract) and skeletal muscle (muscles of the extremities and torso), as well as the muscles of the heart. It is also important for normal transmission of electrical signals throughout the nervous system. Normal blood levels of potassium (3.5 to 5.2) are critical for maintaining regular heart rhythm.
Individuals with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) often have high blood potassium levels (hyperkalemia). When individuals have reached End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) their kidneys cannot remove excessive potassium from the blood which can lead to cardiac arrest and death. Therefore, early and proper measures should be taken.
Sometimes people with CKD can also develop low blood potassium (hypokalemia) due to inadequate intake of it, diarrhea, vomiting, and diuretics. However, high blood potassium posses the most common challenge. If you are suffering with high levels of potassium, the renal experts from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital recommends that you check with your dietitian to ensure that your treatment plan includes a low-potassium diet to correct the symptoms and complications from hyperkalemia. In order to mitigate any further damage you should limit the consumption of foods, fruits, and vegetables which are high in potassium such as avocado, dates, raisins, grapefruit, apricots, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, and spinach.
Potassium plays an important role in regulating muscle tissue and maintaining the balance of a variety of body processes. Too much or too little potassium affects the way your nerves and muscles function. In particular, excess potassium causes the heart muscle to decrease its activity, which may lead to a heart attack. Note, even minor changes in your potassium levels can have serious effects in nerve and muscle function, so no one should take potassium supplements without consulting their Nephrologist.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can alleviate Hyperkalemia fundamentally by improving kidney function. If you want to know more details about the natural treatments, you can send email to
The health foods for Chronic Kidney Disease patients
Except for the proper treatments, patients also should seek for the health
Here are some health foods that can increase the dopamine activity in the brain's reward centers to help give you a feeling of happiness.
Salmon and other fatty fish that are high in omega-3 acids DHA and EPA could play a role in overall mood and well being. Research shows these fats have a protective effect against depression and in one study helped reduce the anxiety experienced by medical students.
Unsalted almonds are high in a compound called tyrosine, which is one of the building blocks for the production of dopamine and other mood-associated neurotransmitters. That means eating a handful of these healthful nuts will not only improve cardiovascular health, thanks to their richness in fiber and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids - it could also help your mood. Processed nuts should be avoided by CKD patients. Although, people at the early stages of Kidney Disease are generally allowed to eat nuts; if the disease develops into an advanced stage, The renal experts from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital recommends that they should restrict nuts because of their phosphorous and potassium content. Sunflower seeds are also a source of tyrosine , and are rich in heart-protective vitamin E and selenium. Seed products can be beneficial for kidney health, but recommends that patients first seek a Nephrologist's advice to develop a proper eating plan and maintain a balanced diet tailored to them.
Apples are rich in quercetin, a compound that defends your brain cells from free-radicals that can damage the lining of neurones, CNN reported.
Tofu (soy) is another rich source of tyrosine, but also provides a heart-healthy dose of protein and can help benefit everything from bone health to reducing symptoms of menopause.
Controlling portions is critical for those who have Chronic Kidney Disease, but even more so for those on dialysis. The items discussed above should be endorsed by a Registered Dietitian and your healthcare team.
If you want to know more details about the health diet of kidney disease patients, you can send email to
Here are some health foods that can increase the dopamine activity in the brain's reward centers to help give you a feeling of happiness.
Salmon and other fatty fish that are high in omega-3 acids DHA and EPA could play a role in overall mood and well being. Research shows these fats have a protective effect against depression and in one study helped reduce the anxiety experienced by medical students.
Unsalted almonds are high in a compound called tyrosine, which is one of the building blocks for the production of dopamine and other mood-associated neurotransmitters. That means eating a handful of these healthful nuts will not only improve cardiovascular health, thanks to their richness in fiber and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids - it could also help your mood. Processed nuts should be avoided by CKD patients. Although, people at the early stages of Kidney Disease are generally allowed to eat nuts; if the disease develops into an advanced stage, The renal experts from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital recommends that they should restrict nuts because of their phosphorous and potassium content. Sunflower seeds are also a source of tyrosine , and are rich in heart-protective vitamin E and selenium. Seed products can be beneficial for kidney health, but recommends that patients first seek a Nephrologist's advice to develop a proper eating plan and maintain a balanced diet tailored to them.
Apples are rich in quercetin, a compound that defends your brain cells from free-radicals that can damage the lining of neurones, CNN reported.
Tofu (soy) is another rich source of tyrosine, but also provides a heart-healthy dose of protein and can help benefit everything from bone health to reducing symptoms of menopause.
Controlling portions is critical for those who have Chronic Kidney Disease, but even more so for those on dialysis. The items discussed above should be endorsed by a Registered Dietitian and your healthcare team.
If you want to know more details about the health diet of kidney disease patients, you can send email to
How to Treat Creatinine 2.1 on Diabetic Nephropathy without Dialysis
Many patients with Diabetic Nephropathy are eager to seek for a natural
treatment which can avoid dialysis. This article will explain it in details.
According to your description, you have Diabetes and the serum creatinine level is 2.1. The level is a little higher, which suggests that more than 50% of your renal function has been damaged. What are the causes of your kidney damage?
High blood sugar levels will result in high filtration of the tiny filters of the kidneys – glomeruli. The glomeruli will regulate itself and shrink the afferent arteriole, thus causing short supply of blood and oxygen to the kidneys. Consequently, the renal tubules and interstitium will be firstly damaged and patients may experience frequent urination at night.
Left untreated, there will be glomerular sclerosis and renal fibrosis. So, the levels of blood sugar and blood pressure have to be well controlled.
At present, you do not have to undergo dialysis. However, if your kidney function declines to less than 15%, you have to receive this renal replacement therapy. Early effective treatment is of great importance to stop the progression of the illness.
Here, we’d like to recommend you the best and most effective treatment- Immunotherapy. This therapy is used to help regulate the whole immune system and sugar metabolism disorders. Immunotherapy can treat diabetic kidney disease and creatinine 2.1 without dialysis with treatments as below:
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
This is a kind of external application. The main functions of this therapy include: improve the blood circulation, promote the blood flow to the kidneys and provide abundant nutrients to accelerate the kidney repair.
Based on the curative effects of herbal therapy, Immunotherapy is applied to protect the remaining kidney function and repair the damaged renal cells, thus recovering the normal renal function.
According to personalized condition, other advanced technologies like blood purification, plasma exchange, etc are also involved in the treatment process.
With prompt treatment of Immunotherapy, you have great change to recover from Diabetic Kidney Disease and avoid further dialysis.
If you want to know more details about the natural treatments, you can talk it with our online doctors or send email to
According to your description, you have Diabetes and the serum creatinine level is 2.1. The level is a little higher, which suggests that more than 50% of your renal function has been damaged. What are the causes of your kidney damage?
High blood sugar levels will result in high filtration of the tiny filters of the kidneys – glomeruli. The glomeruli will regulate itself and shrink the afferent arteriole, thus causing short supply of blood and oxygen to the kidneys. Consequently, the renal tubules and interstitium will be firstly damaged and patients may experience frequent urination at night.
Left untreated, there will be glomerular sclerosis and renal fibrosis. So, the levels of blood sugar and blood pressure have to be well controlled.
At present, you do not have to undergo dialysis. However, if your kidney function declines to less than 15%, you have to receive this renal replacement therapy. Early effective treatment is of great importance to stop the progression of the illness.
Here, we’d like to recommend you the best and most effective treatment- Immunotherapy. This therapy is used to help regulate the whole immune system and sugar metabolism disorders. Immunotherapy can treat diabetic kidney disease and creatinine 2.1 without dialysis with treatments as below:
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
This is a kind of external application. The main functions of this therapy include: improve the blood circulation, promote the blood flow to the kidneys and provide abundant nutrients to accelerate the kidney repair.
Based on the curative effects of herbal therapy, Immunotherapy is applied to protect the remaining kidney function and repair the damaged renal cells, thus recovering the normal renal function.
According to personalized condition, other advanced technologies like blood purification, plasma exchange, etc are also involved in the treatment process.
With prompt treatment of Immunotherapy, you have great change to recover from Diabetic Kidney Disease and avoid further dialysis.
If you want to know more details about the natural treatments, you can talk it with our online doctors or send email to
How can Traditional Chinese Medicine deal with Kidney Failure
kidney failure is a progressive kidney disease and it can be treated with
proper treatments. Traditional Chinese Medicine have been proved to be effective
to deal with kidney diseases. How can Traditional Chinese medicine deal with
kidney failure?
Kidney Failure is the disease that most of the kidneys have been damaged so seriously that they can not eliminate toxins, excessive fluid and so on out, thus leading to lots of symptoms. There are many causes that can lead to Kidney Failure. To patients with kidney disease, it is easy for them to get Kidney Failure, but some kidney disease like kidney cyst, kidney stone and so on will not lead to Kidney Failure. In fact, Kidney Failure is mostly caused by other disease, such as Hypertension, Diabetes, heart disease, hepatitis B, etc.
Due to the symptoms of early Kidney Failure are not obvious, when people find they have Kidney Failure, it is late. Therefore, to patients with kidney disease or other disease, it is necessary for them to pay attention to some changes of their body, such as changes of urination, swelling, anemia, Breath, Nausea and Vomiting, Shortness of Breath, Feeling Cold, Dizziness and so on. Early detection of Kidney Failure can patients have enough time to treat it effectively.
How to treat Kidney Failure? There are various treatments, here we mainly talk about the traditional Chinese Medicine in treating Kidney Failure. Due to Kidney Failure is a chronic disease, it can not be treated in a short time. Therefore, with the advantage of chronic and natural effects, traditional Chinese medicine is chose by more and more people.
1. Traditional Chinese medicine has few side effects.
As we know, traditional Chinese medicine mainly refers to herbs. Therefore the traditional Chinese medicine has few side effects. All people can apply traditional Chinese medicine unless the patients are allergic to herbs or plants. Though the cases are rare, there are some patients meet side effects of the medicine. The side effects usually are anaphylaxis on skin. After 3-7 days, the symptoms will disappear naturally.
2.Treating causes of Kidney Failure instead of symptoms.
Western medicines can control and relieve symptoms instantly, but once patients reduce the dose or stop to taking the medicine, the symptom will appear again. For example, patients with Kidney Failure always suffer from anemia, so they take EPO to relieve it. Usually, after taking the medicines for one week, patients will find obvious increase of red blood cells. However, once they stop EPO or reduce the dose, anemia will occur again. Traditional Chinese medicine aims at treating anemia from the cause, that is, treating kidneys and making kidney secrete erythropoietin naturally.
3. Traditional Chinese medicine treat Kidney Failure in all sides.
Traditional Chinese medicine is a complete medical system. Different from western medicine, traditional Chinese treat a disease in all sides, that is, the traditional Chinese medicine not only for Kidney Failure, but also for protect other organs. For example, traditional Chinese medicine for improving blood circulation can also relieving the state of anoxia, thus reducing the pressure in blood vessels.
Traditional Chinese really have many advantages, but it make effects slowly. With the development of medical science, experts apply new technology to improve it, such as make the medicines into micro grains so that it can be absorbed in a short time.
If you want to know more, you can send email to
Kidney Failure is the disease that most of the kidneys have been damaged so seriously that they can not eliminate toxins, excessive fluid and so on out, thus leading to lots of symptoms. There are many causes that can lead to Kidney Failure. To patients with kidney disease, it is easy for them to get Kidney Failure, but some kidney disease like kidney cyst, kidney stone and so on will not lead to Kidney Failure. In fact, Kidney Failure is mostly caused by other disease, such as Hypertension, Diabetes, heart disease, hepatitis B, etc.
Due to the symptoms of early Kidney Failure are not obvious, when people find they have Kidney Failure, it is late. Therefore, to patients with kidney disease or other disease, it is necessary for them to pay attention to some changes of their body, such as changes of urination, swelling, anemia, Breath, Nausea and Vomiting, Shortness of Breath, Feeling Cold, Dizziness and so on. Early detection of Kidney Failure can patients have enough time to treat it effectively.
How to treat Kidney Failure? There are various treatments, here we mainly talk about the traditional Chinese Medicine in treating Kidney Failure. Due to Kidney Failure is a chronic disease, it can not be treated in a short time. Therefore, with the advantage of chronic and natural effects, traditional Chinese medicine is chose by more and more people.
1. Traditional Chinese medicine has few side effects.
As we know, traditional Chinese medicine mainly refers to herbs. Therefore the traditional Chinese medicine has few side effects. All people can apply traditional Chinese medicine unless the patients are allergic to herbs or plants. Though the cases are rare, there are some patients meet side effects of the medicine. The side effects usually are anaphylaxis on skin. After 3-7 days, the symptoms will disappear naturally.
2.Treating causes of Kidney Failure instead of symptoms.
Western medicines can control and relieve symptoms instantly, but once patients reduce the dose or stop to taking the medicine, the symptom will appear again. For example, patients with Kidney Failure always suffer from anemia, so they take EPO to relieve it. Usually, after taking the medicines for one week, patients will find obvious increase of red blood cells. However, once they stop EPO or reduce the dose, anemia will occur again. Traditional Chinese medicine aims at treating anemia from the cause, that is, treating kidneys and making kidney secrete erythropoietin naturally.
3. Traditional Chinese medicine treat Kidney Failure in all sides.
Traditional Chinese medicine is a complete medical system. Different from western medicine, traditional Chinese treat a disease in all sides, that is, the traditional Chinese medicine not only for Kidney Failure, but also for protect other organs. For example, traditional Chinese medicine for improving blood circulation can also relieving the state of anoxia, thus reducing the pressure in blood vessels.
Traditional Chinese really have many advantages, but it make effects slowly. With the development of medical science, experts apply new technology to improve it, such as make the medicines into micro grains so that it can be absorbed in a short time.
If you want to know more, you can send email to
How to Reduce Creatinine 4.7 on Diabetic Nephropathy without Dialysis
High creatinine level is common treatment to deal with Diabetic Nephropathy.
Can it be reduced without dialysis?
What causes the elevated creatinine on Diabetic Nephropathy?
The creatinine generated in our blood is from endogenous or exogenous, it means the metabolism of our muscle tissue and creatine we take from food can affect the serum creatinine level, but the high creatinine level is mostly likely to occur because of kidney dysfunction, on the matter of lowering creatinine level, the emphasis is always in protecting the kidney function, There may doesn’t have many ways that can directly reduce creatinine level beside treatment, but many measures can be taken to control the creatinine and slow down the creatinine level increase, more importantly, they will slow down the kidney deterioration. Once creatinine is higher than normal, it means that the your kidney function has been lost more than 50%
How to deal with creatinine 4.7 on Diabetic Nephropathy ?
Decreasing the production of creatinine means you can reduce the meat intake in precondition of good nutrition, that can slow down the increasing of creatinine concentration.You should avoid intense physical labor, because it can fasten our body metabolism and increase the concentration of wastes products in blood. In general, by keeping healthy diet and lifestyle, it can play take a certain effect in controlling creatinine level in blood if you don’t develop kidney problem. When your creatinine level exceed the normal content, it may be from your damaged kidney function to discharge wastes, then it should be focused on increasing the kidney filtration function in bringing down creatinine level, you will have to be treated on the original kidney disease.
The way to increase creatinine discharge can be method of western medicine, by using of drugs or dialysis, they can bring down creatinine level in blood fast and improve your conditions of edema, fatigue, etc, but the creatinine level would rise to even higher level in few days, and you will need to repeat the treatment until your kidney completely lost the filtration function. The reasonable way to bring down the high creatinine level is to receive treatment which is effective in preventing the kidney sclerosis from advancing and get back the lost kidney function as more as possible, that is the long-term effective method to bring down creatinine level.
The natural treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital work to improve kidney function fundamentally, if you want to know more details about the natural treatments, you can send email to
What causes the elevated creatinine on Diabetic Nephropathy?
The creatinine generated in our blood is from endogenous or exogenous, it means the metabolism of our muscle tissue and creatine we take from food can affect the serum creatinine level, but the high creatinine level is mostly likely to occur because of kidney dysfunction, on the matter of lowering creatinine level, the emphasis is always in protecting the kidney function, There may doesn’t have many ways that can directly reduce creatinine level beside treatment, but many measures can be taken to control the creatinine and slow down the creatinine level increase, more importantly, they will slow down the kidney deterioration. Once creatinine is higher than normal, it means that the your kidney function has been lost more than 50%
How to deal with creatinine 4.7 on Diabetic Nephropathy ?
Decreasing the production of creatinine means you can reduce the meat intake in precondition of good nutrition, that can slow down the increasing of creatinine concentration.You should avoid intense physical labor, because it can fasten our body metabolism and increase the concentration of wastes products in blood. In general, by keeping healthy diet and lifestyle, it can play take a certain effect in controlling creatinine level in blood if you don’t develop kidney problem. When your creatinine level exceed the normal content, it may be from your damaged kidney function to discharge wastes, then it should be focused on increasing the kidney filtration function in bringing down creatinine level, you will have to be treated on the original kidney disease.
The way to increase creatinine discharge can be method of western medicine, by using of drugs or dialysis, they can bring down creatinine level in blood fast and improve your conditions of edema, fatigue, etc, but the creatinine level would rise to even higher level in few days, and you will need to repeat the treatment until your kidney completely lost the filtration function. The reasonable way to bring down the high creatinine level is to receive treatment which is effective in preventing the kidney sclerosis from advancing and get back the lost kidney function as more as possible, that is the long-term effective method to bring down creatinine level.
The natural treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital work to improve kidney function fundamentally, if you want to know more details about the natural treatments, you can send email to
How to Deal with Itching Skin on Kidney Failure without Dialysis
Itching skin is a common complaint for patients with kidney failure. It
affect patients’ life quality seriously.
A majority of patients on hemodialysis experience skin itching at some point. However, some patients have itching all of the time, and it becomes worse during or just after Dialysis treatment. The two primary causes of skin itching for people on dialysis are: First, high levels of phosphorus in blood. Also, there may be an allergy to the dialysis machine, blood tubing, or the type of heparin.
Due to the fact that dialysis can only perform at 10% of the capacity of a well functioning kidney, it fails to effectively remove phosphorus from the blood. This causes an accumulation of phosphorus which leads to the itching of your skin. Individuals with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) should limit the amount of phosphorus in their daily diet. Also, phosphorus binders may be taken with every meal and snacks to help prevent or stop itching. Meanwhile, adequate hemodialysis is also recommended to keep your phosphorus levels between 2.6 and 4.5.
Additionally, if itching occurs at the beginning of dialysis treatments, the patients may have an allergy to the dialysis machine, the blood tubing, or the type of heparin.
Finally, there are certain antihistamines and skin care products that are often used to treat allergies, and do in fact help to relieve skin itching. Nevertheless, strongly suggests that before using any of these products that you check with your doctor or nurse about which products are safest for you to use.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy aims at improving kidney function.
Firstly, through dilating blood vessel and activating blood circulation, patients’ blood pressure can become normal gradually and renal ischemia and anoxia as well as body poisoning symptom can also be relieved. Clinical manifestations like increasing urine amount, deeper urine color and heavier urine smell can be found. Besides, patients’ urine become turbid and floccule like material can be found in urine.
Secondly, due to improved microcirculation, patients can have better appetite. Nausea and vomiting as well as other symptoms can disappear.
If you want to know more details about this natural therapy, you can send email to
A majority of patients on hemodialysis experience skin itching at some point. However, some patients have itching all of the time, and it becomes worse during or just after Dialysis treatment. The two primary causes of skin itching for people on dialysis are: First, high levels of phosphorus in blood. Also, there may be an allergy to the dialysis machine, blood tubing, or the type of heparin.
Due to the fact that dialysis can only perform at 10% of the capacity of a well functioning kidney, it fails to effectively remove phosphorus from the blood. This causes an accumulation of phosphorus which leads to the itching of your skin. Individuals with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) should limit the amount of phosphorus in their daily diet. Also, phosphorus binders may be taken with every meal and snacks to help prevent or stop itching. Meanwhile, adequate hemodialysis is also recommended to keep your phosphorus levels between 2.6 and 4.5.
Additionally, if itching occurs at the beginning of dialysis treatments, the patients may have an allergy to the dialysis machine, the blood tubing, or the type of heparin.
Finally, there are certain antihistamines and skin care products that are often used to treat allergies, and do in fact help to relieve skin itching. Nevertheless, strongly suggests that before using any of these products that you check with your doctor or nurse about which products are safest for you to use.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy aims at improving kidney function.
Firstly, through dilating blood vessel and activating blood circulation, patients’ blood pressure can become normal gradually and renal ischemia and anoxia as well as body poisoning symptom can also be relieved. Clinical manifestations like increasing urine amount, deeper urine color and heavier urine smell can be found. Besides, patients’ urine become turbid and floccule like material can be found in urine.
Secondly, due to improved microcirculation, patients can have better appetite. Nausea and vomiting as well as other symptoms can disappear.
If you want to know more details about this natural therapy, you can send email to
Cause and Treatment for Kidney Failure Patients with Bone Disease.
The serious stage of kidney failure patients will suffer from Bone pain. What is the cause and how to treat it? Hope this article will give you a leader for this questions.
1、In kidney failure, the balance of calcium and phosphorus will be disrupted,
featuring as high phosphorus and low calcium. As a result, the secretion of
parathyroid hormone will be increased, leading to bone diseases, such as
osteitis fibrosa.
2. Inadequate active vitamin D
Failed kidneys cannot make enough active vitamin D, which is used to regulate the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, two important minerals that related to bone health. Inadequate active vitamin D will make calcium loss from bone, leading to weak bone.
3. Acidosis
Many patients in kidney failure will be attacked by acidosis, which will make your body pull calcium from your bone, leading to bone rarefaction.
2. Inadequate active vitamin D
Failed kidneys cannot make enough active vitamin D, which is used to regulate the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, two important minerals that related to bone health. Inadequate active vitamin D will make calcium loss from bone, leading to weak bone.
3. Acidosis
Many patients in kidney failure will be attacked by acidosis, which will make your body pull calcium from your bone, leading to bone rarefaction.
Treatment for kidney failure patients with bone disease
Many patients will choose Dialysis. But the patients will reply on dialysis once he or she start.
Dialysis just can relieve some symptoms but can not treat the kidney problem.
although it can remove some toxin, macromulecule toxin still stays in the body
to damage the kidney again. besides, it can remove the nutrition of our body.
long time for it. the patient will be weaker and weaker, the immunity will be
lower and lower. it can easliy bring much side-effect, such as fatigue, no
appetite and others. which is the reason that why we do not suggest the patient
take it.
one of our important treatment for the kidney disease is the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is based on the traditional chinese medicine and belongs to the reserved method. we use it help many patients from the 64 countries decrease the dialysis times and get rid of the dialysis. whether the patient can take it or not, which depends on the patient's condition.
If you want to know our detailed information about our therapy. Contact me through
one of our important treatment for the kidney disease is the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is based on the traditional chinese medicine and belongs to the reserved method. we use it help many patients from the 64 countries decrease the dialysis times and get rid of the dialysis. whether the patient can take it or not, which depends on the patient's condition.
If you want to know our detailed information about our therapy. Contact me through
How to Deal with Itching Skin for Renal Failure Patients
How to deal with itch skin for renal failure patients.Many patients want to know the answer for this questions. So I start to write this article.The following content include the cause and treatment for renal failure patients with itching skin.
1. When chronic renal failure develope into uremia, the increase of toxin and protein derivative in patients’ blood can lead to skin itch. High calcium and phosphorus in blood can also induce itching skin.
2. Uremia patients with dry skin, which exert desquamation and yellow-brown. In the exposed area of skin, mild contusion can cause skin ecchymosis.
3. The retention of nitrogen metabolites will stimulate the skin and atrophy sebaceous gland as well as sweat gland, lead to itch skin due to different degrees of dry, and desquamation, which looks like ichthyosiform lesions.
4. The chronic renal failure patients may suffer from hypercalcemia due to secondary hyperparathyroidism, calcium deposition will lead to skin itch.
5. Overmuch of vitamin A
6. Uremia may cause neuropathy, which pertains to neuropathic itchy skin lesions.
7. Some chronic renal failure patients are susceptible to sensitivity, which can cause skin itch.
1. When chronic renal failure develope into uremia, the increase of toxin and protein derivative in patients’ blood can lead to skin itch. High calcium and phosphorus in blood can also induce itching skin.
2. Uremia patients with dry skin, which exert desquamation and yellow-brown. In the exposed area of skin, mild contusion can cause skin ecchymosis.
3. The retention of nitrogen metabolites will stimulate the skin and atrophy sebaceous gland as well as sweat gland, lead to itch skin due to different degrees of dry, and desquamation, which looks like ichthyosiform lesions.
4. The chronic renal failure patients may suffer from hypercalcemia due to secondary hyperparathyroidism, calcium deposition will lead to skin itch.
5. Overmuch of vitamin A
6. Uremia may cause neuropathy, which pertains to neuropathic itchy skin lesions.
7. Some chronic renal failure patients are susceptible to sensitivity, which can cause skin itch.
Treatment for kidney failure patients with skin itching
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of innovative therapy for kidney failure patients in our hospital. This therapy will make the Chinese Medicine enter one's kidneys directly through a bag is full with Chinese Medicine and tie one the back in the kidney patients. And the whole treatment have no pain feeling. You just need to lie down in the bed for 45 minutes.
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How to Treat PKD with Nausea,Vomiting and Creatinine 5.7
PKD with nausea and vomiting can show your disease are in a serious stage. Because in the early stage of PKD. There is no obvious symptoms. And creatinine 5.7 is more higher than the normal level. Let me tell you the cause and how to eliminate the symptoms.
Not all of the patients with polycystic kidney will be nausea and vomiting. Because the cyst extrusion to the digestive system.Then the symptom began to occur. So when this symptoms occur. It can show the size of the cyst.
Cause of nausea and vomiting
Not all of the patients with polycystic kidney will be nausea and vomiting. Because the cyst extrusion to the digestive system.Then the symptom began to occur. So when this symptoms occur. It can show the size of the cyst.
Treatment for PKD patients with nausea and vomiting
For nausea with polycystic kidney disease, patients can do a number of things
to help slow the progression of the disease. First, regular health care
maintenance is important. Regular appointments with your nephrologist can help
keep track of the problems caused by PKD. It is also important that you have
other health problems taken care of as well, such as high blood pressure and
weight control.And in other hand Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can shrink kidney cyst naturall.
If you want to know the detailed information about how Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to shrink the cyst. Send an e-mail to
If you want to know the detailed information about how Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to shrink the cyst. Send an e-mail to
Is it the Best Way for IgA Nephropathy Patients to Choose Kidney Transplant
It is seems like the kidney transplant is the best choice for kidney disease patients. But it is also have some disadvantage for IgA Nephropathy patients choose kidney transplant to treat their disease.
IgA Nephropathy is an immune
disease. And as long as patients have high concentration of IgA1 arising from
infection, the immune complex can deposit inside the kidneys which further leads
to damage to the kidneys. So, if there is any conservative treatment which can
prevent immune complex from damaging the kidneys, also strengthening immunity so
as to avoid infection, that will help patients prevent relapse of IgA
nephropathy and protect the kidneys from being damaged. And kidney transplant have high risk in the treatment of IgA Nephropathy. And it is difficult to find out a suitable kidney to instead.
![kidney transplant and IgA nephropathy](
Our treatment for IgA Nephropathy patients
We mainly adopt Immunotherapy therapy to treat IgA Nephropathy. Because this therapy not only can improve the kidney function and also can improve the immunity of the kidney patients. And In the treatment progress. We will also adopt other treatment to treat IgA Nephropathy. And our treatment system named 'Four Plus Seven'.
If you have interested in our treatment.Or have any questions want to consult our expert. Contact me through
Diet suggestion for Diabetic Nephropathy patients with high creatinine 5.1
Proper diet is very essential for Diabetic nephropathy patients.And high creatinine 5.1 is much higher than the normal value of the creatinine. If you want to know how to through diet to prevent the develop of the diabetic nephropathy.You can read the following to find the answer.You mainly should attention these three points of our disease.
Low Sodium
Sodium increases blood pressure, which in turn causes damage in the kidneys and increases risk of heart disease and stroke. Keep your blood pressure lower than 130/80. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee report recommends limiting sodium intake to 1,500 mg daily. To lower your sodium intake, choose fresh or frozen fruits, vegetables and meats. Limit or avoid canned, cured, processed foods.
Protein is important for building and repairing body tissue. Most Americans eat about twice the recommended daily intake for protein, which increases the workload on the kidneys.
Hope the above content can give you a lead in the treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy. If you have any other questions like Diabetic Nephropathy treatment. Contact me through
Low Sodium
Sodium increases blood pressure, which in turn causes damage in the kidneys and increases risk of heart disease and stroke. Keep your blood pressure lower than 130/80. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee report recommends limiting sodium intake to 1,500 mg daily. To lower your sodium intake, choose fresh or frozen fruits, vegetables and meats. Limit or avoid canned, cured, processed foods.
Low Potassium
High potassium can affect heart rhythm, although you may not feel any symptoms. Choose fruits and vegetables that are low in potassium such as apples, canned apricots or nectar, berries, grape, grapefruit, honeydew melon, mangoes, papayas, pears, peaches, plums, pineapple, watermelon, cranberry juice, bell peppers, fresh broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, onions, corn, cucumber, green beans, kale, lettuce, fresh mushrooms, okra and summer squash. Avoid or eat only a very small portion of high potassium foods like fresh apricots, bananas, cantaloupe, kiwi, prunes, oranges, raisins, winter squash, avocado, green, cooked broccoli, Brussels sprouts, chard, potatoes .High quality Protein Intake
Protein is important for building and repairing body tissue. Most Americans eat about twice the recommended daily intake for protein, which increases the workload on the kidneys.
Hope the above content can give you a lead in the treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy. If you have any other questions like Diabetic Nephropathy treatment. Contact me through
Is IgA Nephropathy Hereditary
IgA nephropathy (Berger's disease) is a form of mesangial proliferative
The disorder can appear suddenly (acute), or get worse slowly over many years (chronic glomerulonephritis).And this disease will also cause many complication:
Bloody urine that starts during or soon after a respiratory infection
Repeated episodes of dark or bloody urine
Swelling of the hands and feet
Symptoms of chronic kidney disease
The root cause of the IgA nephropathy is that the IgA immune globulin builds up in the glomerular mesangial area, which would disease the renal tissues through injuring the renal inherent cells. The IgA immune globulin couldn’t be delivered to the fetus, so the IgA nephropathy patients can’t transfer the disorder to their descendants.
But a great number of the clinical data show that the children whose parents have the IgA nephropathy are at high risk of developing the disorder, even if the IgA nephropathy is not hereditary. So, the patients with IgA nephropathy should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.
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The disorder can appear suddenly (acute), or get worse slowly over many years (chronic glomerulonephritis).And this disease will also cause many complication:
Bloody urine that starts during or soon after a respiratory infection
Repeated episodes of dark or bloody urine
Swelling of the hands and feet
Symptoms of chronic kidney disease
Is IgA Nephropathy Hereditary
Most of the patients get worried about whether they could pass the disease on their children. Let first know the cause of the IgA Nephropathy and Find the answer.The root cause of the IgA nephropathy is that the IgA immune globulin builds up in the glomerular mesangial area, which would disease the renal tissues through injuring the renal inherent cells. The IgA immune globulin couldn’t be delivered to the fetus, so the IgA nephropathy patients can’t transfer the disorder to their descendants.
But a great number of the clinical data show that the children whose parents have the IgA nephropathy are at high risk of developing the disorder, even if the IgA nephropathy is not hereditary. So, the patients with IgA nephropathy should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.
IgA Nephropathy Treatment
In hospital we mainly use Immunotherapy to treat IgA Nephropathy.Through years of practices, we have obtained a lot of unexpected achievements and saved many dying patients.Have any questions? Contact me through
How to lower creatinine level for CKD stage 3 patients
High creatinine level can show a big damage to your kidney. Because your creatinine once begin to risk. That is means you had lost 50% kidney function. And stage 3 CKD can show a medium kidney damage. So today I want to share with you how to lower creatinine level for CKD stage 3 patients.
People with high creatinine level should strictly limit the intake of meat, take low-salt and low-protein and low-fat diet, get rid of food containing high protein, eat less soy products. What more important is that we should pay high attention to it rather than despise it. Reducing the values of serum creatinine and urea nitrogen effectively can avoid the the disease deteriorating to uremia.
Simply lowering creatinine values can not solve problem thoroughly, and it may even easily lead to recurrent, so patients with high creatinine best receive regular treatment.
What high creatinine level patients need to do is to control the intake of meat food and take proper exercise. For patients with creatinine values around 700, the key point of treatment is to combine traditional Chinese and western medicine, eliminate the immune complex and diseased tissue of glomerular basement membrane, repair the damaged renal intrinsic cells, and only by this means can help patients restore the function of kidney filtration.
If you want to know the detailed treatment in our hospital send an email to
People with high creatinine level should strictly limit the intake of meat, take low-salt and low-protein and low-fat diet, get rid of food containing high protein, eat less soy products. What more important is that we should pay high attention to it rather than despise it. Reducing the values of serum creatinine and urea nitrogen effectively can avoid the the disease deteriorating to uremia.
Simply lowering creatinine values can not solve problem thoroughly, and it may even easily lead to recurrent, so patients with high creatinine best receive regular treatment.
What high creatinine level patients need to do is to control the intake of meat food and take proper exercise. For patients with creatinine values around 700, the key point of treatment is to combine traditional Chinese and western medicine, eliminate the immune complex and diseased tissue of glomerular basement membrane, repair the damaged renal intrinsic cells, and only by this means can help patients restore the function of kidney filtration.
If you want to know the detailed treatment in our hospital send an email to
Symptoms and prognosis of IgA Nephropathy
IgA Nephropathy will cause many obvious symptoms. Like
1. Gross hematuria
2. Microscopic hematuria
3. Proteinuria
Generally speaking, the prognosis of IgA Nephropathy is good. Its prognosis mainly depends on the following factors.
1.Usually, the prognosis of male patients with IgA Nephropathy is bad. Moreover, the elder the patients are, the worse its prognosis will be.
2. The prognosis of the patients with frequent gross hematuiria is bad.
3. If the patients are accompanied with a mass of protein in urine, the prognosis is bad.
4. If the blood pressure is beyond control, the prognosis of IgA Nephropathy is bad.
5. The patients with serious pathological changes, its prognosis is worse.
In addition, the location of immune complex also affects the prognosis of IgA Nephropathy. The patients with deposition both in mesangial area and capillary wall have a worse prognosis than those only have deposition in the mesangial area.
Here we can suggest you Immunotherapy to treat IgA Nephropathy.
If you want to know the detailed information about Immunotherapy. Contact me through
1. Gross hematuria
2. Microscopic hematuria
3. Proteinuria
In other hand I want to share with your the prognosis of IgA Nephropathy patients
Generally speaking, the prognosis of IgA Nephropathy is good. Its prognosis mainly depends on the following factors.
1.Usually, the prognosis of male patients with IgA Nephropathy is bad. Moreover, the elder the patients are, the worse its prognosis will be.
2. The prognosis of the patients with frequent gross hematuiria is bad.
3. If the patients are accompanied with a mass of protein in urine, the prognosis is bad.
4. If the blood pressure is beyond control, the prognosis of IgA Nephropathy is bad.
5. The patients with serious pathological changes, its prognosis is worse.
In addition, the location of immune complex also affects the prognosis of IgA Nephropathy. The patients with deposition both in mesangial area and capillary wall have a worse prognosis than those only have deposition in the mesangial area.
Here we can suggest you Immunotherapy to treat IgA Nephropathy.
If you want to know the detailed information about Immunotherapy. Contact me through
How to lower high creatinine level for Nephrotic Syndrome patients?
High creatinine level can show a big damage to the kidneys. Nephrotic Syndrome will cause a serious of symptoms like bubble in urine,edema and so on. So today I want to tell you how to lower high creatinine level for Nephrotic Syndrome patients.
When dealing with the problem of creatinine, we must set out from the cause of the disease, that is the plenty of immune complex depositing in the kidney, through the treating measures of expanding vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-freezing and degradation, the glomerulus can be enabled to get rid of the intrusion of the inflammatory cells resulting from the deposition of the immune complex, rather than purely aiming at the goal of descending the level of creatinine, and also, it is indispensable to take some measures to lessen the factors which may accelerate the escalation of the disease, such as hypertension and anemia.
As for the injured inherent renal functional cells, at the same time blocking the process of renal fibrosis through constantly removing the immune complex, restoring the reversible renal units is also crucial, only by increasing the filtration of the glomerulus can we achieve to the goal of decreasing the level of creatinine.
And the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can achieve the effect.
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When dealing with the problem of creatinine, we must set out from the cause of the disease, that is the plenty of immune complex depositing in the kidney, through the treating measures of expanding vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-freezing and degradation, the glomerulus can be enabled to get rid of the intrusion of the inflammatory cells resulting from the deposition of the immune complex, rather than purely aiming at the goal of descending the level of creatinine, and also, it is indispensable to take some measures to lessen the factors which may accelerate the escalation of the disease, such as hypertension and anemia.
As for the injured inherent renal functional cells, at the same time blocking the process of renal fibrosis through constantly removing the immune complex, restoring the reversible renal units is also crucial, only by increasing the filtration of the glomerulus can we achieve to the goal of decreasing the level of creatinine.
And the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can achieve the effect.
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How to treat kidney failure caused by IgA Nephropathy
If you don't treat IgA Nephropathy timely. There are will have high risk of kidney failure. Once your disease develop into kidney failure. How to treat it? The following will give you some suggestion.
How to treat kidney failure caused by IgA Nephropathy
kidney failure is difficult to cure. But you should don't depress for that. You should live happy every day. And find out a way to improve your life quality with kidney failure.
Patients with rapidly progressive IgA Nephropathy and Renal Failure should
have repeated kidney biopsy to determine if new crescents are formed or not; and
to differentiate the disease from Acute Renal Tubular Necrosis. If large amounts
of crescents are formed, integrated Chinese and Western Medicine should be used
to protect the kidney and deal with complications respectively. Our therapy had achieved of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine.
If you want to consult the treatment of kidney disease. Contact me through
If you want to consult the treatment of kidney disease. Contact me through
How to improve GFR 42 for kidney failure patients with high creatinine level
GFR(Glomerular filtration rate)is on behalf of the renal function. Normally
GFR should be 120%. And our human body can also maintain the normal operation of
life with 60% kidney function. This is why there was a man who had one kidney
can also live a normal life. The reason why we have two kidneys is that 60% to
60% with the addition of alternate work, we called compensatory stage. When the
kidney function only remain 60% ,it have to work all the time .As times going,
kidney cells will die as it overload for a long time. At this time,we called
decompensatory stage. At this time renal function and GFR will decline quickly.
Then the body will reflect many symptoms, such as proteinuria, edema, fewer EPO,
anemia, higher uric acid toxins, and other toxin that can not be properly
discharged,and kidneys can not work properly to regulate health condition ,then
it need drugs to control this condition. That is the reason why it is difficult
to find the kidney has been damaged in the period of CKD1 and CKD2. When GFR is
less than 25%, renal function is too low .we call it kidney failure stage. In
this period, all symptoms will aggravate and it is hard to control with drugs.
When GFR is less than 15%, the Toxin in the body is difficult to control with
drugs except by dialysis. That is the last period, we called uremia.
GFR 42 can show you are in stage 3 kidney failure. At this time the cells in your kidney need to do double work sometimes even three times than before. So your creatinine could wave in a range. However it will not last for a long time for this situation. You know if you work for double time than before will you continue for a long time? You will be tired soon after some time. It is the same for your kidneys.
Frankly speaking, in most western countries even in the whole world, there are 4 ways for kidney diseases: wait and see, Western Medicine, Dialysis, Transplant. Kidney Disease is known as a silent killer. When patients' condition is in Renal Inflammation Reaction stage (early stage or early-middle stage), most of them can not feel clear symptoms or discomforts, so doctor adopt a wait and see attitude. When condition goes to Renal Fibrosis stage, the symptoms start to occur, such as high blood pressure, anemia, electrolyte disturbance, swelling, poor immunity etc. Patients are given symptomatic treatment to slove these discomforts, these medicines are right, but far from enough to solve the root. With more and more renal scarring come into being, that is why most patients will have to do dialysis then transplant at last.
That is why a lot of people couldn't save their kidneys timely. Once it became to stage 4 it will be difficult to recover. You know once your kidney cells become lesions it will be difficult to save it again. Just like soldiers, for stage 3 of kidney disease the solders are injured but for stage 4 the solders died. Don't know if you could understand me. For your condition the most important thing is to save your kidney cells when they injured but not died. It is still reversible now. It is the key stage to treat your disease.
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GFR 42 can show you are in stage 3 kidney failure. At this time the cells in your kidney need to do double work sometimes even three times than before. So your creatinine could wave in a range. However it will not last for a long time for this situation. You know if you work for double time than before will you continue for a long time? You will be tired soon after some time. It is the same for your kidneys.
Frankly speaking, in most western countries even in the whole world, there are 4 ways for kidney diseases: wait and see, Western Medicine, Dialysis, Transplant. Kidney Disease is known as a silent killer. When patients' condition is in Renal Inflammation Reaction stage (early stage or early-middle stage), most of them can not feel clear symptoms or discomforts, so doctor adopt a wait and see attitude. When condition goes to Renal Fibrosis stage, the symptoms start to occur, such as high blood pressure, anemia, electrolyte disturbance, swelling, poor immunity etc. Patients are given symptomatic treatment to slove these discomforts, these medicines are right, but far from enough to solve the root. With more and more renal scarring come into being, that is why most patients will have to do dialysis then transplant at last.
That is why a lot of people couldn't save their kidneys timely. Once it became to stage 4 it will be difficult to recover. You know once your kidney cells become lesions it will be difficult to save it again. Just like soldiers, for stage 3 of kidney disease the solders are injured but for stage 4 the solders died. Don't know if you could understand me. For your condition the most important thing is to save your kidney cells when they injured but not died. It is still reversible now. It is the key stage to treat your disease.
Treatment for kidney failure patients with GFR 42
We have several kinds of methods such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Herbal Circling Therapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Herbal Medicated Bath Therapy, Oral Herbal Medicine Therapy, High Retention Herbal Enema Therapy, Herbal Feet Bath Therapy, Herbal Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy, Herbal Reinforcing and Nourishing Therapy etc.Have any questions? Contact me through
The daily care for Nephropathy Syndrome Children with edema
Nephropathy Syndrome is like to occur in children. As the parents of the Nephropathy Syndrome children they should pay more attention to the daily care for the children.
Daily care for Nephropathy Syndrome children
1. Parents should regularly trim nails for their children to prevent
scratching the skin and cause infection.
2. Prevent colds and flus.
3. When the male children have an obvious scrotal edema, parents can use a bag to hold it up and pay attention to its clean.
4. Don’t wear clothes for a long time. Often changing clothes can help to get rid of infection.
5. Don’t be very tired. Parents should urge their children have a good rest, because they are easy to play too tired and can’t have a good sleep after going back home.
6. Children should bath regularly to keep the skin clean.
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2. Prevent colds and flus.
3. When the male children have an obvious scrotal edema, parents can use a bag to hold it up and pay attention to its clean.
4. Don’t wear clothes for a long time. Often changing clothes can help to get rid of infection.
5. Don’t be very tired. Parents should urge their children have a good rest, because they are easy to play too tired and can’t have a good sleep after going back home.
6. Children should bath regularly to keep the skin clean.
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Diet for Diabetic Nephropathy patients
The suitable diet is very important for kidney disease patients. Especially for Diabetic Nephropathy patients. The following content will give you some suggestion about the diet for Diabetic Nephropathy patients.
Black beans.A traditional medicine for treating diabetes in
Spinach root. Spinach root belongs to the category of red food, which has a good therapeutic effect. Spinach root has rich nutrition, containing cellulose, vitamins and minerals and it also can prevent Child Diabetes.
Eat more carrots. Carrots contain nine kinds of amino acids and a dozen of enzymes, as well as many essential minerals, of which, calcium, phosphorus are the main component of bone; copper and iron are essential for synthesis of heme; fluoride can enhance the corrosion resistance of the teeth; crude fiber can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, which is good for digestion. It is found by Modern Chinese Medicine study that carrots have the effect of reducing blood pressure and cardiotonic, anti-inflammation and anti-allergy.
Apple. The aroma of apples can contribute to sleep. In fact, apples can do good to insomnia and also can prevent Diabetes. Apples contain chromium, which can increase Diabetic patients’ sensitivity to insulin. And malic acid can stabilize blood sugar and prevent Diabetes of old age. Therefore, Diabetes patients should eat sour apples.
Mango. Australian researchers found that eating a mango a day may prevent Diabetes and high cholesterol. Some component of the mango can activate or inhibit the so-called peroxisome proliferator and activate receptor of PPARs to play the role of prevention.
And in the treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of good choice. If you want to know the detailed information.Contact me through
Spinach root. Spinach root belongs to the category of red food, which has a good therapeutic effect. Spinach root has rich nutrition, containing cellulose, vitamins and minerals and it also can prevent Child Diabetes.
Eat more carrots. Carrots contain nine kinds of amino acids and a dozen of enzymes, as well as many essential minerals, of which, calcium, phosphorus are the main component of bone; copper and iron are essential for synthesis of heme; fluoride can enhance the corrosion resistance of the teeth; crude fiber can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, which is good for digestion. It is found by Modern Chinese Medicine study that carrots have the effect of reducing blood pressure and cardiotonic, anti-inflammation and anti-allergy.
Apple. The aroma of apples can contribute to sleep. In fact, apples can do good to insomnia and also can prevent Diabetes. Apples contain chromium, which can increase Diabetic patients’ sensitivity to insulin. And malic acid can stabilize blood sugar and prevent Diabetes of old age. Therefore, Diabetes patients should eat sour apples.
Mango. Australian researchers found that eating a mango a day may prevent Diabetes and high cholesterol. Some component of the mango can activate or inhibit the so-called peroxisome proliferator and activate receptor of PPARs to play the role of prevention.
And in the treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of good choice. If you want to know the detailed information.Contact me through
Healthy Food to Improve Kidney Function for Renal Failure Patients
Many kidney failure patients should pay more attention to their diet for improve the kidney function. The following content is the diet plan.
1. Cabbage
2. Onions
3. garlic
Besides, cauliflower, blueberries, fish, egg whites, red grapes, apples and asparagus also are suitable for the patients with chronic kidney failure. And they can help the patients improve their renal function, so you can eat them properly.
In other hand, The suitable treatment is also important for kidney failure patients. We had combined the Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine in the treatment of kidney failure.If you want to know the detail information contact me through the following way.
If you still have any questions about the diet or other question about your disease. Contact me through
2. Onions
3. garlic
Besides, cauliflower, blueberries, fish, egg whites, red grapes, apples and asparagus also are suitable for the patients with chronic kidney failure. And they can help the patients improve their renal function, so you can eat them properly.
In other hand, The suitable treatment is also important for kidney failure patients. We had combined the Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine in the treatment of kidney failure.If you want to know the detail information contact me through the following way.
If you still have any questions about the diet or other question about your disease. Contact me through
Diabetic Nephropathy with high creatinine 4.7 treatment
Diabetic Nephropathy is caused by a long term diabetes.High creatinine 4.7 had shown a big damaged for your kidneys.How to lower it. The following content will tell you the answer.
Diabetic Nephropathy treatment
Active substances of Chinese Medicine can penetrate into the lesions,
combining the homing effect of cell to repair and block islet Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and
susceptibility genes. Active substances of Chinese Medicine have vasodilator
effect, and can improve the structure and function of glomerular endothelial and mesangial , activate the function of this therapy, improve organizational structure, extend cell survival, block insulin
resistance and eventually alleviate proteinuria, microscopic hematuria and other
symptoms, thus preventing renal failure. cell can effectively repair damaged
is let Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and susceptibility genes. And cell can also differentiate
into a large number of improve tissue function
gradually. With the active substances of targeted Chinese medicine blocking
insulin resistance, cell will gradually repair and restore
the function of islet. As long as damaged Immune can be repaired, the condition
will take a favourable turn.
If you have any doubt about our therapy. Contact me through
If you have any doubt about our therapy. Contact me through
How to lower high creatinine 2.4 for CKD patients?
Creatinine can show your kidney damaged.The normal creatinine level is about 0.5-1.2. And in other hand once the degree of the creatinine level is higher than the normal value. It can show 50% loss of the kidney function. And creatinine 2.4 is much higher than the normal value. So we should pay more attention to your kidneys. And find out a good way to lower your creatinine level.
I suggest you Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy is always used in lower high creatinine level.
The herbal medicine is micronized into ten thousandths of its original size. With the help of osmosis device, effective ingredients of herbal medicines will infiltrate into kidneys through the main channels. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can repair the damaged kidney inherent cells and enhance the patients′ immunity. What′s more, this therapy is an advanced treatment in treating end stage of kidney disease in the world. In this therapy, we also will combine proper western medicine treatment and then make the patients recover as soon as possible.
If you want to know more about our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. And if you want to solve your doubt about your disease. Contact us through
The following content will tell you some method to lower high creatinine.
I suggest you Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy is always used in lower high creatinine level.
The herbal medicine is micronized into ten thousandths of its original size. With the help of osmosis device, effective ingredients of herbal medicines will infiltrate into kidneys through the main channels. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can repair the damaged kidney inherent cells and enhance the patients′ immunity. What′s more, this therapy is an advanced treatment in treating end stage of kidney disease in the world. In this therapy, we also will combine proper western medicine treatment and then make the patients recover as soon as possible.
If you want to know more about our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. And if you want to solve your doubt about your disease. Contact us through
How to Replenish Protein for IgA Nephropathy patients? - IgA Nephropathy Diet
For kidney disease patients they should control the intake of protein. They just be allowed to eat high quality protein. So many IgA Nephropathy patients will cause absence of protein. So the problem occur how to replenish protein for IgA Nephropathy patients.
1. Patients should take low protein. Namely, they should take protein food
which contains a low quantity of protein.
2. Patients should take high quality protein. Namely, they should take protein food which produces less waste (nitrogen).
Therefore, soy bean products should be avoided. On one hand, bean products contain a great deal of protein. On the other hand, they belong to vegetarian protein, which can produce nitrogen, thus burdening the damaged renal function. Besides, excessive nitrogen may lead to Azotemia. Compared with plant protein, IgA Nephropathy patients are suggested to take animal protein, such as lean meat, fish, chicken and so
No matter which period the IgA Nephropathy develops, patients should take a certain protein and different conditions have different standards.
I suggest you Immunotherapy for you. This therapy will through six steps to improve your immunity and repair your kidney function.
If you want to know this therapy more. Or have any question want to consult. Send an email to: Or chat with our on line doctor at below. We will reply you within 24 hours. Best wishes for you.
2. Patients should take high quality protein. Namely, they should take protein food which produces less waste (nitrogen).
Therefore, soy bean products should be avoided. On one hand, bean products contain a great deal of protein. On the other hand, they belong to vegetarian protein, which can produce nitrogen, thus burdening the damaged renal function. Besides, excessive nitrogen may lead to Azotemia. Compared with plant protein, IgA Nephropathy patients are suggested to take animal protein, such as lean meat, fish, chicken and so
No matter which period the IgA Nephropathy develops, patients should take a certain protein and different conditions have different standards.
IgA Nephropathy treatment
I suggest you Immunotherapy for you. This therapy will through six steps to improve your immunity and repair your kidney function.
If you want to know this therapy more. Or have any question want to consult. Send an email to: Or chat with our on line doctor at below. We will reply you within 24 hours. Best wishes for you.
Diet Suggestion and More Care for Children with Nephrotic Syndrome
Nephrotic Syndromd (NS) is a collection of the symptoms of kidney disease patients. The common symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome include :
Foamy urine
Fatigue and weakness
Swelling (oedema) around the eyes, hands, feet, and abdomen
Loss of appetite
Increased weight from fluid retention
High protein levels in the urine and low protein levels in the blood
And Many children like to get this disease. The following content will tell the parents, how to care your Nephrotic Syndrome baby.
Encourage your children to participate outdoor activities.
Maybe your child is not willing to go out to participate activities even in school because of his or her illness. In fact, they are encouraged to take part in all kinds of sports within their capabilities. Outdoor activities are good for building up their body and strengthening the immunity.
Swelling (oedema) around the eyes, hands, feet, and abdomen
Loss of appetite
Increased weight from fluid retention
High protein levels in the urine and low protein levels in the blood
And Many children like to get this disease. The following content will tell the parents, how to care your Nephrotic Syndrome baby.
Manage your children a healthy diet and a right life style
A healthy diet can help control the progression of the disease and prevent further damage. First of all, it will be better to eat a low-sodium diet. If he or her eat too salty, he will drink more water which will make the swelling worse. Besides, high-sodium is not good for his or her blood pressure. Secondly, carefully manage the protein intake. You are suggested to consult a dietitian for how much protein is suitable for your child. Too much will increase the risk of worsening proteinuria, but inadequate protein will affect the growth of the children. If you want to know more about healthier eating, you can call us, the kidney experts will give you some useful suggestions.Encourage your children to participate outdoor activities.
Maybe your child is not willing to go out to participate activities even in school because of his or her illness. In fact, they are encouraged to take part in all kinds of sports within their capabilities. Outdoor activities are good for building up their body and strengthening the immunity.
Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome patients
We mainly adopt Chinese Medicine to treat this disease. And we have get a serious of success cases in clinical.
If you want to know our therapy. Or still have any questions about your disease. Contact me through
How to Avoid PKD Patients with high creatinine level Develop Into Kidney Failure?
Many PKD patients want to prevent the develop of this disease and avoid PKD patients develop into kidney failure. Though PKD can not be cure. But we can do something to prevent the develop of PKD avoid kidney failure.
Surgery can be used to remove kidney cyst, but it is only available for big cysts in outer part of the kidney. Polycystic Kidney Disease is characterized by countless cysts in different part of kidney, so surgery is not an ideal solution. As for the treatment that can help to treat all the cysts in kidney at one time, Micro-Chinese Medicine therapy is recommended. Chinese medicine has function to extend blood vessels, which can help to lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation. We all know fluid flow toward the side with low pressure, so when blood pressure outside the cyst is lower than that inside the cyst, cystic fluid seep out. Consequently, kidney cyst gets shrunk.
If you want to know the detailed information about our treatment. Contact me through
Treatment for PKD without surgery
Surgery can be used to remove kidney cyst, but it is only available for big cysts in outer part of the kidney. Polycystic Kidney Disease is characterized by countless cysts in different part of kidney, so surgery is not an ideal solution. As for the treatment that can help to treat all the cysts in kidney at one time, Micro-Chinese Medicine therapy is recommended. Chinese medicine has function to extend blood vessels, which can help to lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation. We all know fluid flow toward the side with low pressure, so when blood pressure outside the cyst is lower than that inside the cyst, cystic fluid seep out. Consequently, kidney cyst gets shrunk.
If you want to know the detailed information about our treatment. Contact me through
Right Diet for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients with Edema
Choose suitable diet is very important for kidney disease patients. Nephrotic Syndrome is urinary excretion of > 3 g of protein/day due to a
glomerular disorder plus edema and hypoalbuminemia. And in other hand this disease is often among children. So today I want to share with you the right diet for our children.
1. Limit the water intake
Though it is good for us to drink more water, for the patients with edema
drinking more water will aggravate the kidney disease and edema. Damaged kidneys
fail to generate urine, which can cause water retention and edema, so limit the
water intake is so necessary.
Above are just some systematic diet suggestions. The detailed diet plan should be set up according to the every patients’ practical disease condition.
Hope this article is useful for you. If you still have any questions,contact me through We will reply you in 24 hours.
2. Reduce the salt intake
3. Increase the potassium intake
Because potassium has the function of adjusting intracellular fluid, for the patients without the disturbance of potassium metabolism, they can remit the symptom of edema through increasing the potassium intake.4. Proper protein intake
For nephrotic syndrome patients, much protein intake will increase the kidney burden and aggravate disease. But protein is a necessary substance for every body, so proper protein intake is a right choice for the patients, and you had better choose the foods rich in high quality protein.5. Drink tea
Many kinds of tea have the function of diuresis, so drinking them is good for the patients to remit edema. But you need to drink it under the expert′s instruction, because some tea may bring some harm for you.Above are just some systematic diet suggestions. The detailed diet plan should be set up according to the every patients’ practical disease condition.
Hope this article is useful for you. If you still have any questions,contact me through We will reply you in 24 hours.
What Food Should Avoid for PKD patients
For PKD patients there are much food should be avoid. Because the wrong food can stimulate the grow of kidney cyst.Read the following content find out the forbidden food for PKD patients.
Salty and fatty foods
PKD patients often have high blood pressure which will become worse and worse along with gradual loss of kidney functions. Therefore salt and fat intake should be limited to help control blood pressure and alleviate fluid and sodium retention in the body. Fast foods, restaurant foods and highly processed foods often contain a lot of salt and fats, therefore it is better that PKD patients should have healthy home-make diets and foods under the doctor and dietitian’s guidance.Coffee, chocolate and caffeine-containing foods and drinks
Added sugars
PKD treatment
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is to recover the instinct of human and human body to achieve
the prevention, treatment, restoring and anti-recurrence of kidney disease.
If you want to know the detailed information about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Contact me through
If you want to know the detailed information about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Contact me through
How to treat kidney cyst with back pain
Kidney cyst can be divided into simple kidney cyst and complex kidney cyst.And the complex kidney cyst can cause back pain. What is the reason? And how to treat it?
Cause of back pain in kidney cyst
Pain in the area of the kidneys can be caused by complex cyst infection. If
the fluid in the cysts is infected, once a rupture occurs the infection is no
longer contained and may spread to other areas of the body.
Bleeding into cysts could be another cause of pain.
In addition, another possible cause of pain is kidney stones.
Generally, dull pain in waist indicates cysts on kidney, while sharp pain indicates kidney stone. However, in some cases, people with cysts on kidney may feel sharp pain. If the pain occur suddenly, it may be kidney internal bleeding.
Bleeding into cysts could be another cause of pain.
In addition, another possible cause of pain is kidney stones.
Generally, dull pain in waist indicates cysts on kidney, while sharp pain indicates kidney stone. However, in some cases, people with cysts on kidney may feel sharp pain. If the pain occur suddenly, it may be kidney internal bleeding.
How to remove kidney cyst by Micro-Chinese Medicnie Osmotherapy
Usually, western medications will be used to relieve back pain rapidly when
herbal medicine is using. But the problem of a cyst is still there. Therefore we
use Chinese herbal medicine to shrink complex kidney cysts. Once the cysts
shrinks, there will no oppression and the back pain will not present. If the
cyst ruptures, some herbs in traditional Chinese medicine help repair and
protect the renal function.
There are also have a therapy named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy will make the Micro-Chinese enter one's kidneys through a osmotic device.
Have any questions? Contact me through We will reply you in 24 hours.
There are also have a therapy named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy will make the Micro-Chinese enter one's kidneys through a osmotic device.
Have any questions? Contact me through We will reply you in 24 hours.
Symptoms Cause And Treatment for IgA Nephropathy Patients with High Fever
The common symptoms about IgA Nephropathy include
. Cola- or tea-colored urine (caused by red blood cells in the urine)
.Repeated episodes of cola- or tea-colored urine, sometimes even visible blood in .your urine, usually during or after an upper respiratory or other type of .infection
.Pain in the side(s) of your back below your ribs (flank)
.Foam in the toilet water from protein in your urine
.Swelling (edema) in your hands and feet
.High blood pressure
And there are many patients will suffer from fever for IgA Nephropathy.
. Cola- or tea-colored urine (caused by red blood cells in the urine)
.Repeated episodes of cola- or tea-colored urine, sometimes even visible blood in .your urine, usually during or after an upper respiratory or other type of .infection
.Pain in the side(s) of your back below your ribs (flank)
.Foam in the toilet water from protein in your urine
.Swelling (edema) in your hands and feet
.High blood pressure
And there are many patients will suffer from fever for IgA Nephropathy.
Cause of fever in IgA Nephropathy
IgA Nephropathy is a chronic form of glomerulonephritis marked by a hematuria
and proteinuria and by the depositions of immunoglobulin A in the mesangial
areas of the renal glomeruli, with subsequent reactive hyperplasia of mesangial
cells. Upper respiratory tract infection often happens before the onset.
High fever in IgA Nephropathy may appear as a result of infection. When people are affected by an infection, or inflammation, the body will produce substances called pyrogens. It is the pyrogens that actually cause the high fever.
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High fever in IgA Nephropathy may appear as a result of infection. When people are affected by an infection, or inflammation, the body will produce substances called pyrogens. It is the pyrogens that actually cause the high fever.
Treatment for IgA Nephropathy
Many people may progress into Renal Failure if improperly treated for IgA Nephropathy. At present, Chinese therapy is the latest treatment for IgA Nephropathy, which can guarantee the best curative effects.Have any questions? Contact me through
Chinese Medicine Lower High Creatinine Level for Nephrotic Syndrome patients
Creatinine is one of waste caused by our body. Once the kidney function be damaged about 50%. The creatinine level will begin to risk.
Nephrotic Syndrome is a nonspecific disorder in which the kidneys are
damaged, causing them to leak large amounts of protein from the blood into the
urine. Besides proteinuria, swelling and hyperlipidemia are also the common
symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome.
Today I want to tell you our therapy lower high creatinine level for Nephrotic Syndrome patients
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the most advanced therapy for IgA Nephropathy which can take effect to restrain the undue immune reaction rapidly so as to block further damages of renal function tissues and cells.
Then Chinese herbal remedy is applied to clear the immune complex away effectively as well as improve the immunity. In this way, High creatinine will be lowered by Chinese Medicine.
If you want to know more detailed information about our therapy. Contact me through
Today I want to tell you our therapy lower high creatinine level for Nephrotic Syndrome patients
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the most advanced therapy for IgA Nephropathy which can take effect to restrain the undue immune reaction rapidly so as to block further damages of renal function tissues and cells.
Then Chinese herbal remedy is applied to clear the immune complex away effectively as well as improve the immunity. In this way, High creatinine will be lowered by Chinese Medicine.
If you want to know more detailed information about our therapy. Contact me through
PKD patients with high creatinine level and back pain, how to lower it?
PKD is a kind of genetic disease.And back pain is one of common symptoms of PKD. Many patients are suffering from that symptoms.Do you want to know how to lower it. Read the following content. In other hand once the creatinine level is higher, there is more than 50% kidney function has been damaged. The content will also give you some suggestion.
PKD with back pain and high creatinine level, how to lower it?
We usually use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to lower the pain. The core technology of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is making the
effective prescription medicine superfinely shattered. Then with the help of
effective penetrant and osmosis devices, the effective medicines are permeated
into kidney lesions by external application, thus achieving the goal of treating
kidney disease. Clinical practices have proven that this application method is
both effective and convenient. The therapeutic mechanism of this therapy is to
block kidney fibrosis, repair damaged renal intrinsic cells and rebuild the
normal kidney structure, and the realizing of these purposes is based on Chinese
medicine curative effects like dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation,
anticoagulation, preventing blood viscosity and degrading extracellular
matrixes. These stages are named as block, repair and rebuild.
If you want to know more about our therapy. Or if you still have any questions about your disease. Contact me through
CKD patients with bubble in urine and high creatinine level
Bubble in urine is the mainly symptoms with CKD. What is the cause and how to Eliminate proteinuria? And once your creatinine begin to risk.It can show your had lost 50% kidney function. So you should care much with the creatinine level.
Cause of bubble in urine for CKD patients
For kidney disease patients, there are must be damages in the kidneys. When
patients’ basement membrane is damaged, the protein in blood will lean out
within urine. In fact, bubbles in urine of kidney disease patients are proteins
in urine.
Treatment for CKD patients with bubble in urine
We choose herbal medicines very cautiously. The herbal medicines we choose
and use are firstly without renal toxicity and any side effect. Besides, not
sure whether you have had an understanding about our therapies(Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Herbal Circling Therapy, Herbal Hot Compress Therapy,
Herbal Medicated Bath Therapy, Oral Herbal Medicine Therapy, High Retention
Herbal Enema Therapy, Herbal Feet Bath Therapy, Herbal Acupuncture and
Moxibustion Therapy, Herbal Reinforcing and Nourishing Therapy etc.) These
herbal therapies we give to patients are mainly externally used, and the herbs
are processed through ultrasonic cavitation crushing technology, the ingredients
inside medicines can be absorbed effectively through skin and targeted arrive at
kidney lesions.
Whatever you have any question or want to know more about the detailed information about our therapy.Don't hesitate. Contact me through
Whatever you have any question or want to know more about the detailed information about our therapy.Don't hesitate. Contact me through
Chronic Kidney Disease with anemia and high creatinine level
There are many CKD patients will suffer from anemia. This symptoms can lead the patients feel dizzy.So many patients want to know the cause of anemia and the treatment of anemia. The following content will give you the answer. If is still have any questions, you can contact me through
The cause of CKD patients with anemia
Diseased kidneys may not produce enough erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone that
regulates red blood cell production. Less EPO in turn means fewer red blood
cells and their protein hemoglobin to deliver oxygen to your body's organs. If
there are not enough red blood cells, your body does not get the right amount of
oxygen, resulting in anemia. Other factors that can contribute to anemia in
patients with kidney disease include iron deficiency, some vitamin deficiencies,
and the effects of poor nutrition or inflammation.
Once your kidney damaged reach 50%, your creatinine level will begin to risk.So we should care the creatinine level more.
Once your kidney damaged reach 50%, your creatinine level will begin to risk.So we should care the creatinine level more.
Treatment for CKD patients with anemia and high creatinine level
For our treatment, we combine Western Medicine and Chinese Medicine, mainly
depend on Chinese Medicine. Chinese Medicine has some difference from Western
Medicine. Chinese Medicine values dialectical and eight principal syndrome
differentiation, and four diagnostic methods( Inspection, auscultation and
olfaction, inquiry and pulse-taking and palpation arethe). The application of
each Chinese herbal medicine and each prescription are strictly according to
these principles.
Do you heard Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? This therapy is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Other than the Western Medicine.Traditional Chinese is more safe and can restore your kidney function gradually.
Do you heard Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? This therapy is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Other than the Western Medicine.Traditional Chinese is more safe and can restore your kidney function gradually.
CKD with high creatinine 1.5mg/dl, how to lower it?
The normal rang of the creatinine level is between 0.5-1.2.Many patients think that creatinine 1.5 is not too high. And maybe there is little obvious symptom for the patients. So many person will don't worry about it.I want to say, you will missed the best treatment opportunity for your disease if you keep your thoughts.
What doese Creatinine 1.5mg/dl in CKD Patients mean?
A normal result is 0.7 to 1.3 mg/dL for men and 0.6 to 1.1 mg/dL for
women.Females usually have a lower creatinine than males, because they usually
have less muscle mass.The examples above are common measurements for results of
these tests.
Creatinine 1.5 means you can have up to 50% kidney function loss, so how to lower high creatinine 1.5 naturally ?
Creatinine 1.5 means you can have up to 50% kidney function loss, so how to lower high creatinine 1.5 naturally ?
How to lower creatinine for CKD patients ?
To lower the high creatinine level, the natural treatment--Micro-Chinese
Medicine Osmotherapy is suggested for it helps repair the damaged kidney tissues
and improve kidney functions.
Have any questions? Contact me through
Have any questions? Contact me through
Can PKD patients Drink milk?
Milk is very common in our breakfast. Care much about the diet of PKD patients is very essential. So many PKD patients want to know can we drink milk at breakfast.
Diet principle for PKD patients
Ask to see the renal dietitian for a PKD Diet that is alkaline, low salt,
neutral protein calibrated specifically for you. An alkaline vegan diet that
avoids all animal proteins (ground meats, dairy, egg whites, milk, cheese, beef,
pork, chicken), soy proteins, yeast, alcohol, concentrated sugars seems to make
us feel better. Fruits and Vegetables to avoid: salted foods, tomato, potato,
eggplant, peppers, celery, star fruit, strawberries, plums, prunes, soy,
margarine, crisco, potato chips and peanuts. While kidney functioning is still
excellent, dietary things that help PKD are also high potassium foods; plant
based diets with an emphasis on raw fruits and vegetables; whole food starches
such as corn on the cob, sweet potatoes, rutabagas, turnips, winter squash.
Include a few selected pre-soaked grains (spelt, quinoa, rye, oats, Kashi, brown
rice) and pre-soaked nuts (almond, coconut, chestnut). Enjoy plenty of leafy
greens, broccoli, radish, and below ground root crops. Soak all beans, legumes,
grains, seeds and nuts before eating. This lowers their phytic acid content,
making these foods more digestible and alkaline. Salt intake and cholesterol
levels are two things that we can alter.
Now you have know the answer. The following content I will introduce you a new therapy for PKD.
Now you have know the answer. The following content I will introduce you a new therapy for PKD.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for PKD patients
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can promote the blood circulation of the
cysts wall, then the liquid will be absorbed and decreased. As the pressure
inside the cyst decreases, the size of cyst also can become small. Once the
pressure to the kidney is eliminated, the renal function will recover gradually
and some discomforts will disappear.Then how does the Micro-Chinese Medicine
Osmotherapy treat PKD?
1 It can reduce the formation of liquid inside the cyst and alleviate the pressure to glomerulis, renal tubules and kidney blood vessels, promote the blood circulation of damaged renal tissues and improve the anaerobic condition.
2 With the continual enlargement of cysts, the kidney ischemia and anoxia will occur and the renal fibrosis will be started. In this condition, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can stop this course.
3 The active substance of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can offer necessary materials for the repair of damaged kidney, like various vitamins, microelements, organic acid, amino acid and so on.
If you want to know more about Our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, and want to know our other therapy. Send an e-mail to will reply you the answer in 24 hours.
1 It can reduce the formation of liquid inside the cyst and alleviate the pressure to glomerulis, renal tubules and kidney blood vessels, promote the blood circulation of damaged renal tissues and improve the anaerobic condition.
2 With the continual enlargement of cysts, the kidney ischemia and anoxia will occur and the renal fibrosis will be started. In this condition, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can stop this course.
3 The active substance of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can offer necessary materials for the repair of damaged kidney, like various vitamins, microelements, organic acid, amino acid and so on.
If you want to know more about Our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, and want to know our other therapy. Send an e-mail to will reply you the answer in 24 hours.
Diet and treatment for CKD patients with creatinine 1.7
The normal range of creatinine level in adults is 0.5~1.1mg/dl for female and 0.6~1.2mg/dl for male.Creatinine 1.7 is higher a little than the normal range. Many person think that creatinine 1.7 is not too high. And at last missed the best treatment opportunity. Today I want to share with you the diet and treatment for CKD patients with creatinine 1.7.
Diet for CKD patients with creatinine 1.7
- Low Potassium Diet
You may be asked to limit or eliminate leafy green vegetables, broccoli, bananas, potatoes, oranges and apricots, all of which are high in potassium, and encouraged to choose lower potassium foods including cucumbers, carrots, lettuce, apples, cranberries, grapes and rice.
- Low Protein Diet
Many patients go on low-protein diets to slow down the progression of kidney disease and minimize symptoms of having nitrogenous wastes in the blood.
- Low Sodium Diet
We need sodium, but most of us consume far more than we need. Avoid foods with added salt, including nuts, bacon, pickles, olives, sauerkraut and luncheon meats.
You may be asked to limit or eliminate leafy green vegetables, broccoli, bananas, potatoes, oranges and apricots, all of which are high in potassium, and encouraged to choose lower potassium foods including cucumbers, carrots, lettuce, apples, cranberries, grapes and rice.
- Low Protein Diet
Many patients go on low-protein diets to slow down the progression of kidney disease and minimize symptoms of having nitrogenous wastes in the blood.
- Low Sodium Diet
We need sodium, but most of us consume far more than we need. Avoid foods with added salt, including nuts, bacon, pickles, olives, sauerkraut and luncheon meats.
Treatments for CKD patients with creatinine 1.7
several kinds of methods such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Herbal Circling
Therapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Herbal Medicated Bath Therapy, Oral Herbal
Medicine Therapy, High Retention Herbal Enema Therapy, Herbal Feet Bath Therapy,
Herbal Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy, Herbal Reinforcing and Nourishing
Therapy etc.
We have treated a lot of patients. All of them got satisfied results with our treatment. A lot of experts from several countries visited our hospital here such as USA, French, Japan, India... They all know about our treatments and hospital. All of them are agree with our treatment.
If you want to know the detailed information about our therapy. Contact me through other hand,we are glad to help you solve your doubt about kidney disease.
We have treated a lot of patients. All of them got satisfied results with our treatment. A lot of experts from several countries visited our hospital here such as USA, French, Japan, India... They all know about our treatments and hospital. All of them are agree with our treatment.
If you want to know the detailed information about our therapy. Contact me through other hand,we are glad to help you solve your doubt about kidney disease.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treatment for PKD patients with back pain
Back pain is a very common symptoms of PKD. Many patients want to know the cause of back pain and diet suggestion for PKD patients.The following content will tell you the answer.
The patients with PKD can be found numerous cysts filled with fluid to grow in the kidneys. As the epithelial cells secrete cysts fluid, they cysts will enlarge and become heavy gradually. Therefore, the enlarged cyst will cause oppression to the kidney tissues and other neighboring organs. Moreover, the renal pedicle is pulled by the heavy cysts. What’s worse, some patients have ruptured cysts, lithangiuria and even the canceration of cyst. Therefore, the patients will have back pain. Generally, the patients only have mild pain. If the patients with PKD have intense pain suddenly, they should do some checks to clear out whether they have ruptured cysts, lithangiuria and so on.
Cause of PKD patients with back pain
The patients with PKD can be found numerous cysts filled with fluid to grow in the kidneys. As the epithelial cells secrete cysts fluid, they cysts will enlarge and become heavy gradually. Therefore, the enlarged cyst will cause oppression to the kidney tissues and other neighboring organs. Moreover, the renal pedicle is pulled by the heavy cysts. What’s worse, some patients have ruptured cysts, lithangiuria and even the canceration of cyst. Therefore, the patients will have back pain. Generally, the patients only have mild pain. If the patients with PKD have intense pain suddenly, they should do some checks to clear out whether they have ruptured cysts, lithangiuria and so on.
PKD with back pain treatment
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can promote the blood circulation of the
cysts wall, then the liquid will be absorbed and decreased. As the pressure
inside the cyst decreases, the size of cyst also can become small. Once the
pressure to the kidney is eliminated, the renal function will recover gradually
and some discomforts will disappear.Then how does the Micro-Chinese Medicine
Osmotherapy treat PKD?
1 It can reduce the formation of liquid inside the cyst and alleviate the pressure to glomerulis, renal tubules and kidney blood vessels, promote the blood circulation of damaged renal tissues and improve the anaerobic condition.
2 With the continual enlargement of cysts, the kidney ischemia and anoxia will occur and the renal fibrosis will be started. In this condition, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can stop this course.
3 The active substance of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can offer necessary materials for the repair of damaged kidney, like various vitamins, microelements, organic acid, amino acid and so on.
If you want to know the detailed information about our therapy, or if you have any questions about your disease. Consult me through
1 It can reduce the formation of liquid inside the cyst and alleviate the pressure to glomerulis, renal tubules and kidney blood vessels, promote the blood circulation of damaged renal tissues and improve the anaerobic condition.
2 With the continual enlargement of cysts, the kidney ischemia and anoxia will occur and the renal fibrosis will be started. In this condition, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can stop this course.
3 The active substance of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can offer necessary materials for the repair of damaged kidney, like various vitamins, microelements, organic acid, amino acid and so on.
If you want to know the detailed information about our therapy, or if you have any questions about your disease. Consult me through
The treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy with high creatinine level
Diabetic Nephropathy has became one of mainly cause of kidney failure in the world.What is Diabetic Nephropathy? Diabetic nephropathy is damage to your kidneys caused by diabetes.
The kidneys have many tiny blood vessels that filter waste from your blood. High blood sugar from diabetes can destroy these blood vessels. Over time, the kidney isn't able to do its job as well. Later it may stop working completely. This is called kidney failure.Once your kidney be influenced by Diabetes and your kidney function lost 50% , the value of creatinine level will rise.The following content will tell you the treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy with high creatinine level.
The kidneys have many tiny blood vessels that filter waste from your blood. High blood sugar from diabetes can destroy these blood vessels. Over time, the kidney isn't able to do its job as well. Later it may stop working completely. This is called kidney failure.Once your kidney be influenced by Diabetes and your kidney function lost 50% , the value of creatinine level will rise.The following content will tell you the treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy with high creatinine level.
Treatment for Diabetic Nephropathy patients with high creatinine level
The Micro-chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can improve the kidney function from the
bottom. China is rather famous for the Chinese herb remedy and the
Chinese herb medicine has been proved to be with great effectiveness in
improving the blood circulation inner the kidney and protecting the kidney
function.We mainly use natural therapy and herbal medicines to improve the
kidney function.
If you want to know more therapy information contact me through Or chat with our on line doctor tell us your disease condition. We will help you analysis your condition. Best wishes for you.
If you want to know more therapy information contact me through Or chat with our on line doctor tell us your disease condition. We will help you analysis your condition. Best wishes for you.
PKD with anemia how to deal with it ?
PKD is one of Genetic kidney disease. The form of PKD is like a grapy.each grape
Also, PKD damage kidney, which can lead to the condition that large amounts of toxins pile up in the blood. These toxins exist in the blood and shorten the life span of red blood cells. This is another cause of anemia in PKD.
represents a cyst. How horrible it is. The early and suitable treat is the only solution.
Frequent complications of polycystic kidney disease include dangerously high blood pressure (hypertension), pain in the back or sides, blood in the urine (hematuria), recurrent urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and heart valve abnormalities. Additionally, people with polycystic kidney disease have an increased risk of an abnormal bulging (an aneurysm) in a large blood vessel called the aorta or in blood vessels at the base of the brain. Aneurysms can be life-threatening if they tear or rupture.And anemia is also a common symptom of PKD patients.Today I want to share with you the relationship between PKD and anemia.
How does PKD cause anemia?
Enlarged cysts in PKD press the surrounding renal tissues and thus makes our kidneys are failed in generating erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is the major component of red blood cells, so when our body is short of erythropoietin, anemia occurs.Also, PKD damage kidney, which can lead to the condition that large amounts of toxins pile up in the blood. These toxins exist in the blood and shorten the life span of red blood cells. This is another cause of anemia in PKD.
Treatment of PKD with anemia
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of efficient therapy for PKD patients,With the help of osmosis device, effective ingredients of herbal medicines will infiltrate into kidneys through the main channels. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can repair the damaged kidney inherent cells and enhance the patients′ immunity. What′s more, this therapy is an advanced treatment in treating PKD in the world.
If you want to know more about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Contact me through .
If you want to know more about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Contact me through .
Can high creatinine level cause rash?
For CKD patients,rash is one of common symptoms.Does the high creatinine level can cause rash, this problem had puzzled many person. If you want to know the answer, read the following content.
In addition, as the concentration of toxins are high in blood, the plasma osmotic pressure will rise accordingly,so water in or under skin will be transferred into blood, and the skin will be dry from dehydration. When high level of creatinine is retained in blood, patients’ sebaceous gland will secrete less oil, so it becomes difficult for skin to keep water, that’s another reason why patients experience dry skin and rash. It is established that hyperphosphatemia is connected with skin rash.
When you find yourself with rashes, you should not scratch it in case it get broke and infected, you can scrub the skin with warm water to prevent or alleviate it, if the symptoms get severe, you may need to take early treatment to eliminate it, more importantly, you should take active treatment to cure the original kidney disease. If you don’t know the exact reason that caused the rashes, you should do relate tests on kidney function.
High creatinine level means there is severe damage to the kidneys. Early treatment is needed to prevent the disease from worsening.
If you want to know more about our therapy. Contact me through .
In addition, as the concentration of toxins are high in blood, the plasma osmotic pressure will rise accordingly,so water in or under skin will be transferred into blood, and the skin will be dry from dehydration. When high level of creatinine is retained in blood, patients’ sebaceous gland will secrete less oil, so it becomes difficult for skin to keep water, that’s another reason why patients experience dry skin and rash. It is established that hyperphosphatemia is connected with skin rash.
When you find yourself with rashes, you should not scratch it in case it get broke and infected, you can scrub the skin with warm water to prevent or alleviate it, if the symptoms get severe, you may need to take early treatment to eliminate it, more importantly, you should take active treatment to cure the original kidney disease. If you don’t know the exact reason that caused the rashes, you should do relate tests on kidney function.
High creatinine level means there is severe damage to the kidneys. Early treatment is needed to prevent the disease from worsening.
How to lower high creatinine level naturally?
There are many good method to lower high creatinine level.Like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy,Medicated Bath therapy, Acupuncture and so on. These therapy can lower high creatinine level naturally.And we have many good patient story at here.If you want to know more about our therapy. Contact me through .
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