Kidney failure alway with pain in lower back,blood in urine.Is these symptoms indicate Kidney Failure?
There is a question from a patients about this problem .
My brother-in-law is a diabetic who does not eat like he should or take his
meds. He does not even check his blood sugar . For the last few week he has been
having pain in the lower back and stomach and peeing blood. I am sure this is
some sort of kidney damage and he needs to see a doctor but could it mean kidney
This is the answer for this question
With the available described symptoms, there appears to be least possibility
of kidney involvement.
Backache, abdominal pain and peeing blood suggest involvement of
gastrointestinal tract involvement not kidney.
Although he is at risk of development of kidney disease also.
You should consult with internal medicine specialist and should go for
thorough check up.
He should also go for complete hemogram, renal function test, clotting time
andbleeding time, and ultrasound imaging.
He should also go for per rectal examination and if necessary then he must go
There may be chances of acute bacterial gastroenteritis, colon ulcer, and
If you have diagnosed with kidney failure,you can try Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmothery.This therapy combine Traditional Chinese Medicine with Modest Machine.So Chinese herb can enter one's kidneys directly through one's back.
If you want to consult more about your kidney disease,Contact me .
Hyperphosphatemia in ESRD patients
Hyperphatemia is the presence of elevated phosphorus level in blood. Average phosphorus levels should be between 0.81mmol/L and 1.45mmol/L (different from country to country). And when lab test shows a high phosphorus level in blood, hyperphosphatemia is diagnosed.
phosphorus product indicated increased risk of mortality. These observations lead to questions regarding the mechanisms at work in both the observed phenomena and the way in which they affect mortality. To answer these questions, an understanding of the pathophysiological consequences of hyperphosphatemia is necessary.
P product was associated with a 34% increased mortality risk. Important questions arise from these observations. First, how does hyperphosphatemia increase mortality in ESRD patients? Second, what mechanisms may be operative in these observations? In this review, we will analyze the pathophysiological consequences of hyperphosphatemia (P).
The relationship between Hyperphosphatemia and ESRD
Hyperphosphatemia in end-stage renal disease patients: Pathophysiological consequences. A study of 6407 end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients has shown that hyperphosphatemia is increasingly important as a risk for mortality. Half of the patients showed serum phosphorus levels of over 6.0 mg/dl; at the same time, an elevated calciumhyperparathyroidism, mortality
Hyperphosphatemia is becoming an important clinical issue in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. This is best illustrated by a recent study of 6407 hemodialysis patients that reveals an increased mortality risk in patients with hyperphosphatemia1. In this study, patients with a serum phosphorus (P) level> 6.5 mg/dl had a 27% increase in mortality. After adjusting for age at ESRD onset, race, sex, diabetes, AIDS, neoplasm, and active smoking, the mortality risk was still 27% as compared with patients with serum P in the range of 2.5–6.5 mg/dl (P< 0.001). In addition, in this large study 50% of patients had serum P higher than 6.0 mg/dl. Similarly, an elevated calcium (Ca)Managemnets of hyperphosphatemia in ESRD
To get hyperphatemia managed well, the following tips should be kept in mind by renal failure patients:
1. Avoid foods high in phosphorus like all-bran cereal, almonds, beef, brazil nuts, cashew nuts, cheese, chicken, dried fruit, egg, garlic, halibut fish hard potatoes and herring and so on.
2. Try to eat more foods high in calcium and if necessary, try dietary calcium supplement.
3. Phosphate binders can be taken if phosphorus level is much higher than the normal range.
4. Bring blood pressure, proteinuria and anemia under control. This will help to prevent further kidney damages and thus avoid further rise of phosphorus level in blood.
5. Treat renal failure actively. Hyperphosphatemia occurs as affected kidneys fail to discharge excess phosphorus. From this point of view, only when renal failure is treated and kidney function gets improved, can hyperphosphatemia be treated can adopt Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to treat this symptom naturally.
If you want to know more tips about hyperphosphatemia ,or you want to know more about your kidney disease contact me .
1. Avoid foods high in phosphorus like all-bran cereal, almonds, beef, brazil nuts, cashew nuts, cheese, chicken, dried fruit, egg, garlic, halibut fish hard potatoes and herring and so on.
2. Try to eat more foods high in calcium and if necessary, try dietary calcium supplement.
3. Phosphate binders can be taken if phosphorus level is much higher than the normal range.
4. Bring blood pressure, proteinuria and anemia under control. This will help to prevent further kidney damages and thus avoid further rise of phosphorus level in blood.
5. Treat renal failure actively. Hyperphosphatemia occurs as affected kidneys fail to discharge excess phosphorus. From this point of view, only when renal failure is treated and kidney function gets improved, can hyperphosphatemia be treated can adopt Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to treat this symptom naturally.
If you want to know more tips about hyperphosphatemia ,or you want to know more about your kidney disease contact me .
Anemia in Kidney Failure-Kidney Failure Symptoms
If you diagnosed with Kidney Failure.May be Anemia will occure.You will feel headace,and you will feel no strength.Do you want to know more about this symptoms. Follow me and know more this symptom .
Anemia is a common disease, which might be related to kidney condition. In the hospital, many pale patients with loss of appetite come to do blood tests, only to find out that they not only have serious anemia but also aggravate kidney disease.
In general, anemia can happen in the medium and late stage of CKD(chronic kidney disease).However, many patients would regard their anemia as iron-deficiency anemia, since they do not have medical history of kidney disease, and they have never done urine tests. Actually, renal anemia is a common phenomenon, which unfortunately is not known to many people.
Human body produces five hundred million new red blood cells each hour, which is integrated by EPO (erythropoietin) and iron ion. EPO is, in fact, a hormone, and is in charge of the production of red blood cells.
Most of the EPO is secreted by kidney. When the EPO goes into the bloodstream, it would promote the composition of red blood cell in the bone marrow, increasing the quantity of red blood cell. In the bloodstream, the EPO should be kept in certain amount, so that human beings would have normal metabolism of red blood cells. When the kidney has been damaged to certain degree, the kidney’ s ability of producing EPO would decrease, resulting in anemia.
Lack of EPO is not the only factor that could lead to anemia; but once renal anemia happens, it could affect all the organs in the body and result in many complications. It would cause heart enlargement and cardiac hypertrophy, increasing the rate of cardiovascular events. It would also speed the deterioration of kidney, triggers cognitive dysfunction, irregular period, declining sexual ability and immune system.
Anemia is a common disease, which might be related to kidney condition. In the hospital, many pale patients with loss of appetite come to do blood tests, only to find out that they not only have serious anemia but also aggravate kidney disease.
In general, anemia can happen in the medium and late stage of CKD(chronic kidney disease).However, many patients would regard their anemia as iron-deficiency anemia, since they do not have medical history of kidney disease, and they have never done urine tests. Actually, renal anemia is a common phenomenon, which unfortunately is not known to many people.
Human body produces five hundred million new red blood cells each hour, which is integrated by EPO (erythropoietin) and iron ion. EPO is, in fact, a hormone, and is in charge of the production of red blood cells.
Most of the EPO is secreted by kidney. When the EPO goes into the bloodstream, it would promote the composition of red blood cell in the bone marrow, increasing the quantity of red blood cell. In the bloodstream, the EPO should be kept in certain amount, so that human beings would have normal metabolism of red blood cells. When the kidney has been damaged to certain degree, the kidney’ s ability of producing EPO would decrease, resulting in anemia.
Lack of EPO is not the only factor that could lead to anemia; but once renal anemia happens, it could affect all the organs in the body and result in many complications. It would cause heart enlargement and cardiac hypertrophy, increasing the rate of cardiovascular events. It would also speed the deterioration of kidney, triggers cognitive dysfunction, irregular period, declining sexual ability and immune system.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is not a simple herb, but a medical procedure in which different Chinese herbs are used externally to improve kidney condition. Compared with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy works more effectively and quickly. More importantly, it causes no discomforts and during the whole treatment process, what patients need to do is to lie on the bed for 40 minutes.
If you want to know more about this therapy.Contact me through .
If you want to know more about this therapy.Contact me through .
How to prevent kidney failure with IgA Nephropathy?
Will IgA Nephropathy will cause Kidney Failure.The answer is Yes.Now let us learn some knowledge about how to prevent kindey failure with IgA Nephropathy.
IgA Nephropathy is an autoimmune disease and onset of it is closely related with immune system. Similar with other kinds of kidney problem, IgA Nephropathy also cause kidney failure if not treated well. Then, how to prevent kidney failure with IgA Nephropathy?
Most of the times, IgA Nephropathy patients are prescribed with immunosuppressive agents to block inflammation, so as to prevent further kidney damages. This is very helpful and illness condition can be brought under control effectively.
However, this can not solve problem permanently and when patients stop taking medicines or reduce dose of medicine, illness relapses. In IgA Nephropathy cases, we know inflammation occurs due to IgA deposition in mesangial area, so only when these deposition are removed effectively, can inflammation be prevented and further kidney damages be avoided radically.
Immunotherapy is a great alternative treatment for kidney disease especially which is due to autoimmune disease. As a combination of herbal medicines and western medicines, this therapy shows outstanding therapeutic effects on not only treating kidney disease but also regulating patients’ immune system.
If you have interested in this therapy,Contact me through .
IgA Nephropathy is an autoimmune disease and onset of it is closely related with immune system. Similar with other kinds of kidney problem, IgA Nephropathy also cause kidney failure if not treated well. Then, how to prevent kidney failure with IgA Nephropathy?
Most of the times, IgA Nephropathy patients are prescribed with immunosuppressive agents to block inflammation, so as to prevent further kidney damages. This is very helpful and illness condition can be brought under control effectively.
However, this can not solve problem permanently and when patients stop taking medicines or reduce dose of medicine, illness relapses. In IgA Nephropathy cases, we know inflammation occurs due to IgA deposition in mesangial area, so only when these deposition are removed effectively, can inflammation be prevented and further kidney damages be avoided radically.
Immunotherapy is a great alternative treatment for kidney disease especially which is due to autoimmune disease. As a combination of herbal medicines and western medicines, this therapy shows outstanding therapeutic effects on not only treating kidney disease but also regulating patients’ immune system.
If you have interested in this therapy,Contact me through .
Swollen kidney (hydronephrosis): Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Are you suffering from Swollen Kidney now ?Do you want to know the causes,symptom and treatment of this symptom ?Now Follow me learn more about this symptom .
A swollen kidney is a medical condition known as hydronephrosis. It occurs when one kidney becomes swollen as a result of failure in normal drainage of urine from the kidney to the bladder.
This can happen when there is a partial obstruction in the upper section of the ureter – the tube that takes urine from the kidney to the bladder. In simple terms, hydronephrosis = hydro (water) + nephros (kidney). This swelling mostly only affects one kidney though it is also possible that both kidneys are affected. Hydrophones is not classified as a disease but a structural condition and occurs is 1 of every 100 adults and approximately 1 in 500 children. Many babies are also born with the condition.
One of the main causes of this condition is known as acute unilateral obstructive uropathy – the sudden development of an obstacle in the ureter. This can be caused by kidney stone, blood clots or scarring.
Other causes of the condition include occurrence of tumors in or round the ureter, narrowing of the ureter due to injury or birth defect or a bend at the point where the ureter meets the pelvic of the kidney.
When urine is unable to reach the bladder, it typically flows back into the kidney causing swelling. The flow of urine back to the kidney is known as vesicoureteric reflux.
· Fever
· Pain when urinating
· Vomiting
· Nausea
· Pain in the abdomen
· Urinary tract infection (UTI)
It is important to note that UTI, being a medical condition in its own right has its own symptoms which include cloudy urine, fever, pain in the back, pain during urination and a weak urine stream.
UTI is a very serious condition that can lead to infection of the kidney or even infection in the blood stream which could cause blood poisoning. It is therefore imperative that a patient of hydronephrosis visits a doctor as soon as the first few signs are noticed.
A swollen kidney is a medical condition known as hydronephrosis. It occurs when one kidney becomes swollen as a result of failure in normal drainage of urine from the kidney to the bladder.
This can happen when there is a partial obstruction in the upper section of the ureter – the tube that takes urine from the kidney to the bladder. In simple terms, hydronephrosis = hydro (water) + nephros (kidney). This swelling mostly only affects one kidney though it is also possible that both kidneys are affected. Hydrophones is not classified as a disease but a structural condition and occurs is 1 of every 100 adults and approximately 1 in 500 children. Many babies are also born with the condition.
Causes of Swollen Kidney
Hydrophones can be caused by several external as well internal factors that affect the urinary system and the kidney.One of the main causes of this condition is known as acute unilateral obstructive uropathy – the sudden development of an obstacle in the ureter. This can be caused by kidney stone, blood clots or scarring.
Other causes of the condition include occurrence of tumors in or round the ureter, narrowing of the ureter due to injury or birth defect or a bend at the point where the ureter meets the pelvic of the kidney.
When urine is unable to reach the bladder, it typically flows back into the kidney causing swelling. The flow of urine back to the kidney is known as vesicoureteric reflux.
Symptoms of Swollen Kidney
In the initial stages the condition can be very difficult to detect as the symptoms are never really visible. However, as urine continues to build up, the kidney usually expands and becomes bigger. Soon the enlarged kidney starts to press on the neighboring organs. Early symptoms include frequent urination and increased urge to urinate. With time, symptoms become prominent and the infected is likely to experience;· Pain when urinating
· Vomiting
· Nausea
· Pain in the abdomen
· Urinary tract infection (UTI)
It is important to note that UTI, being a medical condition in its own right has its own symptoms which include cloudy urine, fever, pain in the back, pain during urination and a weak urine stream.
UTI is a very serious condition that can lead to infection of the kidney or even infection in the blood stream which could cause blood poisoning. It is therefore imperative that a patient of hydronephrosis visits a doctor as soon as the first few signs are noticed.
Treatments of Swollen Kidney
Treatment usually involves getting rid of the obstructing object. Traditional
Chinese Medicine can clear obstacle in the ureter.And the whole treat progress has no pain feeling.
There is a therapy named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.This therapy can let medicine enter your kidneys directly through a machine .So compared with Traditional Chinese Medicine Micro-Chinese Medicine can quickly whip effect.
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There is a therapy named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.This therapy can let medicine enter your kidneys directly through a machine .So compared with Traditional Chinese Medicine Micro-Chinese Medicine can quickly whip effect.
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Polycystic Kidney Disease Treatment -Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
In early stage of PKD,PKD have any damage to kidneys.But if you don't treat it early,the cyst will become bigger and bigger.So If you have diagnosed with PKD ,don't hesita,treat it early is the best choice.
PKD is an inherited disease. This means that it is passed on from parents to children through genes. There are two types of PKD.
90% of people with PKD have autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease(ADPKD), or adult PKD. The remaining 10% have autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD), which affects infants and children.
ADPKD, or adult PKD, occurs when one parent has passed the gene on to a child. Because the gene is dominant, there is a 50% chance that a child will get PKD if one parent has the disease. In some cases, however, this form of PKD can occur spontaneously as a result of a new genetic mutation and is not passed on from parents.
ARPKD is the rarer form of PKD. ARPKD happens when each parent is a "silent carrier." This means that the parents carry the gene but are not affected by PKD. There is a 25% chance that a child born to parents that are both carriers will get the disease. If only one parent carries the gene, children will not be affected.
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Causes of Polycystic Kidney Disease
PKD is an inherited disease. This means that it is passed on from parents to children through genes. There are two types of PKD.
90% of people with PKD have autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease(ADPKD), or adult PKD. The remaining 10% have autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD), which affects infants and children.
ADPKD, or adult PKD, occurs when one parent has passed the gene on to a child. Because the gene is dominant, there is a 50% chance that a child will get PKD if one parent has the disease. In some cases, however, this form of PKD can occur spontaneously as a result of a new genetic mutation and is not passed on from parents.
ARPKD is the rarer form of PKD. ARPKD happens when each parent is a "silent carrier." This means that the parents carry the gene but are not affected by PKD. There is a 25% chance that a child born to parents that are both carriers will get the disease. If only one parent carries the gene, children will not be affected.
In early stage of PKD, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherpay is an innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but totally different from TCM. In this treatment, different herbs are used externally. More importantly, these herbs are proven to be able to extend blood vessels and make pressure difference between inside the cyst and outside the cyst. We all know fluid flow toward the side with low pressure, so when blood pressure outside the cyst is lower than that inside the cyst, cystic fluid ooze and consequently, kidney cyst becomes smaller.Have any questions?Consult me through .
What are the Causes of Enlarged Kidney?
Many fators will cause enlarged kidney.In my mind there are three main cause of enlarged kidney.
2.Hydronephrosis-on of the significant causes for enlarged kidney, this is a disorder which occurs in conditions when the urethra gets blocked, mostly because of kidney stones. The disorder occurs mostly because of another disorder. Blockage occurring in the tube of urethra might cause urine to flow back up towards the kidney and lead to swelling.
3.Renal Cell Cancer- another one of the important causes for enlarged kidney, kidney cell cancer spreads into the small tubules of the kidney that help in sifting of blood and removal of excessive toxins and waste. This condition develops a tumor with time, which can be an exhilarating factor for the enlargement of the kidneys.
A doctor will usually opt in treating the symptoms and risk factors, and then will choose to keep a vigilant eye on the performance of the kidneys along with how the patient is progressing. It is mandatory to have a grasp and control over the kidney infections so that the causes for enlarged kidney do not let other organs suffer.
Moreover, in certain extreme cases there might be a necessity to remove excess waste from the bloodstream through dialysis, or in cases when dialysis fail to be effective, then removal of the kidneys or going for kidney transplantation would be essential. A transplant is usually required in cases when both the kidneys get affected, or in case the patient is left with only one kidney and that too has got enlarged.
There will be a risk if you through dialysis or kidney transplant to cure the symptoms. you can choose Chinese Medicine to treat enlarged kidneys,because Chinese Medicine will ease this symptom gradually.And have no pain feeling in the whole treat progress.Do you heard Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?This therapy can let Chinese Medicine enter your kidneys directly through skin by a machine.Because the Medicine can enter kidneys directly,So the enlarged cyst will soon disapper .
If you have interested in this therapy,or have any question consult me through my e-mail .
Some of the common causes for enlarged kidney are listed below:
1.Polycystic Kidney Disorder- is a disorder in which several cysts grow in the kidneys, leading to enlargement in the kidneys. Mostly this disorder affects both the kidneys. Continuous growth of the cysts begins interference with the natural functionality of the kidneys and can gradually cut off the supply of blood to the kidneys.2.Hydronephrosis-on of the significant causes for enlarged kidney, this is a disorder which occurs in conditions when the urethra gets blocked, mostly because of kidney stones. The disorder occurs mostly because of another disorder. Blockage occurring in the tube of urethra might cause urine to flow back up towards the kidney and lead to swelling.
3.Renal Cell Cancer- another one of the important causes for enlarged kidney, kidney cell cancer spreads into the small tubules of the kidney that help in sifting of blood and removal of excessive toxins and waste. This condition develops a tumor with time, which can be an exhilarating factor for the enlargement of the kidneys.
Treatment for enlarged kidneys
In most of the causes for enlarged kidney, doctors choose the treatments to cure the symptoms rather than removing the cysts. Because of the fact that functions of the kidneys can be regulated by proper medication and diet as well as by certain herbal therapies like Glytamins which ca n help symptoms, and since numerous cysts have formed over the time, removal of the cysts is hardly an option.A doctor will usually opt in treating the symptoms and risk factors, and then will choose to keep a vigilant eye on the performance of the kidneys along with how the patient is progressing. It is mandatory to have a grasp and control over the kidney infections so that the causes for enlarged kidney do not let other organs suffer.
Moreover, in certain extreme cases there might be a necessity to remove excess waste from the bloodstream through dialysis, or in cases when dialysis fail to be effective, then removal of the kidneys or going for kidney transplantation would be essential. A transplant is usually required in cases when both the kidneys get affected, or in case the patient is left with only one kidney and that too has got enlarged.
There will be a risk if you through dialysis or kidney transplant to cure the symptoms. you can choose Chinese Medicine to treat enlarged kidneys,because Chinese Medicine will ease this symptom gradually.And have no pain feeling in the whole treat progress.Do you heard Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?This therapy can let Chinese Medicine enter your kidneys directly through skin by a machine.Because the Medicine can enter kidneys directly,So the enlarged cyst will soon disapper .
If you have interested in this therapy,or have any question consult me through my e-mail .
Calcium & Phosphorus changes With Renal Failure
Kidney failure can affect every aspect of your body.Do you know renal failure will cause Calcium and Phosphours changes in one's body.Let us to know more knowledge about Calcium and Phosphorus changes with Renal Failure.
Renal, or kidney failure, is commonly caused by high blood pressure or diabetes. The kidneys have many important roles,such as regulating fluid and minerals in the body. They also signal the bone marrow to make red blood cells, synthesize vitamin D, regulate the blood pressure, excrete waste chemicals in the urine and regulate acid-base levels. Problems in the kidneys will affect these capabilities and change your levels of calcium and phosphorus. The diagnosis and management of disease should be done with the consultation of a health-care professional.
The management of renal failure in general involves addressing the underlying cause, such as treating an infection or suppressing an abnormal immune response against the kidneys. Hypocalcemia is treated with vitamin D and calcium supplements. High phosphates are treated with a low phosphate diet and drugs that bind to phosphate. Often, kidney failure will require dialysis, which is a machine that acts as an artificial kidney. Dialysis is usually performed several times per week to filter the blood and regulate the fluid and mineral levels.
Change the environment of your kidneys is one important factor to treat your kidney disease.Immunotherapy is one of this therapy.
It is reported that 85%-90% of kidney diseases result from inappropriate immune response and low immunity. The reason why we human being can be free from the attack of bacteria or virus is that we have strong immune system.
However, once our immune system is disturbed, antigens can combine antibodies easily so as to form immune complexes. These complexes can build up in any part of our body to cause damage via blood circulation. Kidney disease, such as IgA Nephropathy, Lupus Nephritis and Purpura Nephritis, occurs as a consequence of the immune complex deposition in kidney. Based on this, many kidney experts work together to create Immunotherapy in recent years.
Immunotherapy is a great alternative treatment for kidney disease especially which is due to autoimmune disease. As a combination of herbal medicines and western medicines, this therapy shows outstanding therapeutic effects on not only treating kidney disease but also regulating patients’ immune system.
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Renal, or kidney failure, is commonly caused by high blood pressure or diabetes. The kidneys have many important roles,such as regulating fluid and minerals in the body. They also signal the bone marrow to make red blood cells, synthesize vitamin D, regulate the blood pressure, excrete waste chemicals in the urine and regulate acid-base levels. Problems in the kidneys will affect these capabilities and change your levels of calcium and phosphorus. The diagnosis and management of disease should be done with the consultation of a health-care professional.
Direction of Change
In kidney failure, the blood concentrations of calcium and phosphorus become abnormal. Calcium levels drop, a condition called hypocalcemia, that can cause muscle weakness and nerve problems. In contrast, phosphorus levels rise. This is a condition called hyperphosphatemia, which can cause bone problems and itching.Mechanisms
Low calcium occurs in kidney failure for at least two reasons. First, in kidney failure, the kidneys cannot synthesize vitamin D. Vitamin D normally raises the level of calcium in the body. Without vitamin D, calcium is not absorbed from the diet. Second, high levels of phosphate bind to calcium and can deposit in the tissues. Phosphate, which contains phosphorus, rises because the kidneys are normally responsible for excreting phosphate. When they do not work, phosphate is absorbed in the diet and not excreted.Complications
Low calcium levels encourage the release of parathyroid hormone from the parathyroid glands in the neck. Parathyroid hormone increases blood calcium by reabsorbing calcium from the bones. This can lead to a condition called renal osteodystrophy. In this disease, kidney failure leads to bone loss. Low calcium can also lead to muscle cramping. The calcium-phosphate deposits in the skin can cause itching. Other symptoms and complications involve loss of other functions of the kidney and the buildup of other waste products, such as urea.Diagnosis
The diagnosis of low calcium and high phosphorus can be made on a blood test. Renal failure is diagnosed from a history, physical exam, laboratory findings, and possibly imaging, such as ultrasound or a biopsy, in which tissues are removed and studied. In addition to low calcium and high phosphate, blood studies will show other abnormalities such as a high creatinine, blood-urea nitrogen and potassium.Management
The management of renal failure in general involves addressing the underlying cause, such as treating an infection or suppressing an abnormal immune response against the kidneys. Hypocalcemia is treated with vitamin D and calcium supplements. High phosphates are treated with a low phosphate diet and drugs that bind to phosphate. Often, kidney failure will require dialysis, which is a machine that acts as an artificial kidney. Dialysis is usually performed several times per week to filter the blood and regulate the fluid and mineral levels.
Change the environment of your kidneys is one important factor to treat your kidney disease.Immunotherapy is one of this therapy.
It is reported that 85%-90% of kidney diseases result from inappropriate immune response and low immunity. The reason why we human being can be free from the attack of bacteria or virus is that we have strong immune system.
However, once our immune system is disturbed, antigens can combine antibodies easily so as to form immune complexes. These complexes can build up in any part of our body to cause damage via blood circulation. Kidney disease, such as IgA Nephropathy, Lupus Nephritis and Purpura Nephritis, occurs as a consequence of the immune complex deposition in kidney. Based on this, many kidney experts work together to create Immunotherapy in recent years.
Immunotherapy is a great alternative treatment for kidney disease especially which is due to autoimmune disease. As a combination of herbal medicines and western medicines, this therapy shows outstanding therapeutic effects on not only treating kidney disease but also regulating patients’ immune system.
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Renal Failure & Potassium
Do you want to know the relationship between kidney failure and potassium.The follwing content will let you know more about Potassium and kidney failure.
Renal failure results when the kidneys are inadequate in filtering metabolic wastes. Renal failure can result from low blood flow to the kidneys, problems within the kidneys or decreased outflow from the kidneys. Renal failure can occur acutely or chronically, over long periods of time. Electrolytes such as sodium, calcium, phosphate and potassium are not filtered properly in renal failure. Renal failure also affects the distribution of water in the body.
Causes of Renal Failure
Decreased blood flow to the kidneys often causes renal failure. Blood loss, low blood pressure caused by excess dilation of blood vessels, heart attacks and diseases of the heart can cause decreased blood flow to the kidneys. Medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen can alter the flow of blood through the kidneys. Extreme cases of burns or dehydration can lead to renal failure.Symptoms of Renal Failure
Decreased urine output and swelling of the legs and ankles are major symptoms of renal failure. Swelling of the legs, or edema, is a result of too much water in the tissues. Shortness of breath, tiredness and chest pain also occur in renal failure.The decreased urine output in renal failure means the buildup of metabolic wastes in the blood. Drowsiness, confusion, nausea and seizure are symptoms that relate to increased waste in the blood.
Elevated Potassium in Renal Failure
Potassium elevation, or hyperkalemia, is a major issue in renal failure because it can lead to cardiac arrest, a condition where your heart stops beating. Cardiac arrest occurs when potassium is very high in the blood. In renal failure, a major goal of treatment is to prevent heart complications by controlling potassium levels.Treatment for Elevated Potassium
A variety of treatments exist for elevated potassium. Dialysis is the most effective treatment for high elevations in potassium when the kidney function is inadequate. Loop diuretics, or water pills, can be used to force out potassium in the urine but are not effective when there is inadequate blood flow to the kidneys. Glucose and insulin can be used as well. Insulin in combination with glucoses drives potassium into cells, taking potassium away from the blood stream. Kayexalate, a molecule that binds to potassium, can be used to remove excess potassium.If you want to find a alternative treatment.You can try Blood pollution therapy this therapy .
Different from the previous kidney treatment, Blood Pollution Therapy focuses on treating patients’ polluted blood before reversing their kidney damage. As a great breakthrough for treating various kidney disease in this year, this therapy shows dramatically therapeutic effect.
Normal Potassium Levels
Normal potassium levels range from 3.7 to 5.2 mEq per liter of blood. Controlling the level of potassium is important in renal failure; the level should be checked frequently. Potassium in the blood is assessed by extracting a blood sample through a needle. Individuals in renal failure should be on a low-potassium diet and should avoid food sources high in potassium.
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Cause of Kidney Failure in Adults
Many factors will make your kidney disease get serious,At last will lead to kidney failure.From the following content you can know more knowledge of causes of kidney failure to avoid kidney failure.
Healthy kidneys cleanse the excess fluid, minerals and other bodily waste products collected by the blood by producing urine. They also help balance the volume of electrolytes and regulate the pH range in the body. Furthermore, the kidneys release rennin, a central hormone in the control of blood pressure and various other physiological functions. Illness or injury prevents the blood-filtering units of the kidneys, called nephrons, from functioning properly. When the kidneys lose their functionality, fluids, salts and waste can build up in the bloodstream. This is called kidney failure. Researchers at the University of Michigan Medical School have reported a new genetic finding: A gene, when mutated, causes nephronophthisis--the primary genetic cause of chronic kidney failure especially in children and young adults.
IgA nephropathy is the deposition of IgA immune complexes in the glomeruli, or the tufts of blood capillaries, in the nephrons of the kidney. The first signs of this glomerular disease will be blood or protein in the urine, but the beginning of this problem may go unnoticed because it often stays clinically silent for many years. IgA nephropathy occurs in persons of all ages but is common in young adults. However, younger people usually do not show any obvious signs of kidney malfunction because the process takes several years to progress to end-stage when the symptoms become visible. Early treatment of IgA nephropathy is the key to protecting the kidneys. The treatment goal is aimed at both lowering the arterial pressure and reducing proteinuria--the presence of excess protein in the urine.
Healthy kidneys cleanse the excess fluid, minerals and other bodily waste products collected by the blood by producing urine. They also help balance the volume of electrolytes and regulate the pH range in the body. Furthermore, the kidneys release rennin, a central hormone in the control of blood pressure and various other physiological functions. Illness or injury prevents the blood-filtering units of the kidneys, called nephrons, from functioning properly. When the kidneys lose their functionality, fluids, salts and waste can build up in the bloodstream. This is called kidney failure. Researchers at the University of Michigan Medical School have reported a new genetic finding: A gene, when mutated, causes nephronophthisis--the primary genetic cause of chronic kidney failure especially in children and young adults.
Polycystic Kidney Disease
Polycystic kidney disease, also known as polycystic kidney syndrome and PKD, is a genetic disorder of renal cyst formation. It is characterized by the presence of numerous small cysts in both kidneys. The two major forms of PKD, namely autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney diseases, are distinguished by their patterns of inheritance. Autosomal dominant PKD is common in both children and adults, but it most often occurs in young adults, according to MedlinePlus. For some people, the symptoms of autosomal dominant PKD may not manifest until middle age.Goodpasture's Syndrome
Goodpasture's syndrome, or anti-glomerular basement membrane disease, is a rare but serious condition that causes glomerulonephritis, or acute or chronic inflammation of the renal glomeruli--the clusters of microscopic blood vessels in the kidneys. This disease affects mostly young men but also occurs in women, children and older people, according to National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse. Persons with Goodpasture's syndrome may rapidly progress to the end-stage of renal disease, or total loss of kidney function, especially when the disease is not detected or treated early, according to the American Association of Critical Care Nurses.IgA Nephropathy
IgA nephropathy is the deposition of IgA immune complexes in the glomeruli, or the tufts of blood capillaries, in the nephrons of the kidney. The first signs of this glomerular disease will be blood or protein in the urine, but the beginning of this problem may go unnoticed because it often stays clinically silent for many years. IgA nephropathy occurs in persons of all ages but is common in young adults. However, younger people usually do not show any obvious signs of kidney malfunction because the process takes several years to progress to end-stage when the symptoms become visible. Early treatment of IgA nephropathy is the key to protecting the kidneys. The treatment goal is aimed at both lowering the arterial pressure and reducing proteinuria--the presence of excess protein in the urine.
Treatment to avoid Kidney Failure
Do you want to find an therapy that can treat kidney disease naturally?Do you want to find an therapy that have little complication in treat progress?Do you want the the whole treat period have any painful feeling.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is this kind of therapy.
If you want to know more detail informations about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy,send an email to .
How to Prevent Kidney Failure
Kidney Failure is a horrible words for patients that diagnosed with kidney disease.Do you want to know how to prevent kidney failure in daily life.This article will tell you the answer for the question.
For those who suffer kidney disease, you will know how critical it is to prevent kidney failure. Kidney failure can be both temporary and permanent. This can be known as acute kidney failure/acute renal failure or chronic kidney failure.
The Difference between Acute and Chronic Kidney Failure
With acute kidney failure, the function of the kidneys is rapidly lost, and can occur from many different stresses on the body, most of which are related to diet. Others can be indirectly related to diet, being brought on by another disease or illness. There are many different classifications of acute kidney failure and are generalised into the following categories:
Common Prerenal Causes of Kidney Failure
dehydration from excess fluid loss (diarrhoea, flu, gastroenteritis, sweating)
dehydration from lack of fluid intake
hypovolemia from excess blood loss
obstruction of kidney arteries and veins causing inconsistent blood flow
pain killers, other medication and excess sodium/potassium/protein
Common Postrenal Causes of Kidney Failure
Having any restriction in the bladder can cause backflow to the kidneys. This can cause a series of events, from infection to completely damaging the kidneys due to the excess pressure.
Blockages, cysts, tumours located in the abdomen can form obstructions around the ureters.
Other age related obstructions, including cancers and other tumours around the bladder
Having kidney stones do not directly affect the kidney failure, but do increase the risk, but having allot of extra strain on the kidneys.
Common Causes of Kidney Damage
Toxic Medications can be found in certain antibiotics, ibuprofen, some anti inflammatory drugs, iodine and radiology medications.
Sepsis can occur if the body’s immune system is battling infection. This can cause the kidneys to shut down as a result.
Muscle breakdown can cause muscle fibres which have been damaged to clog the filtration of the kidneys. This can usually be on set by severe trauma and burns to the body.
Inflamation of the kidney filtering system – the glomeruli
Common Causes of Chronic Kidney Failure
Many problems listed above can result in chronic kidney failure
constant high blood pressure
people suffering diabetes
chronic glomerulonephritis.
kidney stones
prostate disease or prostate cancer
reflux nephropathy
polycystic conditions
Common Symptoms of Kidney Failure
Kidney failure can sometimes be hard to detect, and not always show obvious symptoms. The main way to ask if you are showing the symptoms is to ask yourself if you are at risk. Kidney failure is 99% of the time the result of poor dieting and malnutrition. What you will notice when symptoms start to appear is when you start to see irregularities in waste products clearing the body, onset of weakness, fluid retention, some mild pain or even slight discomfort while urinating.
All of these symptoms of kidney failure should immediately ring alarm bells and require immediate adjustments to diet and lifestyle.
All of these will result in directly related medical symptoms, such as excess potassium levels causing heart rhythm problems, an increase in urea levels in the blood – which can affect a number of organs in the body, anemia – resulting in general weakness, loss of appetite due to build-up of excess waste products – which will result in further issues all contributing to kidney failure, rising blood pressure due to the acid load on the body and trouble breathing.
It is extremely important, that even if you feel the onset of kidney failure as being an option, to drastically change your diet to help lighten the load and strain on your kidneys. This can even reverse kidney failure if it is undertaken as soon as possible.
With western diets contributing to all of the common forms of kidney failure, it is the best option to reverse any chances of suffering kidney failure and help restore health to the whole body.
For those who suffer kidney disease, you will know how critical it is to prevent kidney failure. Kidney failure can be both temporary and permanent. This can be known as acute kidney failure/acute renal failure or chronic kidney failure.
The Difference between Acute and Chronic Kidney Failure
With acute kidney failure, the function of the kidneys is rapidly lost, and can occur from many different stresses on the body, most of which are related to diet. Others can be indirectly related to diet, being brought on by another disease or illness. There are many different classifications of acute kidney failure and are generalised into the following categories:
dehydration from excess fluid loss (diarrhoea, flu, gastroenteritis, sweating)
dehydration from lack of fluid intake
hypovolemia from excess blood loss
obstruction of kidney arteries and veins causing inconsistent blood flow
pain killers, other medication and excess sodium/potassium/protein
Common Postrenal Causes of Kidney Failure
Having any restriction in the bladder can cause backflow to the kidneys. This can cause a series of events, from infection to completely damaging the kidneys due to the excess pressure.
Blockages, cysts, tumours located in the abdomen can form obstructions around the ureters.
Other age related obstructions, including cancers and other tumours around the bladder
Having kidney stones do not directly affect the kidney failure, but do increase the risk, but having allot of extra strain on the kidneys.
Common Causes of Kidney Damage
Toxic Medications can be found in certain antibiotics, ibuprofen, some anti inflammatory drugs, iodine and radiology medications.
Sepsis can occur if the body’s immune system is battling infection. This can cause the kidneys to shut down as a result.
Muscle breakdown can cause muscle fibres which have been damaged to clog the filtration of the kidneys. This can usually be on set by severe trauma and burns to the body.
Inflamation of the kidney filtering system – the glomeruli
Common Causes of Chronic Kidney Failure
Many problems listed above can result in chronic kidney failure
constant high blood pressure
people suffering diabetes
chronic glomerulonephritis.
kidney stones
prostate disease or prostate cancer
reflux nephropathy
polycystic conditions
Common Symptoms of Kidney Failure
Kidney failure can sometimes be hard to detect, and not always show obvious symptoms. The main way to ask if you are showing the symptoms is to ask yourself if you are at risk. Kidney failure is 99% of the time the result of poor dieting and malnutrition. What you will notice when symptoms start to appear is when you start to see irregularities in waste products clearing the body, onset of weakness, fluid retention, some mild pain or even slight discomfort while urinating.
All of these symptoms of kidney failure should immediately ring alarm bells and require immediate adjustments to diet and lifestyle.
All of these will result in directly related medical symptoms, such as excess potassium levels causing heart rhythm problems, an increase in urea levels in the blood – which can affect a number of organs in the body, anemia – resulting in general weakness, loss of appetite due to build-up of excess waste products – which will result in further issues all contributing to kidney failure, rising blood pressure due to the acid load on the body and trouble breathing.
It is extremely important, that even if you feel the onset of kidney failure as being an option, to drastically change your diet to help lighten the load and strain on your kidneys. This can even reverse kidney failure if it is undertaken as soon as possible.
With western diets contributing to all of the common forms of kidney failure, it is the best option to reverse any chances of suffering kidney failure and help restore health to the whole body.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is not a simple herb, but a medical
procedure in which different Chinese herbs are used externally to improve kidney
condition. Compared with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Micro-Chinese
Medicine Osmotherapy works more effectively and quickly. More importantly, it
causes no discomforts and during the whole treatment process, what patients need
to do is to lie on the bed for 40 minutes.
If you have interested in this therapy.Contact me through .
If you have interested in this therapy.Contact me through .
Cause and Treatment of Edema in Polycystic Kidney Disease
Edema is one of main symptoms of kidney disease.Do you know PKD can also cause edema?
With the development of the disease of PKD, some patients have the symptom of edema. Then what are the causes of edema?
As we all know that kidney is an important organ to remove excessive water and sodium in the human body. When one gets kidney disease, the excretion function of the kidney will decline, which will lead to the retention of the water and sodium in body. The specific causes of the renal edema includes the following aspects:
1.The decline of glomerulus filtration function;
2.The change of permeability of systematic blood capillary, which will cause that the water entry the tissue space;
3.The decrease of plasma albumin, which will cause the decrease of plasma osmotic pressure;
4.The decrease of effective blood volume, which will lead to the increase of aldosterone
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With the development of the disease of PKD, some patients have the symptom of edema. Then what are the causes of edema?
As we all know that kidney is an important organ to remove excessive water and sodium in the human body. When one gets kidney disease, the excretion function of the kidney will decline, which will lead to the retention of the water and sodium in body. The specific causes of the renal edema includes the following aspects:
1.The decline of glomerulus filtration function;
2.The change of permeability of systematic blood capillary, which will cause that the water entry the tissue space;
3.The decrease of plasma albumin, which will cause the decrease of plasma osmotic pressure;
4.The decrease of effective blood volume, which will lead to the increase of aldosterone
Then how can we treat the renal edema?
As for treatment of renal edema, the regular treatment is to use medication to promote the form of urine and its excretion, of course this treatment can relieve the patients’ suffer, but edema will come back again along with the development of cysts.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on Chinese medicines.Chinese medicines will be processed,which helps our body absorb Chinese medicines quicky and immediately.With the help of osmosis machines,the activated Chinese medicines in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy will work on kidney thus repairing renal damage and recovering renal functions.When PKD develops,there will be more wastes and toxins building up in our body including creatinine.However,Chinese medicines in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy have the functions of removing stasis out of the body.Therefore high creatinine will be lowered at fast speed.Have any questions you can consult me through .
Kidney Infection and Polycystic Kidney Disease
Do you know PKD can cause kidney infection?And Do you want to know what symptoms will occur if your kidney be infected?
Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD) can cause infection, which lead to some kidney infection symptoms. To know the symptoms of infection early help people with PKD get treatment in time.
The blood supplied to kidney is lack because of PKD, leading to increase secretion of renin, the function of which can contract blood vessels to make the kidney get more blood. The contraction of blood vessels is the reason of high blood pressure. The incidence of high blood pressure in PKD patients is high.
Now you have knew some symptoms of kidney disease patients.Let me tell you a therapy to polycystic kidney disease.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the most famous therapy to treat kidney disease from root perspective.The activated Chinese medicines in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat kidney disease by restoring renal functions,repairing renal damage,improving immunity,regulating blood system and adjusting blood pressure thus getting rid of dialysis.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy also can be taken to our home thus helping our PKD patients to prolong life expectancy at most.
Do you have any questions about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or your disease contions,Consult me through .
Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD) can cause infection, which lead to some kidney infection symptoms. To know the symptoms of infection early help people with PKD get treatment in time.
What are kidney infection symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)?
Back pain, abdomen discomfort or pain
The causes of the dull pain are kidney enlargement that results in tension or oppression to surrounding tissues and organs. In addition, many cysts increase the weight of kidney, which can also lead to dull pain because of the straining of kidney. If bleeding in the cysts or secondary infection present, the pain in one side or two sides will become severe. If PKD is accompanied with kidney stones or the blood clot caused by bleeding blocks the urinary tract, renal colic could present.Blood in urine
The medical name of blood in urine is hematuria, which can be divided into microscopic hematuria and gross hematuria. It occurs periodically and pain could be worse because of the presence of blood in urine. The reason of bleeding is due to rupture of blood vessels on the surface of cysts wall, which is caused by oppression of large cysts or concurrent infection.Abdomen lump
Lump in abdomen area is one of the reasons that people with PKD go to see a doctor. About 60%~80% of people with PKD can touch the enlarged kidney. The larger the kidney is, the worse the kidney function is.Protein in urine
Normally there is not a large amount of protein in urine(<2g/24h).High blood pressure
The blood supplied to kidney is lack because of PKD, leading to increase secretion of renin, the function of which can contract blood vessels to make the kidney get more blood. The contraction of blood vessels is the reason of high blood pressure. The incidence of high blood pressure in PKD patients is high.
Now you have knew some symptoms of kidney disease patients.Let me tell you a therapy to polycystic kidney disease.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the most famous therapy to treat kidney disease from root perspective.The activated Chinese medicines in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat kidney disease by restoring renal functions,repairing renal damage,improving immunity,regulating blood system and adjusting blood pressure thus getting rid of dialysis.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy also can be taken to our home thus helping our PKD patients to prolong life expectancy at most.
Do you have any questions about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or your disease contions,Consult me through .
Are Bubbles in Urine Serious or Not?- kidney disease symptoms
Bubbles in urine is a common symptoms in kidney disease.Do you want to ask are Bubbles in urine serious or not in kidney disease?
If you are experiencing bubbles in urine, it could be an indicator of leakage of protein, which may comes from proteinuria, urinary tract infection and so on or which also may reveals intake of protein food or insufficient intake of water.
Proteinuria means a large numbers of proteins in urine. How much proteins leak into urine reveals how much damage happens to your glomeruli. When there is too much protein in urine reacts with air during urination and hits the ground, a large amount of bubble will be in urine. Bubbles in urine are not the only manifestation of Proteinuria. Patients are always accompanied with edema, such as dropsy eyes, feet and legs.
Urinary Tract Infection. If you are undergoing urinary tract infection, you will find many bubbles in urine. A gas forming organism infecting the urinary tract is responsible for blowing these bubbles. Besides, you will urinate more frequently at night than before. Meantime, you may feel a burning sensation.
Intake of protein food. If you take much protein food in a not long period, you body does not need such a great amount of protein, so your body will send excess proteins out through urine. High protein food includes fish, chicken and other meats.
Mild dehydration. Insufficient intake of water may also induce bubbles in urine, because urine is more concentrated at that time, which is easy to form bubbles.
The former two conditions are severe which needs to see doctor as soon as possible. Apart from proteinuria and urinary tract infection, bubbles in urine also may reveal vesicocolic fistula, kidney disease etc. The later two are not as severe as you think. In addition, in women, they may find bubbles in urine during pregnancy or menstruation, which should not worry them too much.
If you are experiencing bubbles in urine, it could be an indicator of leakage of protein, which may comes from proteinuria, urinary tract infection and so on or which also may reveals intake of protein food or insufficient intake of water.
Proteinuria means a large numbers of proteins in urine. How much proteins leak into urine reveals how much damage happens to your glomeruli. When there is too much protein in urine reacts with air during urination and hits the ground, a large amount of bubble will be in urine. Bubbles in urine are not the only manifestation of Proteinuria. Patients are always accompanied with edema, such as dropsy eyes, feet and legs.
Urinary Tract Infection. If you are undergoing urinary tract infection, you will find many bubbles in urine. A gas forming organism infecting the urinary tract is responsible for blowing these bubbles. Besides, you will urinate more frequently at night than before. Meantime, you may feel a burning sensation.
Intake of protein food. If you take much protein food in a not long period, you body does not need such a great amount of protein, so your body will send excess proteins out through urine. High protein food includes fish, chicken and other meats.
Mild dehydration. Insufficient intake of water may also induce bubbles in urine, because urine is more concentrated at that time, which is easy to form bubbles.
The former two conditions are severe which needs to see doctor as soon as possible. Apart from proteinuria and urinary tract infection, bubbles in urine also may reveal vesicocolic fistula, kidney disease etc. The later two are not as severe as you think. In addition, in women, they may find bubbles in urine during pregnancy or menstruation, which should not worry them too much.
It is reported that 85%-90% of kidney diseases result from inappropriate
immune response and low immunity. The reason why we human being can be free from
the attack of bacteria or virus is that we have strong immune system.
However, once our immune system is disturbed, antigens can combine antibodies easily so as to form immune complexes. These complexes can build up in any part of our body to cause damage via blood circulation. Kidney disease, such as IgA Nephropathy, Lupus Nephritis and Purpura Nephritis, occurs as a consequence of the immune complex deposition in kidney. Based on this, many kidney experts work together to create Immunotherapy in recent years.
Immunotherapy is a great alternative treatment for kidney disease especially which is due to autoimmune disease. As a combination of herbal medicines and western medicines, this therapy shows outstanding therapeutic effects on not only treating kidney disease but also regulating patients’ immune system.
Have any questions? Please consult our on-line doctor for .
However, once our immune system is disturbed, antigens can combine antibodies easily so as to form immune complexes. These complexes can build up in any part of our body to cause damage via blood circulation. Kidney disease, such as IgA Nephropathy, Lupus Nephritis and Purpura Nephritis, occurs as a consequence of the immune complex deposition in kidney. Based on this, many kidney experts work together to create Immunotherapy in recent years.
Immunotherapy is a great alternative treatment for kidney disease especially which is due to autoimmune disease. As a combination of herbal medicines and western medicines, this therapy shows outstanding therapeutic effects on not only treating kidney disease but also regulating patients’ immune system.
Have any questions? Please consult our on-line doctor for .
Skin problems and kidney disease
Skin problem Often occur in kidney disease patients,What is the reason?And What should we do to relieve this symptom.
ESRD is relatively common and skin problems can affect the patient's quality of life. Physicians must be aware of cutaneous manifestations of kidney disease to properly diagnose, reassure and educate patients and to offer appropriate therapies. As well, they should know about some classical cutaneous symptoms associated with a variety of diseases that affect the kidney. With the number of renal transplant patients steadily increasing, it's also important to consider the impact of immunosuppressive medications that can cause skin problems such as malignancies and infections.
What's the connection between kidneys and the skin?
End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is a progressive and irreversible kidney dysfunction lasting 3 months or more. Nearly all patients with ESRD have at least one dermatological disorder, and these skin and nail changes can occur before or even after initiation of dialysis or transplantation. Some propose that the skin manifestations are due to the underlying pathologic process that induced the renal disease, while others believe that skin changes are related to the severity and duration of renal failure.ESRD is relatively common and skin problems can affect the patient's quality of life. Physicians must be aware of cutaneous manifestations of kidney disease to properly diagnose, reassure and educate patients and to offer appropriate therapies. As well, they should know about some classical cutaneous symptoms associated with a variety of diseases that affect the kidney. With the number of renal transplant patients steadily increasing, it's also important to consider the impact of immunosuppressive medications that can cause skin problems such as malignancies and infections.
How to treat Skin itch
Immunotherapy is a great alternative treatment for kidney disease especially which is due to autoimmune disease. As a combination of herbal medicines and western medicines, this therapy shows outstanding therapeutic effects on not only treating kidney disease but also regulating patients’ immune system.Skin itch will disappear if you treat this disease by this therapy.
If you want to know more about this therapy,Send me an .
If you want to know more about this therapy,Send me an .
Is Back Pain A Symptom Of Kidney Failure
Do you sufferring from kidney diseas with back pain?And because of this symptom you can't sleep well in the night.Do you want to know what caused back pain in kidney disease patients?Read this article and find the answer .
Back pain can come from a variety of possible causes. Typically it results from spine or muscle issues. But sometimes, neither of these is the real source of your discomfort.
The trouble may, in fact, be a kidney problem. A kidney infection or a kidney stone can, literally, bring a grown man to his knees. I know. It has happened to me more than once.
So how do you know whether your back pain comes from a spinal or muscular injury versus a renal problem?
Location is your first clue. Kidney pain usually happens in the "flank" region, which is just below the bottom of your rib cage. You'll feel the pain in your back, but it won't be along the spinal column - it will be more toward your side.
Pain caused by renal problems often comes on quickly - as the saying goes, you "don't know what hit you."
Kidney stones sometimes cause back pain when they move from the kidneys down to the bladder. But they can also cause a blockage in the ureters, which are the slender tubes connecting the bladder and kidneys. Besides back pain, one common symptom of a kidney stone or kidney infection include darker than average urine. A burning sensation is also typical, and you're likely feel the need to urinate more often than usual. Pain sometimes radiates around the side, into the abdomen, and in men, all the way down to the testicles.
Kidney stones sometimes pass out of your body when you urinate, especially if you drink a lot of water. When this happens, it's truly a blessing. Discomfort stops immediately.
Happily, as painful as they can be, they're generally not life threatening.
But a kidney infection, left untreated, can lead to kidney damage and even kidney failure. This is extremely serious.
There are two categories of kidney infections. There's glomerulonephritis, which can be acute or chronic, and pyelonephritis, which is an inflammation of one or both kidneys that can be acute, relapsing or chronic.
Therefore, if you even suspect your back pain is coming from kidney stones or a kidney infection, it's best to call a doctor right away.
Traditional Chinese Medicine which is always shortened as TCM has evolved over thousands of years. It is a unique view of the world and the human body that is totally different from western medicine concepts. Traditional Chinese Medicine is not a simple medicine or treatment, but a broad name of different kinds of medical methods which share common concepts and these medical methods include:
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Herbal Medicine
Foot Bath
These therapy could ease the symptom naturally.until the symptoms disapper.
If you want to know the detailed information about these therapy contact me through .
Back pain can come from a variety of possible causes. Typically it results from spine or muscle issues. But sometimes, neither of these is the real source of your discomfort.
The trouble may, in fact, be a kidney problem. A kidney infection or a kidney stone can, literally, bring a grown man to his knees. I know. It has happened to me more than once.
So how do you know whether your back pain comes from a spinal or muscular injury versus a renal problem?
Location is your first clue. Kidney pain usually happens in the "flank" region, which is just below the bottom of your rib cage. You'll feel the pain in your back, but it won't be along the spinal column - it will be more toward your side.
Pain caused by renal problems often comes on quickly - as the saying goes, you "don't know what hit you."
Kidney stones sometimes cause back pain when they move from the kidneys down to the bladder. But they can also cause a blockage in the ureters, which are the slender tubes connecting the bladder and kidneys. Besides back pain, one common symptom of a kidney stone or kidney infection include darker than average urine. A burning sensation is also typical, and you're likely feel the need to urinate more often than usual. Pain sometimes radiates around the side, into the abdomen, and in men, all the way down to the testicles.
Kidney stones sometimes pass out of your body when you urinate, especially if you drink a lot of water. When this happens, it's truly a blessing. Discomfort stops immediately.
Happily, as painful as they can be, they're generally not life threatening.
But a kidney infection, left untreated, can lead to kidney damage and even kidney failure. This is extremely serious.
There are two categories of kidney infections. There's glomerulonephritis, which can be acute or chronic, and pyelonephritis, which is an inflammation of one or both kidneys that can be acute, relapsing or chronic.
Therefore, if you even suspect your back pain is coming from kidney stones or a kidney infection, it's best to call a doctor right away.
Treatment for kidney failure with back pain
Traditional Chinese Medicine which is always shortened as TCM has evolved over thousands of years. It is a unique view of the world and the human body that is totally different from western medicine concepts. Traditional Chinese Medicine is not a simple medicine or treatment, but a broad name of different kinds of medical methods which share common concepts and these medical methods include:
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Herbal Medicine
Foot Bath
These therapy could ease the symptom naturally.until the symptoms disapper.
If you want to know the detailed information about these therapy contact me through .
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